--- title: Ice Cream --- # Ice Cream This is essentially [Melissa Clark's Ice Cream recipe](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016605-the-only-ice-cream-recipe-youll-ever-need). I've found this to be a really nice ice cream base recipe. It's plenty rich without being overly eggy, and is easy to flavor. Yields about 1.5 pints. Remember that churning ice cream is essentially aerating the mixture, so be sure not to overfill the churn as the volume will increase substantially. ## Ingredients - 2 c heavy cream - 1 c whole milk - 2/3 c sugar - 1/8 tsp fine sea salt - 6 large egg yolks ## Procedure Simmer heavy cream, milk, sugar, and salt until sugar is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Remove pot from heat. In a separate bowl, whisk yolks. Temper the yolks into the cream working in thirds. Bring the mixture to medium-low heat and cook gently until the creme anglaise has thickened to coat the back of a spoon or reached 170ºF. Cool mixture to room temperature, cover, and chill at least 4 hours. The mixture should be chilled to 40ºF before churning. ## Flavor Variations **Cafe mocha:** Add a tablespoon of instant espresso powder and a splash of coffee liqueur such as Tia Maria to the custard. Add in a cup or so of chocolate chunks just before churning is complete. **Double Chocolate** (adapted from [a recipe by Max Falkowitz](https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2015/04/best-dark-chocolate-ice-cream-recipe.html)): Bring the milk and cream to a simmer and add 2 oz cocoa nibs. Remove from heat and steep 2 hours. Strain and discard the nibs. Whisk the sugar with 2 oz Dutch process cocoa powder to combine, then whisk in the yolks. Make the creme anglaise with the steeped milk/cream and the cocoa/sugar/yolk mixtures. Optionally add 3 1/2 oz roughly chopped dark chocolate near the end of the churn.