# cdc - a CardDAV Completer For use with [aerc](https://aerc-mail.org), [mutt](http://www.mutt.org), etc. ## Installation Use `go get bnbl.io/cdc` to install. Next, simply create a configuration file at `$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/cdc/confg`, which by default is `$HOME/.config/cdc/config`. ```toml endpoint = "https://carddav.example.com/dav/users/me@example.com/Default" username = "your-username@example.com" password-cmd = "pass your-username@example.com" ``` ## Usage Search for contacts by running `cdc search-term`. cdc writes results in a format which is understood by aerc's and mutt's address book features. To configure aerc to use cdc for completion, add the following to ~/.config/aerc/aerc.conf: ``` [compose] address-book-cmd=cdc '%s' ``` ## Contributing Patches may be set to <~benburwell/patchall@lists.sr.ht>.