# GitHub SSH AuthorizedKeysCommand Utility Use the SSH public keys you've added to GitHub to log in to your machines! ## 0. Compile for your target OS Currently, ghsshauth has been tested on Debian and FreeBSD, but should basically support all UNIX-like systems. Feel free to send patches. ``` $ git clone git@github.com:benburwell/ghsshauth.git $ cd ghsshauth $ sudo make install ``` ## 1. Configure host Open `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`, find the `AuthorizedKeysCommand` line, and change it to: ``` AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/sbin/ghsshauth %h AuthorizedKeysCommandUser root ``` (the `%h` represents the home directory of the user being authenticated). In your home directory, create the file `.ssh/authorized_github_users` and add your GitHub username (and any other username you want to have access) to the file, one per line. You can begin lines with the `#` character to have them be ignored. **IMPORTANT:** You'll need to make sure that the `AuthorizedKeysCommandUser` has read access to the entire path up to your `authorized_github_users` file. The easy way to do this is to make set `AuthorizedKeysCommandUser root`. If you'd rather use `AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody`, then you'll need to make sure the `nobody` user has read access to `~/.ssh/authorized_github_users`. This means your home directory needs to be `chmod 755` as does your `.ssh` directory. **If you go this route, be sure that any secret keys in your `.ssh` directory such as `id_rsa` are `chmod 600`, else secret keys they will no longer be!**