# aerc aerc is a *work in progress* email client for your terminal. It is not yet suitable for daily use. Join the IRC channel: [#aerc on irc.freenode.net](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=aerc&uio=d4) ## Building Install the dependencies: - go (compile-time) - scdoc (compile-time) - libvterm (compile & runtime) Then compile aerc: $ make ## Installation # make install $ man aerc ## Usage ``` $ mkdir ~/.config/aerc $ cp config/*.conf ~/.config/aerc/ $ vim ~/.config/aerc/accounts.conf ``` Fill in your account details and configure the rest to taste, then run `aerc`. ## Contributing Send patches to [~sircmpwn/aerc@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~sircmpwn/aerc@lists.sr.ht). Bugs & todo here: [~sircmpwn/aerc2](https://todo.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aerc2)