path: root/README.md
diff options
authorBen Burwell <ben@benburwell.com>2020-04-14 00:18:46 -0400
committerBen Burwell <ben@benburwell.com>2020-04-14 00:18:46 -0400
commitec87a295591eb762ffa214f9c0da9ed7c9485721 (patch)
tree78372eaeefb874dcd25604528fb42e65e1bea47e /README.md
parent2ce3b86e0ff69538935db3149d1ed2f24aea09a3 (diff)
Simplify furtherHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8387e5b..76953cd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Cashier
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nsheridan/cashier.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/nsheridan/cashier)
- [Cashier](#cashier)
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Installing](#installing)
@@ -10,17 +8,9 @@
- [Server](#server)
- [Client](#client)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- - [server](#server-1)
- - [database](#database)
- - [auth](#auth)
- - [Provider-specific options](#provider-specific-options)
- - [ssh](#ssh)
- - [aws](#aws)
- - [vault](#vault)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Using cashier client](#using-cashier-client)
- [Configuring SSH](#configuring-ssh)
- - [Revoking certificates](#revoking-certificates)
- [Future Work](#future-work)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
@@ -88,103 +78,20 @@ Note: Cashier has only been tested on macOS and Linux.
# Configuration
Configuration is divided into different sections: `server`, `auth`, `ssh`, and `aws`.
-## A note on files:
-For any option that takes a file path as a parameter (e.g. SSH signing key, TLS key, TLS cert), the path can be one of:
-- A relative or absolute filesystem path e.g. `/data/ssh_signing_key`, `tls/server.key`.
-- An AWS S3 bucket + object path starting with `/s3/` e.g. `/s3/my-bucket/ssh_signing_key`. You should add an [aws](#aws) config as needed.
-- A Google GCS bucket + object path starting with `/gcs/` e.g. `/gcs/my-bucket/ssh_signing_key`.
-- A [Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io) path + key starting with `/vault/` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/ssh_signing_key`. You should add a [vault](#vault) config as needed.
-Exception to this: the `http_logfile` option **ONLY** writes to local files.
## server
-- `use_tls` : boolean. If this is set then either `tls_key` and `tls_cert` are required, or `letsencrypt_servername` is required.
-- `tls_key` : string. Path to the TLS key. See the [note](#a-note-on-files) on files above.
-- `tls_cert` : string. Path to the TLS cert. See the [note](#a-note-on-files) on files above.
-- `letsencrypt_servername`: string. If set will request a certificate from LetsEncrypt. This should match the expected FQDN of the server.
-- `letsencrypt_cachedir`: string. Directory to cache the LetsEncrypt certificate. See the [note](#a-note-on-files) on files above.
- `address` : string. IP address to listen on. If unset the server listens on all addresses.
- `port` : int. Port to listen on.
- `user` : string. User to which the server drops privileges to. **Note** Dropping privileges might not work as expected as some [threads may retain their privileges due to the limitations of the Go runtime](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/1435).
- `cookie_secret`: string. Authentication key for the session cookie. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/cookie_secret`.
- `csrf_secret`: string. Authentication key for CSRF protection. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/csrf_secret`.
- `http_logfile`: string. Path to the HTTP request log. Logs are written in the [Common Log Format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Log_Format). The only valid destination for logs is a local file path.
-- `require_reason`: bool. Require the client to provide a reason when requesting a certificate. Defaults to `false`.
-- `database`: See below.
-### database
-The database is used to record issued certificates for audit and revocation purposes.
-- `type` : string. One of `mysql`, `sqlite` or `mem`.
-- `address` : string. (`mysql` only) Hostname and optional port of the database server.
-- `username` : string. Database username.
-- `password` : string. Database password. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/mysql_password`.
-- `filename` : string. (`sqlite` only). Path to sqlite database.
-- `dbname`: string (`mysql` only). Name of database to use.
-server {
- database {
- type = "mysql"
- address = "my-db-host.corp"
- username = "user"
- password = "passwd"
- dbname = "cashier_production"
- }
- database {
- type = "mem"
- }
- database {
- type = "sqlite"
- filename = "/data/cashier.db"
- }
-Cashierd **will not** create the database for you - you need to create this. On startup cashierd will execute any schema changes.
-Obviously you should setup a role user for running in prodution.
-## auth
-- `provider` : string. Name of the oauth provider. Valid providers are currently "google", "github" and "gitlab".
-- `oauth_client_id` : string. Oauth Client ID. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/oauth_client_id`.
-- `oauth_client_secret` : string. Oauth secret. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/oauth_client_secret`.
+## github
+- `oauth_client_id` : string. Oauth Client ID.
+- `oauth_client_secret` : string. Oauth secret.
- `oauth_callback_url` : string. URL that the Oauth provider will redirect to after user authorisation. The path is hardcoded to `"/auth/callback"` in the source.
-- `provider_opts` : object. Additional options for the provider.
-- `users_whitelist` : array of strings. Optional list of whitelisted usernames. If missing, all users of your current domain/organization are allowed to authenticate against cashierd. For Google auth a user is an email address. For GitHub auth a user is a GitHub username.
-### Provider-specific options
-Oauth providers can support provider-specific options - e.g. to ensure organization membership.
-Options are set in the `provider_opts` hash.
-auth {
- provider = "google"
- provider_opts {
- domain = "example.com"
- }
-Supported options:
-| Provider | Option | Notes |
-| Github | organization | If this is unset then you must whitelist individual users using `users_whitelist`. The oauth client and secrets should be issued by the specified organization. |
-| Gitlab | allusers | Allow all valid users to get signed keys. Only allowed if siteurl set. |
-| Gitlab | group | If `allusers` and this are unset then you must whitelist individual users using `users_whitelist`. Otherwise the user must be a member of this group. |
-| Gitlab | siteurl | Optional. The url of the Gitlab site. Default: `https://gitlab.com/` |
-| Google | domain | If this is unset then you must whitelist individual email addresses using `users_whitelist`. |
-| Microsoft | groups | Comma separated list of valid groups. |
-| Microsoft | tenant | The domain name of the Office 365 account. |
+- `users_whitelist` : array of strings. Optional list of whitelisted GitHub usernames.
+- `orgs_whitelist` : array of strings. Optional list of whitelisted GitHub orgs.
## ssh
- `signing_key`: string. Path to the certificate signing ssh private key. Use `ssh-keygen` to create the key and store it somewhere safe. See also the [note](#a-note-on-files) on files above.
@@ -192,21 +99,6 @@ Supported options:
- `max_age`: string. If set the server will not issue certificates with an expiration value longer than this, regardless of what the client requests. Must be a valid Go [`time.Duration`](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration) string.
- `permissions`: array of string. Specify the actions the certificate can perform. See the [`-O` option to `ssh-keygen(1)`](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/ssh-keygen.1) for a complete list. e.g. `permissions = ["permit-pty", "permit-port-forwarding", force-command=/bin/ls", "source-address="]`
-## aws
-AWS configuration is only needed for accessing signing keys stored on S3, and isn't totally necessary even then.
-The S3 client can be configured using any of [the usual AWS-SDK means](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/wiki/configuring-sdk) - environment variables, IAM roles etc.
-It's strongly recommended that signing keys stored on S3 be locked down to specific IAM roles and encrypted using KMS.
-- `region`: string. AWS region the bucket resides in, e.g. `us-east-1`.
-- `access_key`: string. AWS Access Key ID. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/aws_access_key`.
-- `secret_key`: string. AWS Secret Key. This can be a secret stored in a [vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) using the form `/vault/path/key` e.g. `/vault/secret/cashier/aws_secret_key`.
-## vault
-Vault support is currently a work-in-progress.
-- `address`: string. URL to the vault server.
-- `token`: string. Auth token for the vault.
# Usage
Cashier comes in two parts, a [cli](cmd/cashier) and a [server](cmd/cashierd).
The server is configured using a HCL configuration file - [example](example-server.conf).
@@ -248,22 +140,6 @@ TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/ca.pub
where `/etc/ssh/ca.pub` contains the public part of your signing key.
-If you wish to use certificate revocation you need to set the `RevokedKeys` option in sshd_config - see the next section.
-## Revoking certificates
-When a certificate is signed a record is kept in the configured database. You can view issued certs at `http(s)://<ca url>/admin/certs` and also revoke them.
-The revocation list is served at `http(s)://<ca url>/revoked`. To use it your sshd_config must have `RevokedKeys` set:
-RevokedKeys /etc/ssh/revoked_keys
-See the [`RevokedKeys` option in the sshd_config man page](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man5/sshd_config) for more.
-Keeping the revoked list up to date can be done with a cron job like:
-*/10 * * * * * curl -s -o /etc/ssh/revoked_keys https://sshca.example.com/revoked
-Remember that the `revoked_keys` file **must** exist and **must** be readable by the sshd or else all ssh authentication will fail.
# Future Work
- Host certificates - only user certificates are supported at present.