path: root/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal
diff options
authorNiall Sheridan <nsheridan@gmail.com>2016-08-27 01:32:30 +0100
committerNiall Sheridan <nsheridan@gmail.com>2016-08-27 01:32:30 +0100
commit921818bca208f0c70e85ec670074cb3905cbbc82 (patch)
tree4aa67ad2bb2083bd486db3f99680d6d08a2c36b3 /vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal
parent7f1c9358805302344a89c1fed4eab1342931b061 (diff)
Update dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal')
6 files changed, 1730 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/gen/code.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/gen/code.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca917d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/gen/code.go
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gen
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/gob"
+ "fmt"
+ "hash"
+ "hash/fnv"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// This file contains utilities for generating code.
+// TODO: other write methods like:
+// - slices, maps, types, etc.
+// CodeWriter is a utility for writing structured code. It computes the content
+// hash and size of written content. It ensures there are newlines between
+// written code blocks.
+type CodeWriter struct {
+ buf bytes.Buffer
+ Size int
+ Hash hash.Hash32 // content hash
+ gob *gob.Encoder
+ // For comments we skip the usual one-line separator if they are followed by
+ // a code block.
+ skipSep bool
+func (w *CodeWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ return w.buf.Write(p)
+// NewCodeWriter returns a new CodeWriter.
+func NewCodeWriter() *CodeWriter {
+ h := fnv.New32()
+ return &CodeWriter{Hash: h, gob: gob.NewEncoder(h)}
+// WriteGoFile appends the buffer with the total size of all created structures
+// and writes it as a Go file to the the given file with the given package name.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteGoFile(filename, pkg string) {
+ f, err := os.Create(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not create file %s: %v", filename, err)
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ if _, err = w.WriteGo(f, pkg); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Error writing file %s: %v", filename, err)
+ }
+// WriteGo appends the buffer with the total size of all created structures and
+// writes it as a Go file to the the given writer with the given package name.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteGo(out io.Writer, pkg string) (n int, err error) {
+ sz := w.Size
+ w.WriteComment("Total table size %d bytes (%dKiB); checksum: %X\n", sz, sz/1024, w.Hash.Sum32())
+ defer w.buf.Reset()
+ return WriteGo(out, pkg, w.buf.Bytes())
+func (w *CodeWriter) printf(f string, x ...interface{}) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, f, x...)
+func (w *CodeWriter) insertSep() {
+ if w.skipSep {
+ w.skipSep = false
+ return
+ }
+ // Use at least two newlines to ensure a blank space between the previous
+ // block. WriteGoFile will remove extraneous newlines.
+ w.printf("\n\n")
+// WriteComment writes a comment block. All line starts are prefixed with "//".
+// Initial empty lines are gobbled. The indentation for the first line is
+// stripped from consecutive lines.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteComment(comment string, args ...interface{}) {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf(comment, args...)
+ s = strings.Trim(s, "\n")
+ // Use at least two newlines to ensure a blank space between the previous
+ // block. WriteGoFile will remove extraneous newlines.
+ w.printf("\n\n// ")
+ w.skipSep = true
+ // strip first indent level.
+ sep := "\n"
+ for ; len(s) > 0 && (s[0] == '\t' || s[0] == ' '); s = s[1:] {
+ sep += s[:1]
+ }
+ strings.NewReplacer(sep, "\n// ", "\n", "\n// ").WriteString(w, s)
+ w.printf("\n")
+func (w *CodeWriter) writeSizeInfo(size int) {
+ w.printf("// Size: %d bytes\n", size)
+// WriteConst writes a constant of the given name and value.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteConst(name string, x interface{}) {
+ w.insertSep()
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
+ switch v.Type().Kind() {
+ case reflect.String:
+ // See golang.org/issue/13145.
+ const arbitraryCutoff = 16
+ if v.Len() > arbitraryCutoff {
+ w.printf("var %s %s = ", name, typeName(x))
+ } else {
+ w.printf("const %s %s = ", name, typeName(x))
+ }
+ w.WriteString(v.String())
+ w.printf("\n")
+ default:
+ w.printf("const %s = %#v\n", name, x)
+ }
+// WriteVar writes a variable of the given name and value.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteVar(name string, x interface{}) {
+ w.insertSep()
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
+ oldSize := w.Size
+ sz := int(v.Type().Size())
+ w.Size += sz
+ switch v.Type().Kind() {
+ case reflect.String:
+ w.printf("var %s %s = ", name, typeName(x))
+ w.WriteString(v.String())
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ w.gob.Encode(x)
+ fallthrough
+ case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
+ w.printf("var %s = ", name)
+ w.writeValue(v)
+ w.writeSizeInfo(w.Size - oldSize)
+ default:
+ w.printf("var %s %s = ", name, typeName(x))
+ w.gob.Encode(x)
+ w.writeValue(v)
+ w.writeSizeInfo(w.Size - oldSize)
+ }
+ w.printf("\n")
+func (w *CodeWriter) writeValue(v reflect.Value) {
+ x := v.Interface()
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case reflect.String:
+ w.WriteString(v.String())
+ case reflect.Array:
+ // Don't double count: callers of WriteArray count on the size being
+ // added, so we need to discount it here.
+ w.Size -= int(v.Type().Size())
+ w.writeSlice(x, true)
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ w.writeSlice(x, false)
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ w.printf("%s{\n", typeName(v.Interface()))
+ t := v.Type()
+ for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
+ w.printf("%s: ", t.Field(i).Name)
+ w.writeValue(v.Field(i))
+ w.printf(",\n")
+ }
+ w.printf("}")
+ default:
+ w.printf("%#v", x)
+ }
+// WriteString writes a string literal.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteString(s string) {
+ io.WriteString(w.Hash, s) // content hash
+ w.Size += len(s)
+ const maxInline = 40
+ if len(s) <= maxInline {
+ w.printf("%q", s)
+ return
+ }
+ // We will render the string as a multi-line string.
+ const maxWidth = 80 - 4 - len(`"`) - len(`" +`)
+ // When starting on its own line, go fmt indents line 2+ an extra level.
+ n, max := maxWidth, maxWidth-4
+ // Print "" +\n, if a string does not start on its own line.
+ b := w.buf.Bytes()
+ if p := len(bytes.TrimRight(b, " \t")); p > 0 && b[p-1] != '\n' {
+ w.printf("\"\" + // Size: %d bytes\n", len(s))
+ n, max = maxWidth, maxWidth
+ }
+ w.printf(`"`)
+ for sz, p := 0, 0; p < len(s); {
+ var r rune
+ r, sz = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[p:])
+ out := s[p : p+sz]
+ chars := 1
+ if !unicode.IsPrint(r) || r == utf8.RuneError || r == '"' {
+ switch sz {
+ case 1:
+ out = fmt.Sprintf("\\x%02x", s[p])
+ case 2, 3:
+ out = fmt.Sprintf("\\u%04x", r)
+ case 4:
+ out = fmt.Sprintf("\\U%08x", r)
+ }
+ chars = len(out)
+ }
+ if n -= chars; n < 0 {
+ w.printf("\" +\n\"")
+ n = max - len(out)
+ }
+ w.printf("%s", out)
+ p += sz
+ }
+ w.printf(`"`)
+// WriteSlice writes a slice value.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteSlice(x interface{}) {
+ w.writeSlice(x, false)
+// WriteArray writes an array value.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteArray(x interface{}) {
+ w.writeSlice(x, true)
+func (w *CodeWriter) writeSlice(x interface{}, isArray bool) {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
+ w.gob.Encode(v.Len())
+ w.Size += v.Len() * int(v.Type().Elem().Size())
+ name := typeName(x)
+ if isArray {
+ name = fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", v.Len(), name[strings.Index(name, "]")+1:])
+ }
+ if isArray {
+ w.printf("%s{\n", name)
+ } else {
+ w.printf("%s{ // %d elements\n", name, v.Len())
+ }
+ switch kind := v.Type().Elem().Kind(); kind {
+ case reflect.String:
+ for _, s := range x.([]string) {
+ w.WriteString(s)
+ w.printf(",\n")
+ }
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
+ reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+ // nLine and nBlock are the number of elements per line and block.
+ nLine, nBlock, format := 8, 64, "%d,"
+ switch kind {
+ case reflect.Uint8:
+ format = "%#02x,"
+ case reflect.Uint16:
+ format = "%#04x,"
+ case reflect.Uint32:
+ nLine, nBlock, format = 4, 32, "%#08x,"
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64:
+ nLine, nBlock, format = 4, 32, "%#016x,"
+ case reflect.Int8:
+ nLine = 16
+ }
+ n := nLine
+ for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+ if i%nBlock == 0 && v.Len() > nBlock {
+ w.printf("// Entry %X - %X\n", i, i+nBlock-1)
+ }
+ x := v.Index(i).Interface()
+ w.gob.Encode(x)
+ w.printf(format, x)
+ if n--; n == 0 {
+ n = nLine
+ w.printf("\n")
+ }
+ }
+ w.printf("\n")
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ zero := reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem()).Interface()
+ for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+ x := v.Index(i).Interface()
+ w.gob.EncodeValue(v)
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(zero, x) {
+ line := fmt.Sprintf("%#v,\n", x)
+ line = line[strings.IndexByte(line, '{'):]
+ w.printf("%d: ", i)
+ w.printf(line)
+ }
+ }
+ case reflect.Array:
+ for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
+ w.printf("%d: %#v,\n", i, v.Index(i).Interface())
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("gen: slice elem type not supported")
+ }
+ w.printf("}")
+// WriteType writes a definition of the type of the given value and returns the
+// type name.
+func (w *CodeWriter) WriteType(x interface{}) string {
+ t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
+ w.printf("type %s struct {\n", t.Name())
+ for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
+ w.printf("\t%s %s\n", t.Field(i).Name, t.Field(i).Type)
+ }
+ w.printf("}\n")
+ return t.Name()
+// typeName returns the name of the go type of x.
+func typeName(x interface{}) string {
+ t := reflect.ValueOf(x).Type()
+ return strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(t), "main.", "", 1)
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/gen/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/gen/gen.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfaa278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/gen/gen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package gen contains common code for the various code generation tools in the
+// text repository. Its usage ensures consistency between tools.
+// This package defines command line flags that are common to most generation
+// tools. The flags allow for specifying specific Unicode and CLDR versions
+// in the public Unicode data repository (http://www.unicode.org/Public).
+// A local Unicode data mirror can be set through the flag -local or the
+// environment variable UNICODE_DIR. The former takes precedence. The local
+// directory should follow the same structure as the public repository.
+// IANA data can also optionally be mirrored by putting it in the iana directory
+// rooted at the top of the local mirror. Beware, though, that IANA data is not
+// versioned. So it is up to the developer to use the right version.
+package gen // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/gen"
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/format"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "net/http"
+ "os"
+ "path"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "unicode"
+ "golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr"
+var (
+ url = flag.String("url",
+ "http://www.unicode.org/Public",
+ "URL of Unicode database directory")
+ iana = flag.String("iana",
+ "http://www.iana.org",
+ "URL of the IANA repository")
+ unicodeVersion = flag.String("unicode",
+ getEnv("UNICODE_VERSION", unicode.Version),
+ "unicode version to use")
+ cldrVersion = flag.String("cldr",
+ getEnv("CLDR_VERSION", cldr.Version),
+ "cldr version to use")
+ // Allow an environment variable to specify the local directory.
+ // go generate doesn't allow specifying arguments; this is a useful
+ // alternative to specifying a local mirror.
+ localDir = flag.String("local",
+ os.Getenv("UNICODE_DIR"),
+ "directory containing local data files; for debugging only.")
+func getEnv(name, def string) string {
+ if v := os.Getenv(name); v != "" {
+ return v
+ }
+ return def
+// Init performs common initialization for a gen command. It parses the flags
+// and sets up the standard logging parameters.
+func Init() {
+ log.SetPrefix("")
+ log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile)
+ flag.Parse()
+const header = `// This file was generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT
+package %s
+// UnicodeVersion reports the requested Unicode version.
+func UnicodeVersion() string {
+ return *unicodeVersion
+// UnicodeVersion reports the requested CLDR version.
+func CLDRVersion() string {
+ return *cldrVersion
+// IsLocal reports whether the user specified a local directory.
+func IsLocal() bool {
+ return *localDir != ""
+// OpenUCDFile opens the requested UCD file. The file is specified relative to
+// the public Unicode root directory. It will call log.Fatal if there are any
+// errors.
+func OpenUCDFile(file string) io.ReadCloser {
+ return openUnicode(path.Join(*unicodeVersion, "ucd", file))
+// OpenCLDRCoreZip opens the CLDR core zip file. It will call log.Fatal if there
+// are any errors.
+func OpenCLDRCoreZip() io.ReadCloser {
+ return OpenUnicodeFile("cldr", *cldrVersion, "core.zip")
+// OpenUnicodeFile opens the requested file of the requested category from the
+// root of the Unicode data archive. The file is specified relative to the
+// public Unicode root directory. If version is "", it will use the default
+// Unicode version. It will call log.Fatal if there are any errors.
+func OpenUnicodeFile(category, version, file string) io.ReadCloser {
+ if version == "" {
+ version = UnicodeVersion()
+ }
+ return openUnicode(path.Join(category, version, file))
+// OpenIANAFile opens the requested IANA file. The file is specified relative
+// to the IANA root, which is typically either http://www.iana.org or the
+// iana directory in the local mirror. It will call log.Fatal if there are any
+// errors.
+func OpenIANAFile(path string) io.ReadCloser {
+ return Open(*iana, "iana", path)
+// Open opens subdir/path if a local directory is specified and the file exists,
+// where subdir is a directory relative to the local root, or fetches it from
+// urlRoot/path otherwise. It will call log.Fatal if there are any errors.
+func Open(urlRoot, subdir, path string) io.ReadCloser {
+ if *localDir != "" {
+ path = filepath.FromSlash(path)
+ if f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(*localDir, subdir, path)); err == nil {
+ return f
+ }
+ }
+ return get(urlRoot, path)
+func openUnicode(path string) io.ReadCloser {
+ if *localDir != "" {
+ path = filepath.FromSlash(path)
+ f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(*localDir, path))
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ return f
+ }
+ return get(*url, path)
+func get(root, path string) io.ReadCloser {
+ url := root + "/" + path
+ fmt.Printf("Fetching %s...", url)
+ defer fmt.Println(" done.")
+ resp, err := http.Get(url)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("HTTP GET: %v", err)
+ }
+ if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
+ log.Fatalf("Bad GET status for %q: %q", url, resp.Status)
+ }
+ return resp.Body
+// TODO: use Write*Version in all applicable packages.
+// WriteUnicodeVersion writes a constant for the Unicode version from which the
+// tables are generated.
+func WriteUnicodeVersion(w io.Writer) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived.\n")
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "const UnicodeVersion = %q\n\n", UnicodeVersion())
+// WriteCLDRVersion writes a constant for the CLDR version from which the
+// tables are generated.
+func WriteCLDRVersion(w io.Writer) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "// CLDRVersion is the CLDR version from which the tables in this package are derived.\n")
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "const CLDRVersion = %q\n\n", CLDRVersion())
+// WriteGoFile prepends a standard file comment and package statement to the
+// given bytes, applies gofmt, and writes them to a file with the given name.
+// It will call log.Fatal if there are any errors.
+func WriteGoFile(filename, pkg string, b []byte) {
+ w, err := os.Create(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not create file %s: %v", filename, err)
+ }
+ defer w.Close()
+ if _, err = WriteGo(w, pkg, b); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Error writing file %s: %v", filename, err)
+ }
+// WriteGo prepends a standard file comment and package statement to the given
+// bytes, applies gofmt, and writes them to w.
+func WriteGo(w io.Writer, pkg string, b []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ src := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(header, pkg))
+ src = append(src, b...)
+ formatted, err := format.Source(src)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Print the generated code even in case of an error so that the
+ // returned error can be meaningfully interpreted.
+ n, _ = w.Write(src)
+ return n, err
+ }
+ return w.Write(formatted)
+// Repackage rewrites a Go file from belonging to package main to belonging to
+// the given package.
+func Repackage(inFile, outFile, pkg string) {
+ src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("reading %s: %v", inFile, err)
+ }
+ const toDelete = "package main\n\n"
+ i := bytes.Index(src, []byte(toDelete))
+ if i < 0 {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not find %q in %s.", toDelete, inFile)
+ }
+ w := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ w.Write(src[i+len(toDelete):])
+ WriteGoFile(outFile, pkg, w.Bytes())
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/compact.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/compact.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397b975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/compact.go
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package triegen
+// This file defines Compacter and its implementations.
+import "io"
+// A Compacter generates an alternative, more space-efficient way to store a
+// trie value block. A trie value block holds all possible values for the last
+// byte of a UTF-8 encoded rune. Excluding ASCII characters, a trie value block
+// always has 64 values, as a UTF-8 encoding ends with a byte in [0x80, 0xC0).
+type Compacter interface {
+ // Size returns whether the Compacter could encode the given block as well
+ // as its size in case it can. len(v) is always 64.
+ Size(v []uint64) (sz int, ok bool)
+ // Store stores the block using the Compacter's compression method.
+ // It returns a handle with which the block can be retrieved.
+ // len(v) is always 64.
+ Store(v []uint64) uint32
+ // Print writes the data structures associated to the given store to w.
+ Print(w io.Writer) error
+ // Handler returns the name of a function that gets called during trie
+ // lookup for blocks generated by the Compacter. The function should be of
+ // the form func (n uint32, b byte) uint64, where n is the index returned by
+ // the Compacter's Store method and b is the last byte of the UTF-8
+ // encoding, where 0x80 <= b < 0xC0, for which to do the lookup in the
+ // block.
+ Handler() string
+// simpleCompacter is the default Compacter used by builder. It implements a
+// normal trie block.
+type simpleCompacter builder
+func (b *simpleCompacter) Size([]uint64) (sz int, ok bool) {
+ return blockSize * b.ValueSize, true
+func (b *simpleCompacter) Store(v []uint64) uint32 {
+ h := uint32(len(b.ValueBlocks) - blockOffset)
+ b.ValueBlocks = append(b.ValueBlocks, v)
+ return h
+func (b *simpleCompacter) Print(io.Writer) error {
+ // Structures are printed in print.go.
+ return nil
+func (b *simpleCompacter) Handler() string {
+ panic("Handler should be special-cased for this Compacter")
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/print.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/print.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9f120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/print.go
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package triegen
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strings"
+ "text/template"
+// print writes all the data structures as well as the code necessary to use the
+// trie to w.
+func (b *builder) print(w io.Writer) error {
+ b.Stats.NValueEntries = len(b.ValueBlocks) * blockSize
+ b.Stats.NValueBytes = len(b.ValueBlocks) * blockSize * b.ValueSize
+ b.Stats.NIndexEntries = len(b.IndexBlocks) * blockSize
+ b.Stats.NIndexBytes = len(b.IndexBlocks) * blockSize * b.IndexSize
+ b.Stats.NHandleBytes = len(b.Trie) * 2 * b.IndexSize
+ // If we only have one root trie, all starter blocks are at position 0 and
+ // we can access the arrays directly.
+ if len(b.Trie) == 1 {
+ // At this point we cannot refer to the generated tables directly.
+ b.ASCIIBlock = b.Name + "Values"
+ b.StarterBlock = b.Name + "Index"
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise we need to have explicit starter indexes in the trie
+ // structure.
+ b.ASCIIBlock = "t.ascii"
+ b.StarterBlock = "t.utf8Start"
+ }
+ b.SourceType = "[]byte"
+ if err := lookupGen.Execute(w, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ b.SourceType = "string"
+ if err := lookupGen.Execute(w, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := trieGen.Execute(w, b); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for _, c := range b.Compactions {
+ if err := c.c.Print(w); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func printValues(n int, values []uint64) string {
+ w := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ boff := n * blockSize
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t// Block %#x, offset %#x", n, boff)
+ var newline bool
+ for i, v := range values {
+ if i%6 == 0 {
+ newline = true
+ }
+ if v != 0 {
+ if newline {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
+ newline = false
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%#02x:%#04x, ", boff+i, v)
+ }
+ }
+ return w.String()
+func printIndex(b *builder, nr int, n *node) string {
+ w := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ boff := nr * blockSize
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t// Block %#x, offset %#x", nr, boff)
+ var newline bool
+ for i, c := range n.children {
+ if i%8 == 0 {
+ newline = true
+ }
+ if c != nil {
+ v := b.Compactions[c.index.compaction].Offset + uint32(c.index.index)
+ if v != 0 {
+ if newline {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
+ newline = false
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%#02x:%#02x, ", boff+i, v)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return w.String()
+var (
+ trieGen = template.Must(template.New("trie").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
+ "printValues": printValues,
+ "printIndex": printIndex,
+ "title": strings.Title,
+ "dec": func(x int) int { return x - 1 },
+ "psize": func(n int) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d bytes (%.2f KiB)", n, float64(n)/1024)
+ },
+ }).Parse(trieTemplate))
+ lookupGen = template.Must(template.New("lookup").Parse(lookupTemplate))
+// TODO: consider the return type of lookup. It could be uint64, even if the
+// internal value type is smaller. We will have to verify this with the
+// performance of unicode/norm, which is very sensitive to such changes.
+const trieTemplate = `{{$b := .}}{{$multi := gt (len .Trie) 1}}
+// {{.Name}}Trie. Total size: {{psize .Size}}. Checksum: {{printf "%08x" .Checksum}}.
+type {{.Name}}Trie struct { {{if $multi}}
+ ascii []{{.ValueType}} // index for ASCII bytes
+ utf8Start []{{.IndexType}} // index for UTF-8 bytes >= 0xC0
+func new{{title .Name}}Trie(i int) *{{.Name}}Trie { {{if $multi}}
+ h := {{.Name}}TrieHandles[i]
+ return &{{.Name}}Trie{ {{.Name}}Values[uint32(h.ascii)<<6:], {{.Name}}Index[uint32(h.multi)<<6:] }
+type {{.Name}}TrieHandle struct {
+ ascii, multi {{.IndexType}}
+// {{.Name}}TrieHandles: {{len .Trie}} handles, {{.Stats.NHandleBytes}} bytes
+var {{.Name}}TrieHandles = [{{len .Trie}}]{{.Name}}TrieHandle{
+{{range .Trie}} { {{.ASCIIIndex}}, {{.StarterIndex}} }, // {{printf "%08x" .Checksum}}: {{.Name}}
+ return &{{.Name}}Trie{}
+// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b.
+func (t *{{.Name}}Trie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) {{.ValueType}}{{$last := dec (len .Compactions)}} {
+ switch { {{range $i, $c := .Compactions}}
+ {{if eq $i $last}}default{{else}}case n < {{$c.Cutoff}}{{end}}:{{if ne $i 0}}
+ n -= {{$c.Offset}}{{end}}
+ return {{print $b.ValueType}}({{$c.Handler}}){{end}}
+ }
+// {{.Name}}Values: {{len .ValueBlocks}} blocks, {{.Stats.NValueEntries}} entries, {{.Stats.NValueBytes}} bytes
+// The third block is the zero block.
+var {{.Name}}Values = [{{.Stats.NValueEntries}}]{{.ValueType}} {
+{{range $i, $v := .ValueBlocks}}{{printValues $i $v}}
+// {{.Name}}Index: {{len .IndexBlocks}} blocks, {{.Stats.NIndexEntries}} entries, {{.Stats.NIndexBytes}} bytes
+// Block 0 is the zero block.
+var {{.Name}}Index = [{{.Stats.NIndexEntries}}]{{.IndexType}} {
+{{range $i, $v := .IndexBlocks}}{{printIndex $b $i $v}}
+// TODO: consider allowing zero-length strings after evaluating performance with
+// unicode/norm.
+const lookupTemplate = `
+// lookup{{if eq .SourceType "string"}}String{{end}} returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and
+// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not
+// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0.
+func (t *{{.Name}}Trie) lookup{{if eq .SourceType "string"}}String{{end}}(s {{.SourceType}}) (v {{.ValueType}}, sz int) {
+ c0 := s[0]
+ switch {
+ case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII
+ return {{.ASCIIBlock}}[c0], 1
+ case c0 < 0xC2:
+ return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII.
+ case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8
+ if len(s) < 2 {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+ i := {{.StarterBlock}}[c0]
+ c1 := s[1]
+ if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 {
+ return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte.
+ }
+ return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2
+ case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8
+ if len(s) < 3 {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+ i := {{.StarterBlock}}[c0]
+ c1 := s[1]
+ if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 {
+ return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte.
+ }
+ o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1)
+ i = {{.Name}}Index[o]
+ c2 := s[2]
+ if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 {
+ return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte.
+ }
+ return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3
+ case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8
+ if len(s) < 4 {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+ i := {{.StarterBlock}}[c0]
+ c1 := s[1]
+ if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 {
+ return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte.
+ }
+ o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1)
+ i = {{.Name}}Index[o]
+ c2 := s[2]
+ if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 {
+ return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte.
+ }
+ o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2)
+ i = {{.Name}}Index[o]
+ c3 := s[3]
+ if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 {
+ return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte.
+ }
+ return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4
+ }
+ // Illegal rune
+ return 0, 1
+// lookup{{if eq .SourceType "string"}}String{{end}}Unsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s.
+// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune.
+func (t *{{.Name}}Trie) lookup{{if eq .SourceType "string"}}String{{end}}Unsafe(s {{.SourceType}}) {{.ValueType}} {
+ c0 := s[0]
+ if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII
+ return {{.ASCIIBlock}}[c0]
+ }
+ i := {{.StarterBlock}}[c0]
+ if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8
+ return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1])
+ }
+ i = {{.Name}}Index[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])]
+ if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8
+ return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2])
+ }
+ i = {{.Name}}Index[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])]
+ if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8
+ return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3])
+ }
+ return 0
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/triegen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/triegen.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb0108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen/triegen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package triegen implements a code generator for a trie for associating
+// unsigned integer values with UTF-8 encoded runes.
+// Many of the go.text packages use tries for storing per-rune information. A
+// trie is especially useful if many of the runes have the same value. If this
+// is the case, many blocks can be expected to be shared allowing for
+// information on many runes to be stored in little space.
+// As most of the lookups are done directly on []byte slices, the tries use the
+// UTF-8 bytes directly for the lookup. This saves a conversion from UTF-8 to
+// runes and contributes a little bit to better performance. It also naturally
+// provides a fast path for ASCII.
+// Space is also an issue. There are many code points defined in Unicode and as
+// a result tables can get quite large. So every byte counts. The triegen
+// package automatically chooses the smallest integer values to represent the
+// tables. Compacters allow further compression of the trie by allowing for
+// alternative representations of individual trie blocks.
+// triegen allows generating multiple tries as a single structure. This is
+// useful when, for example, one wants to generate tries for several languages
+// that have a lot of values in common. Some existing libraries for
+// internationalization store all per-language data as a dynamically loadable
+// chunk. The go.text packages are designed with the assumption that the user
+// typically wants to compile in support for all supported languages, in line
+// with the approach common to Go to create a single standalone binary. The
+// multi-root trie approach can give significant storage savings in this
+// scenario.
+// triegen generates both tables and code. The code is optimized to use the
+// automatically chosen data types. The following code is generated for a Trie
+// or multiple Tries named "foo":
+// - type fooTrie
+// The trie type.
+// - func newFooTrie(x int) *fooTrie
+// Trie constructor, where x is the index of the trie passed to Gen.
+// - func (t *fooTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uintX, sz int)
+// The lookup method, where uintX is automatically chosen.
+// - func lookupString, lookupUnsafe and lookupStringUnsafe
+// Variants of the above.
+// - var fooValues and fooIndex and any tables generated by Compacters.
+// The core trie data.
+// - var fooTrieHandles
+// Indexes of starter blocks in case of multiple trie roots.
+// It is recommended that users test the generated trie by checking the returned
+// value for every rune. Such exhaustive tests are possible as the the number of
+// runes in Unicode is limited.
+package triegen // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/triegen"
+// TODO: Arguably, the internally optimized data types would not have to be
+// exposed in the generated API. We could also investigate not generating the
+// code, but using it through a package. We would have to investigate the impact
+// on performance of making such change, though. For packages like unicode/norm,
+// small changes like this could tank performance.
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "hash/crc64"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// builder builds a set of tries for associating values with runes. The set of
+// tries can share common index and value blocks.
+type builder struct {
+ Name string
+ // ValueType is the type of the trie values looked up.
+ ValueType string
+ // ValueSize is the byte size of the ValueType.
+ ValueSize int
+ // IndexType is the type of trie index values used for all UTF-8 bytes of
+ // a rune except the last one.
+ IndexType string
+ // IndexSize is the byte size of the IndexType.
+ IndexSize int
+ // SourceType is used when generating the lookup functions. If the user
+ // requests StringSupport, all lookup functions will be generated for
+ // string input as well.
+ SourceType string
+ Trie []*Trie
+ IndexBlocks []*node
+ ValueBlocks [][]uint64
+ Compactions []compaction
+ Checksum uint64
+ ASCIIBlock string
+ StarterBlock string
+ indexBlockIdx map[uint64]int
+ valueBlockIdx map[uint64]nodeIndex
+ asciiBlockIdx map[uint64]int
+ // Stats are used to fill out the template.
+ Stats struct {
+ NValueEntries int
+ NValueBytes int
+ NIndexEntries int
+ NIndexBytes int
+ NHandleBytes int
+ }
+ err error
+// A nodeIndex encodes the index of a node, which is defined by the compaction
+// which stores it and an index within the compaction. For internal nodes, the
+// compaction is always 0.
+type nodeIndex struct {
+ compaction int
+ index int
+// compaction keeps track of stats used for the compaction.
+type compaction struct {
+ c Compacter
+ blocks []*node
+ maxHandle uint32
+ totalSize int
+ // Used by template-based generator and thus exported.
+ Cutoff uint32
+ Offset uint32
+ Handler string
+func (b *builder) setError(err error) {
+ if b.err == nil {
+ b.err = err
+ }
+// An Option can be passed to Gen.
+type Option func(b *builder) error
+// Compact configures the trie generator to use the given Compacter.
+func Compact(c Compacter) Option {
+ return func(b *builder) error {
+ b.Compactions = append(b.Compactions, compaction{
+ c: c,
+ Handler: c.Handler() + "(n, b)"})
+ return nil
+ }
+// Gen writes Go code for a shared trie lookup structure to w for the given
+// Tries. The generated trie type will be called nameTrie. newNameTrie(x) will
+// return the *nameTrie for tries[x]. A value can be looked up by using one of
+// the various lookup methods defined on nameTrie. It returns the table size of
+// the generated trie.
+func Gen(w io.Writer, name string, tries []*Trie, opts ...Option) (sz int, err error) {
+ // The index contains two dummy blocks, followed by the zero block. The zero
+ // block is at offset 0x80, so that the offset for the zero block for
+ // continuation bytes is 0.
+ b := &builder{
+ Name: name,
+ Trie: tries,
+ IndexBlocks: []*node{{}, {}, {}},
+ Compactions: []compaction{{
+ Handler: name + "Values[n<<6+uint32(b)]",
+ }},
+ // The 0 key in indexBlockIdx and valueBlockIdx is the hash of the zero
+ // block.
+ indexBlockIdx: map[uint64]int{0: 0},
+ valueBlockIdx: map[uint64]nodeIndex{0: {}},
+ asciiBlockIdx: map[uint64]int{},
+ }
+ b.Compactions[0].c = (*simpleCompacter)(b)
+ for _, f := range opts {
+ if err := f(b); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ }
+ b.build()
+ if b.err != nil {
+ return 0, b.err
+ }
+ if err = b.print(w); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return b.Size(), nil
+// A Trie represents a single root node of a trie. A builder may build several
+// overlapping tries at once.
+type Trie struct {
+ root *node
+ hiddenTrie
+// hiddenTrie contains values we want to be visible to the template generator,
+// but hidden from the API documentation.
+type hiddenTrie struct {
+ Name string
+ Checksum uint64
+ ASCIIIndex int
+ StarterIndex int
+// NewTrie returns a new trie root.
+func NewTrie(name string) *Trie {
+ return &Trie{
+ &node{
+ children: make([]*node, blockSize),
+ values: make([]uint64, utf8.RuneSelf),
+ },
+ hiddenTrie{Name: name},
+ }
+// Gen is a convenience wrapper around the Gen func passing t as the only trie
+// and uses the name passed to NewTrie. It returns the size of the generated
+// tables.
+func (t *Trie) Gen(w io.Writer, opts ...Option) (sz int, err error) {
+ return Gen(w, t.Name, []*Trie{t}, opts...)
+// node is a node of the intermediate trie structure.
+type node struct {
+ // children holds this node's children. It is always of length 64.
+ // A child node may be nil.
+ children []*node
+ // values contains the values of this node. If it is non-nil, this node is
+ // either a root or leaf node:
+ // For root nodes, len(values) == 128 and it maps the bytes in [0x00, 0x7F].
+ // For leaf nodes, len(values) == 64 and it maps the bytes in [0x80, 0xBF].
+ values []uint64
+ index nodeIndex
+// Insert associates value with the given rune. Insert will panic if a non-zero
+// value is passed for an invalid rune.
+func (t *Trie) Insert(r rune, value uint64) {
+ if value == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ s := string(r)
+ if []rune(s)[0] != r && value != 0 {
+ // Note: The UCD tables will always assign what amounts to a zero value
+ // to a surrogate. Allowing a zero value for an illegal rune allows
+ // users to iterate over [0..MaxRune] without having to explicitly
+ // exclude surrogates, which would be tedious.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("triegen: non-zero value for invalid rune %U", r))
+ }
+ if len(s) == 1 {
+ // It is a root node value (ASCII).
+ t.root.values[s[0]] = value
+ return
+ }
+ n := t.root
+ for ; len(s) > 1; s = s[1:] {
+ if n.children == nil {
+ n.children = make([]*node, blockSize)
+ }
+ p := s[0] % blockSize
+ c := n.children[p]
+ if c == nil {
+ c = &node{}
+ n.children[p] = c
+ }
+ if len(s) > 2 && c.values != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("triegen: insert(%U): found internal node with values", r)
+ }
+ n = c
+ }
+ if n.values == nil {
+ n.values = make([]uint64, blockSize)
+ }
+ if n.children != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("triegen: insert(%U): found leaf node that also has child nodes", r)
+ }
+ n.values[s[0]-0x80] = value
+// Size returns the number of bytes the generated trie will take to store. It
+// needs to be exported as it is used in the templates.
+func (b *builder) Size() int {
+ // Index blocks.
+ sz := len(b.IndexBlocks) * blockSize * b.IndexSize
+ // Skip the first compaction, which represents the normal value blocks, as
+ // its totalSize does not account for the ASCII blocks, which are managed
+ // separately.
+ sz += len(b.ValueBlocks) * blockSize * b.ValueSize
+ for _, c := range b.Compactions[1:] {
+ sz += c.totalSize
+ }
+ // TODO: this computation does not account for the fixed overhead of a using
+ // a compaction, either code or data. As for data, though, the typical
+ // overhead of data is in the order of bytes (2 bytes for cases). Further,
+ // the savings of using a compaction should anyway be substantial for it to
+ // be worth it.
+ // For multi-root tries, we also need to account for the handles.
+ if len(b.Trie) > 1 {
+ sz += 2 * b.IndexSize * len(b.Trie)
+ }
+ return sz
+func (b *builder) build() {
+ // Compute the sizes of the values.
+ var vmax uint64
+ for _, t := range b.Trie {
+ vmax = maxValue(t.root, vmax)
+ }
+ b.ValueType, b.ValueSize = getIntType(vmax)
+ // Compute all block allocations.
+ // TODO: first compute the ASCII blocks for all tries and then the other
+ // nodes. ASCII blocks are more restricted in placement, as they require two
+ // blocks to be placed consecutively. Processing them first may improve
+ // sharing (at least one zero block can be expected to be saved.)
+ for _, t := range b.Trie {
+ b.Checksum += b.buildTrie(t)
+ }
+ // Compute the offsets for all the Compacters.
+ offset := uint32(0)
+ for i := range b.Compactions {
+ c := &b.Compactions[i]
+ c.Offset = offset
+ offset += c.maxHandle + 1
+ c.Cutoff = offset
+ }
+ // Compute the sizes of indexes.
+ // TODO: different byte positions could have different sizes. So far we have
+ // not found a case where this is beneficial.
+ imax := uint64(b.Compactions[len(b.Compactions)-1].Cutoff)
+ for _, ib := range b.IndexBlocks {
+ if x := uint64(ib.index.index); x > imax {
+ imax = x
+ }
+ }
+ b.IndexType, b.IndexSize = getIntType(imax)
+func maxValue(n *node, max uint64) uint64 {
+ if n == nil {
+ return max
+ }
+ for _, c := range n.children {
+ max = maxValue(c, max)
+ }
+ for _, v := range n.values {
+ if max < v {
+ max = v
+ }
+ }
+ return max
+func getIntType(v uint64) (string, int) {
+ switch {
+ case v < 1<<8:
+ return "uint8", 1
+ case v < 1<<16:
+ return "uint16", 2
+ case v < 1<<32:
+ return "uint32", 4
+ }
+ return "uint64", 8
+const (
+ blockSize = 64
+ // Subtract two blocks to offset 0x80, the first continuation byte.
+ blockOffset = 2
+ // Subtract three blocks to offset 0xC0, the first non-ASCII starter.
+ rootBlockOffset = 3
+var crcTable = crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ISO)
+func (b *builder) buildTrie(t *Trie) uint64 {
+ n := t.root
+ // Get the ASCII offset. For the first trie, the ASCII block will be at
+ // position 0.
+ hasher := crc64.New(crcTable)
+ binary.Write(hasher, binary.BigEndian, n.values)
+ hash := hasher.Sum64()
+ v, ok := b.asciiBlockIdx[hash]
+ if !ok {
+ v = len(b.ValueBlocks)
+ b.asciiBlockIdx[hash] = v
+ b.ValueBlocks = append(b.ValueBlocks, n.values[:blockSize], n.values[blockSize:])
+ if v == 0 {
+ // Add the zero block at position 2 so that it will be assigned a
+ // zero reference in the lookup blocks.
+ // TODO: always do this? This would allow us to remove a check from
+ // the trie lookup, but at the expense of extra space. Analyze
+ // performance for unicode/norm.
+ b.ValueBlocks = append(b.ValueBlocks, make([]uint64, blockSize))
+ }
+ }
+ t.ASCIIIndex = v
+ // Compute remaining offsets.
+ t.Checksum = b.computeOffsets(n, true)
+ // We already subtracted the normal blockOffset from the index. Subtract the
+ // difference for starter bytes.
+ t.StarterIndex = n.index.index - (rootBlockOffset - blockOffset)
+ return t.Checksum
+func (b *builder) computeOffsets(n *node, root bool) uint64 {
+ // For the first trie, the root lookup block will be at position 3, which is
+ // the offset for UTF-8 non-ASCII starter bytes.
+ first := len(b.IndexBlocks) == rootBlockOffset
+ if first {
+ b.IndexBlocks = append(b.IndexBlocks, n)
+ }
+ // We special-case the cases where all values recursively are 0. This allows
+ // for the use of a zero block to which all such values can be directed.
+ hash := uint64(0)
+ if n.children != nil || n.values != nil {
+ hasher := crc64.New(crcTable)
+ for _, c := range n.children {
+ var v uint64
+ if c != nil {
+ v = b.computeOffsets(c, false)
+ }
+ binary.Write(hasher, binary.BigEndian, v)
+ }
+ binary.Write(hasher, binary.BigEndian, n.values)
+ hash = hasher.Sum64()
+ }
+ if first {
+ b.indexBlockIdx[hash] = rootBlockOffset - blockOffset
+ }
+ // Compacters don't apply to internal nodes.
+ if n.children != nil {
+ v, ok := b.indexBlockIdx[hash]
+ if !ok {
+ v = len(b.IndexBlocks) - blockOffset
+ b.IndexBlocks = append(b.IndexBlocks, n)
+ b.indexBlockIdx[hash] = v
+ }
+ n.index = nodeIndex{0, v}
+ } else {
+ h, ok := b.valueBlockIdx[hash]
+ if !ok {
+ bestI, bestSize := 0, blockSize*b.ValueSize
+ for i, c := range b.Compactions[1:] {
+ if sz, ok := c.c.Size(n.values); ok && bestSize > sz {
+ bestI, bestSize = i+1, sz
+ }
+ }
+ c := &b.Compactions[bestI]
+ c.totalSize += bestSize
+ v := c.c.Store(n.values)
+ if c.maxHandle < v {
+ c.maxHandle = v
+ }
+ h = nodeIndex{bestI, int(v)}
+ b.valueBlockIdx[hash] = h
+ }
+ n.index = h
+ }
+ return hash
diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd/ucd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd/ucd.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0d1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd/ucd.go
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package ucd provides a parser for Unicode Character Database files, the
+// format of which is defined in http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/. See
+// http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/ for example files.
+// It currently does not support substitutions of missing fields.
+package ucd // import "golang.org/x/text/internal/ucd"
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+// UnicodeData.txt fields.
+const (
+ CodePoint = iota
+ Name
+ GeneralCategory
+ CanonicalCombiningClass
+ BidiClass
+ DecompMapping
+ DecimalValue
+ DigitValue
+ NumericValue
+ BidiMirrored
+ Unicode1Name
+ ISOComment
+ SimpleUppercaseMapping
+ SimpleLowercaseMapping
+ SimpleTitlecaseMapping
+// Parse calls f for each entry in the given reader of a UCD file. It will close
+// the reader upon return. It will call log.Fatal if any error occurred.
+// This implements the most common usage pattern of using Parser.
+func Parse(r io.ReadCloser, f func(p *Parser)) {
+ defer r.Close()
+ p := New(r)
+ for p.Next() {
+ f(p)
+ }
+ if err := p.Err(); err != nil {
+ r.Close() // os.Exit will cause defers not to be called.
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+// An Option is used to configure a Parser.
+type Option func(p *Parser)
+func keepRanges(p *Parser) {
+ p.keepRanges = true
+var (
+ // KeepRanges prevents the expansion of ranges. The raw ranges can be
+ // obtained by calling Range(0) on the parser.
+ KeepRanges Option = keepRanges
+// The Part option register a handler for lines starting with a '@'. The text
+// after a '@' is available as the first field. Comments are handled as usual.
+func Part(f func(p *Parser)) Option {
+ return func(p *Parser) {
+ p.partHandler = f
+ }
+// A Parser parses Unicode Character Database (UCD) files.
+type Parser struct {
+ scanner *bufio.Scanner
+ keepRanges bool // Don't expand rune ranges in field 0.
+ err error
+ comment []byte
+ field [][]byte
+ // parsedRange is needed in case Range(0) is called more than once for one
+ // field. In some cases this requires scanning ahead.
+ parsedRange bool
+ rangeStart, rangeEnd rune
+ partHandler func(p *Parser)
+func (p *Parser) setError(err error) {
+ if p.err == nil {
+ p.err = err
+ }
+func (p *Parser) getField(i int) []byte {
+ if i >= len(p.field) {
+ p.setError(fmt.Errorf("ucd: index of field %d out of bounds", i))
+ return nil
+ }
+ return p.field[i]
+// Err returns a non-nil error if any error occurred during parsing.
+func (p *Parser) Err() error {
+ return p.err
+// New returns a Parser for the given Reader.
+func New(r io.Reader, o ...Option) *Parser {
+ p := &Parser{
+ scanner: bufio.NewScanner(r),
+ }
+ for _, f := range o {
+ f(p)
+ }
+ return p
+// Next parses the next line in the file. It returns true if a line was parsed
+// and false if it reached the end of the file.
+func (p *Parser) Next() bool {
+ if !p.keepRanges && p.rangeStart < p.rangeEnd {
+ p.rangeStart++
+ return true
+ }
+ p.comment = nil
+ p.field = p.field[:0]
+ p.parsedRange = false
+ for p.scanner.Scan() {
+ b := p.scanner.Bytes()
+ if len(b) == 0 || b[0] == '#' {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Parse line
+ if i := bytes.IndexByte(b, '#'); i != -1 {
+ p.comment = bytes.TrimSpace(b[i+1:])
+ b = b[:i]
+ }
+ if b[0] == '@' {
+ if p.partHandler != nil {
+ p.field = append(p.field, bytes.TrimSpace(b[1:]))
+ p.partHandler(p)
+ p.field = p.field[:0]
+ }
+ p.comment = nil
+ continue
+ }
+ for {
+ i := bytes.IndexByte(b, ';')
+ if i == -1 {
+ p.field = append(p.field, bytes.TrimSpace(b))
+ break
+ }
+ p.field = append(p.field, bytes.TrimSpace(b[:i]))
+ b = b[i+1:]
+ }
+ if !p.keepRanges {
+ p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd = p.getRange(0)
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ p.setError(p.scanner.Err())
+ return false
+func parseRune(b []byte) (rune, error) {
+ if len(b) > 2 && b[0] == 'U' && b[1] == '+' {
+ b = b[2:]
+ }
+ x, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(b), 16, 32)
+ return rune(x), err
+func (p *Parser) parseRune(b []byte) rune {
+ x, err := parseRune(b)
+ p.setError(err)
+ return x
+// Rune parses and returns field i as a rune.
+func (p *Parser) Rune(i int) rune {
+ if i > 0 || p.keepRanges {
+ return p.parseRune(p.getField(i))
+ }
+ return p.rangeStart
+// Runes interprets and returns field i as a sequence of runes.
+func (p *Parser) Runes(i int) (runes []rune) {
+ add := func(b []byte) {
+ if b = bytes.TrimSpace(b); len(b) > 0 {
+ runes = append(runes, p.parseRune(b))
+ }
+ }
+ for b := p.getField(i); ; {
+ i := bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ')
+ if i == -1 {
+ add(b)
+ break
+ }
+ add(b[:i])
+ b = b[i+1:]
+ }
+ return
+var (
+ errIncorrectLegacyRange = errors.New("ucd: unmatched <* First>")
+ // reRange matches one line of a legacy rune range.
+ reRange = regexp.MustCompile("^([0-9A-F]*);<([^,]*), ([^>]*)>(.*)$")
+// Range parses and returns field i as a rune range. A range is inclusive at
+// both ends. If the field only has one rune, first and last will be identical.
+// It supports the legacy format for ranges used in UnicodeData.txt.
+func (p *Parser) Range(i int) (first, last rune) {
+ if !p.keepRanges {
+ return p.rangeStart, p.rangeStart
+ }
+ return p.getRange(i)
+func (p *Parser) getRange(i int) (first, last rune) {
+ b := p.getField(i)
+ if k := bytes.Index(b, []byte("..")); k != -1 {
+ return p.parseRune(b[:k]), p.parseRune(b[k+2:])
+ }
+ // The first field may not be a rune, in which case we may ignore any error
+ // and set the range as 0..0.
+ x, err := parseRune(b)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Disable range parsing henceforth. This ensures that an error will be
+ // returned if the user subsequently will try to parse this field as
+ // a Rune.
+ p.keepRanges = true
+ }
+ // Special case for UnicodeData that was retained for backwards compatibility.
+ if i == 0 && len(p.field) > 1 && bytes.HasSuffix(p.field[1], []byte("First>")) {
+ if p.parsedRange {
+ return p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd
+ }
+ mf := reRange.FindStringSubmatch(p.scanner.Text())
+ if mf == nil || !p.scanner.Scan() {
+ p.setError(errIncorrectLegacyRange)
+ return x, x
+ }
+ // Using Bytes would be more efficient here, but Text is a lot easier
+ // and this is not a frequent case.
+ ml := reRange.FindStringSubmatch(p.scanner.Text())
+ if ml == nil || mf[2] != ml[2] || ml[3] != "Last" || mf[4] != ml[4] {
+ p.setError(errIncorrectLegacyRange)
+ return x, x
+ }
+ p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd = x, p.parseRune(p.scanner.Bytes()[:len(ml[1])])
+ p.parsedRange = true
+ return p.rangeStart, p.rangeEnd
+ }
+ return x, x
+// bools recognizes all valid UCD boolean values.
+var bools = map[string]bool{
+ "": false,
+ "N": false,
+ "No": false,
+ "F": false,
+ "False": false,
+ "Y": true,
+ "Yes": true,
+ "T": true,
+ "True": true,
+// Bool parses and returns field i as a boolean value.
+func (p *Parser) Bool(i int) bool {
+ b := p.getField(i)
+ for s, v := range bools {
+ if bstrEq(b, s) {
+ return v
+ }
+ }
+ p.setError(strconv.ErrSyntax)
+ return false
+// Int parses and returns field i as an integer value.
+func (p *Parser) Int(i int) int {
+ x, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(p.getField(i)), 10, 64)
+ p.setError(err)
+ return int(x)
+// Uint parses and returns field i as an unsigned integer value.
+func (p *Parser) Uint(i int) uint {
+ x, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(p.getField(i)), 10, 64)
+ p.setError(err)
+ return uint(x)
+// Float parses and returns field i as a decimal value.
+func (p *Parser) Float(i int) float64 {
+ x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(p.getField(i)), 64)
+ p.setError(err)
+ return x
+// String parses and returns field i as a string value.
+func (p *Parser) String(i int) string {
+ return string(p.getField(i))
+// Strings parses and returns field i as a space-separated list of strings.
+func (p *Parser) Strings(i int) []string {
+ ss := strings.Split(string(p.getField(i)), " ")
+ for i, s := range ss {
+ ss[i] = strings.TrimSpace(s)
+ }
+ return ss
+// Comment returns the comments for the current line.
+func (p *Parser) Comment() string {
+ return string(p.comment)
+var errUndefinedEnum = errors.New("ucd: undefined enum value")
+// Enum interprets and returns field i as a value that must be one of the values
+// in enum.
+func (p *Parser) Enum(i int, enum ...string) string {
+ b := p.getField(i)
+ for _, s := range enum {
+ if bstrEq(b, s) {
+ return s
+ }
+ }
+ p.setError(errUndefinedEnum)
+ return ""
+func bstrEq(b []byte, s string) bool {
+ if len(b) != len(s) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i, c := range b {
+ if c != s[i] {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true