path: root/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go
index 863585b..23f59a1 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go
@@ -12,14 +12,11 @@ import (
- jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
// ToTimeE casts an empty interface to time.Time.
func ToTimeE(i interface{}) (tim time.Time, err error) {
i = indirect(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToTimeE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch s := i.(type) {
case time.Time:
@@ -38,19 +35,22 @@ func ToTimeE(i interface{}) (tim time.Time, err error) {
// ToDurationE casts an empty interface to time.Duration.
func ToDurationE(i interface{}) (d time.Duration, err error) {
i = indirect(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToDurationE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch s := i.(type) {
case time.Duration:
return s, nil
- case int64:
- d = time.Duration(s)
+ case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
+ d = time.Duration(ToInt64(s))
- case float64:
- d = time.Duration(s)
+ case float32, float64:
+ d = time.Duration(ToFloat64(s))
case string:
- d, err = time.ParseDuration(s)
+ if strings.ContainsAny(s, "nsuµmh") {
+ d, err = time.ParseDuration(s)
+ } else {
+ d, err = time.ParseDuration(s + "ns")
+ }
err = fmt.Errorf("Unable to Cast %#v to Duration\n", i)
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ func ToDurationE(i interface{}) (d time.Duration, err error) {
// ToBoolE casts an empty interface to a bool.
func ToBoolE(i interface{}) (bool, error) {
i = indirect(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToBoolE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch b := i.(type) {
case bool:
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ func ToBoolE(i interface{}) (bool, error) {
// ToFloat64E casts an empty interface to a float64.
func ToFloat64E(i interface{}) (float64, error) {
i = indirect(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToFloat64E called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch s := i.(type) {
case float64:
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ func ToFloat64E(i interface{}) (float64, error) {
// ToInt64E casts an empty interface to an int64.
func ToInt64E(i interface{}) (int64, error) {
i = indirect(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToInt64E called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch s := i.(type) {
case int64:
@@ -150,7 +148,6 @@ func ToInt64E(i interface{}) (int64, error) {
// ToIntE casts an empty interface to an int.
func ToIntE(i interface{}) (int, error) {
i = indirect(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToIntE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch s := i.(type) {
case int:
@@ -225,7 +222,6 @@ func indirectToStringerOrError(a interface{}) interface{} {
// ToStringE casts an empty interface to a string.
func ToStringE(i interface{}) (string, error) {
i = indirectToStringerOrError(i)
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToStringE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
switch s := i.(type) {
case string:
@@ -263,7 +259,6 @@ func ToStringE(i interface{}) (string, error) {
// ToStringMapStringE casts an empty interface to a map[string]string.
func ToStringMapStringE(i interface{}) (map[string]string, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToStringMapStringE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
var m = map[string]string{}
@@ -292,7 +287,6 @@ func ToStringMapStringE(i interface{}) (map[string]string, error) {
// ToStringMapStringSliceE casts an empty interface to a map[string][]string.
func ToStringMapStringSliceE(i interface{}) (map[string][]string, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToStringMapStringSliceE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
var m = map[string][]string{}
@@ -310,7 +304,14 @@ func ToStringMapStringSliceE(i interface{}) (map[string][]string, error) {
case map[string]interface{}:
for k, val := range v {
- m[ToString(k)] = []string{ToString(val)}
+ switch vt := val.(type) {
+ case []interface{}:
+ m[ToString(k)] = ToStringSlice(vt)
+ case []string:
+ m[ToString(k)] = vt
+ default:
+ m[ToString(k)] = []string{ToString(val)}
+ }
return m, nil
case map[interface{}][]string:
@@ -348,7 +349,6 @@ func ToStringMapStringSliceE(i interface{}) (map[string][]string, error) {
// ToStringMapBoolE casts an empty interface to a map[string]bool.
func ToStringMapBoolE(i interface{}) (map[string]bool, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToStringMapBoolE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
var m = map[string]bool{}
@@ -372,7 +372,6 @@ func ToStringMapBoolE(i interface{}) (map[string]bool, error) {
// ToStringMapE casts an empty interface to a map[string]interface{}.
func ToStringMapE(i interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToStringMapE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
var m = map[string]interface{}{}
@@ -391,7 +390,6 @@ func ToStringMapE(i interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// ToSliceE casts an empty interface to a []interface{}.
func ToSliceE(i interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToSliceE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
var s []interface{}
@@ -411,9 +409,38 @@ func ToSliceE(i interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
+// ToBoolSliceE casts an empty interface to a []bool.
+func ToBoolSliceE(i interface{}) ([]bool, error) {
+ if i == nil {
+ return []bool{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Cast %#v to []bool", i)
+ }
+ switch v := i.(type) {
+ case []bool:
+ return v, nil
+ }
+ kind := reflect.TypeOf(i).Kind()
+ switch kind {
+ case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
+ s := reflect.ValueOf(i)
+ a := make([]bool, s.Len())
+ for j := 0; j < s.Len(); j++ {
+ val, err := ToBoolE(s.Index(j).Interface())
+ if err != nil {
+ return []bool{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Cast %#v to []bool", i)
+ }
+ a[j] = val
+ }
+ return a, nil
+ default:
+ return []bool{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Cast %#v to []bool", i)
+ }
// ToStringSliceE casts an empty interface to a []string.
func ToStringSliceE(i interface{}) ([]string, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToStringSliceE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
var a []string
@@ -440,7 +467,6 @@ func ToStringSliceE(i interface{}) ([]string, error) {
// ToIntSliceE casts an empty interface to a []int.
func ToIntSliceE(i interface{}) ([]int, error) {
- jww.TRACE.Println("ToIntSliceE called on type:", reflect.TypeOf(i))
if i == nil {
return []int{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to Cast %#v to []int", i)