path: root/vendor/go.opencensus.io/trace/trace.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/go.opencensus.io/trace/trace.go')
1 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/go.opencensus.io/trace/trace.go b/vendor/go.opencensus.io/trace/trace.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19c6930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/go.opencensus.io/trace/trace.go
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+// Copyright 2017, OpenCensus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package trace
+import (
+ "context"
+ crand "crypto/rand"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ "math/rand"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ "go.opencensus.io/internal"
+// Span represents a span of a trace. It has an associated SpanContext, and
+// stores data accumulated while the span is active.
+// Ideally users should interact with Spans by calling the functions in this
+// package that take a Context parameter.
+type Span struct {
+ // data contains information recorded about the span.
+ //
+ // It will be non-nil if we are exporting the span or recording events for it.
+ // Otherwise, data is nil, and the Span is simply a carrier for the
+ // SpanContext, so that the trace ID is propagated.
+ data *SpanData
+ mu sync.Mutex // protects the contents of *data (but not the pointer value.)
+ spanContext SpanContext
+ // spanStore is the spanStore this span belongs to, if any, otherwise it is nil.
+ *spanStore
+ endOnce sync.Once
+ executionTracerTaskEnd func() // ends the execution tracer span
+// IsRecordingEvents returns true if events are being recorded for this span.
+// Use this check to avoid computing expensive annotations when they will never
+// be used.
+func (s *Span) IsRecordingEvents() bool {
+ if s == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return s.data != nil
+// TraceOptions contains options associated with a trace span.
+type TraceOptions uint32
+// IsSampled returns true if the span will be exported.
+func (sc SpanContext) IsSampled() bool {
+ return sc.TraceOptions.IsSampled()
+// setIsSampled sets the TraceOptions bit that determines whether the span will be exported.
+func (sc *SpanContext) setIsSampled(sampled bool) {
+ if sampled {
+ sc.TraceOptions |= 1
+ } else {
+ sc.TraceOptions &= ^TraceOptions(1)
+ }
+// IsSampled returns true if the span will be exported.
+func (t TraceOptions) IsSampled() bool {
+ return t&1 == 1
+// SpanContext contains the state that must propagate across process boundaries.
+// SpanContext is not an implementation of context.Context.
+// TODO: add reference to external Census docs for SpanContext.
+type SpanContext struct {
+ TraceID TraceID
+ SpanID SpanID
+ TraceOptions TraceOptions
+type contextKey struct{}
+// FromContext returns the Span stored in a context, or nil if there isn't one.
+func FromContext(ctx context.Context) *Span {
+ s, _ := ctx.Value(contextKey{}).(*Span)
+ return s
+// WithSpan returns a new context with the given Span attached.
+// Deprecated: Use NewContext.
+func WithSpan(parent context.Context, s *Span) context.Context {
+ return NewContext(parent, s)
+// NewContext returns a new context with the given Span attached.
+func NewContext(parent context.Context, s *Span) context.Context {
+ return context.WithValue(parent, contextKey{}, s)
+// All available span kinds. Span kind must be either one of these values.
+const (
+ SpanKindUnspecified = iota
+ SpanKindServer
+ SpanKindClient
+// StartOptions contains options concerning how a span is started.
+type StartOptions struct {
+ // Sampler to consult for this Span. If provided, it is always consulted.
+ //
+ // If not provided, then the behavior differs based on whether
+ // the parent of this Span is remote, local, or there is no parent.
+ // In the case of a remote parent or no parent, the
+ // default sampler (see Config) will be consulted. Otherwise,
+ // when there is a non-remote parent, no new sampling decision will be made:
+ // we will preserve the sampling of the parent.
+ Sampler Sampler
+ // SpanKind represents the kind of a span. If none is set,
+ // SpanKindUnspecified is used.
+ SpanKind int
+// StartOption apply changes to StartOptions.
+type StartOption func(*StartOptions)
+// WithSpanKind makes new spans to be created with the given kind.
+func WithSpanKind(spanKind int) StartOption {
+ return func(o *StartOptions) {
+ o.SpanKind = spanKind
+ }
+// WithSampler makes new spans to be be created with a custom sampler.
+// Otherwise, the global sampler is used.
+func WithSampler(sampler Sampler) StartOption {
+ return func(o *StartOptions) {
+ o.Sampler = sampler
+ }
+// StartSpan starts a new child span of the current span in the context. If
+// there is no span in the context, creates a new trace and span.
+func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, o ...StartOption) (context.Context, *Span) {
+ var opts StartOptions
+ var parent SpanContext
+ if p := FromContext(ctx); p != nil {
+ parent = p.spanContext
+ }
+ for _, op := range o {
+ op(&opts)
+ }
+ span := startSpanInternal(name, parent != SpanContext{}, parent, false, opts)
+ ctx, end := startExecutionTracerTask(ctx, name)
+ span.executionTracerTaskEnd = end
+ return NewContext(ctx, span), span
+// StartSpanWithRemoteParent starts a new child span of the span from the given parent.
+// If the incoming context contains a parent, it ignores. StartSpanWithRemoteParent is
+// preferred for cases where the parent is propagated via an incoming request.
+func StartSpanWithRemoteParent(ctx context.Context, name string, parent SpanContext, o ...StartOption) (context.Context, *Span) {
+ var opts StartOptions
+ for _, op := range o {
+ op(&opts)
+ }
+ span := startSpanInternal(name, parent != SpanContext{}, parent, true, opts)
+ ctx, end := startExecutionTracerTask(ctx, name)
+ span.executionTracerTaskEnd = end
+ return NewContext(ctx, span), span
+// NewSpan returns a new span.
+// If parent is not nil, created span will be a child of the parent.
+// Deprecated: Use StartSpan.
+func NewSpan(name string, parent *Span, o StartOptions) *Span {
+ var parentSpanContext SpanContext
+ if parent != nil {
+ parentSpanContext = parent.SpanContext()
+ }
+ return startSpanInternal(name, parent != nil, parentSpanContext, false, o)
+// NewSpanWithRemoteParent returns a new span with the given parent SpanContext.
+// Deprecated: Use StartSpanWithRemoteParent.
+func NewSpanWithRemoteParent(name string, parent SpanContext, o StartOptions) *Span {
+ return startSpanInternal(name, true, parent, true, o)
+func startSpanInternal(name string, hasParent bool, parent SpanContext, remoteParent bool, o StartOptions) *Span {
+ span := &Span{}
+ span.spanContext = parent
+ cfg := config.Load().(*Config)
+ if !hasParent {
+ span.spanContext.TraceID = cfg.IDGenerator.NewTraceID()
+ }
+ span.spanContext.SpanID = cfg.IDGenerator.NewSpanID()
+ sampler := cfg.DefaultSampler
+ if !hasParent || remoteParent || o.Sampler != nil {
+ // If this span is the child of a local span and no Sampler is set in the
+ // options, keep the parent's TraceOptions.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, consult the Sampler in the options if it is non-nil, otherwise
+ // the default sampler.
+ if o.Sampler != nil {
+ sampler = o.Sampler
+ }
+ span.spanContext.setIsSampled(sampler(SamplingParameters{
+ ParentContext: parent,
+ TraceID: span.spanContext.TraceID,
+ SpanID: span.spanContext.SpanID,
+ Name: name,
+ HasRemoteParent: remoteParent}).Sample)
+ }
+ if !internal.LocalSpanStoreEnabled && !span.spanContext.IsSampled() {
+ return span
+ }
+ span.data = &SpanData{
+ SpanContext: span.spanContext,
+ StartTime: time.Now(),
+ SpanKind: o.SpanKind,
+ Name: name,
+ HasRemoteParent: remoteParent,
+ }
+ if hasParent {
+ span.data.ParentSpanID = parent.SpanID
+ }
+ if internal.LocalSpanStoreEnabled {
+ var ss *spanStore
+ ss = spanStoreForNameCreateIfNew(name)
+ if ss != nil {
+ span.spanStore = ss
+ ss.add(span)
+ }
+ }
+ return span
+// End ends the span.
+func (s *Span) End() {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ s.endOnce.Do(func() {
+ if s.executionTracerTaskEnd != nil {
+ s.executionTracerTaskEnd()
+ }
+ // TODO: optimize to avoid this call if sd won't be used.
+ sd := s.makeSpanData()
+ sd.EndTime = internal.MonotonicEndTime(sd.StartTime)
+ if s.spanStore != nil {
+ s.spanStore.finished(s, sd)
+ }
+ if s.spanContext.IsSampled() {
+ // TODO: consider holding exportersMu for less time.
+ exportersMu.Lock()
+ for e := range exporters {
+ e.ExportSpan(sd)
+ }
+ exportersMu.Unlock()
+ }
+ })
+// makeSpanData produces a SpanData representing the current state of the Span.
+// It requires that s.data is non-nil.
+func (s *Span) makeSpanData() *SpanData {
+ var sd SpanData
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ sd = *s.data
+ if s.data.Attributes != nil {
+ sd.Attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
+ for k, v := range s.data.Attributes {
+ sd.Attributes[k] = v
+ }
+ }
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+ return &sd
+// SpanContext returns the SpanContext of the span.
+func (s *Span) SpanContext() SpanContext {
+ if s == nil {
+ return SpanContext{}
+ }
+ return s.spanContext
+// SetStatus sets the status of the span, if it is recording events.
+func (s *Span) SetStatus(status Status) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ s.data.Status = status
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+// AddAttributes sets attributes in the span.
+// Existing attributes whose keys appear in the attributes parameter are overwritten.
+func (s *Span) AddAttributes(attributes ...Attribute) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ if s.data.Attributes == nil {
+ s.data.Attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
+ }
+ copyAttributes(s.data.Attributes, attributes)
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+// copyAttributes copies a slice of Attributes into a map.
+func copyAttributes(m map[string]interface{}, attributes []Attribute) {
+ for _, a := range attributes {
+ m[a.key] = a.value
+ }
+func (s *Span) lazyPrintfInternal(attributes []Attribute, format string, a ...interface{}) {
+ now := time.Now()
+ msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
+ var m map[string]interface{}
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ if len(attributes) != 0 {
+ m = make(map[string]interface{})
+ copyAttributes(m, attributes)
+ }
+ s.data.Annotations = append(s.data.Annotations, Annotation{
+ Time: now,
+ Message: msg,
+ Attributes: m,
+ })
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+func (s *Span) printStringInternal(attributes []Attribute, str string) {
+ now := time.Now()
+ var a map[string]interface{}
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ if len(attributes) != 0 {
+ a = make(map[string]interface{})
+ copyAttributes(a, attributes)
+ }
+ s.data.Annotations = append(s.data.Annotations, Annotation{
+ Time: now,
+ Message: str,
+ Attributes: a,
+ })
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+// Annotate adds an annotation with attributes.
+// Attributes can be nil.
+func (s *Span) Annotate(attributes []Attribute, str string) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ s.printStringInternal(attributes, str)
+// Annotatef adds an annotation with attributes.
+func (s *Span) Annotatef(attributes []Attribute, format string, a ...interface{}) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ s.lazyPrintfInternal(attributes, format, a...)
+// AddMessageSendEvent adds a message send event to the span.
+// messageID is an identifier for the message, which is recommended to be
+// unique in this span and the same between the send event and the receive
+// event (this allows to identify a message between the sender and receiver).
+// For example, this could be a sequence id.
+func (s *Span) AddMessageSendEvent(messageID, uncompressedByteSize, compressedByteSize int64) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ now := time.Now()
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ s.data.MessageEvents = append(s.data.MessageEvents, MessageEvent{
+ Time: now,
+ EventType: MessageEventTypeSent,
+ MessageID: messageID,
+ UncompressedByteSize: uncompressedByteSize,
+ CompressedByteSize: compressedByteSize,
+ })
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+// AddMessageReceiveEvent adds a message receive event to the span.
+// messageID is an identifier for the message, which is recommended to be
+// unique in this span and the same between the send event and the receive
+// event (this allows to identify a message between the sender and receiver).
+// For example, this could be a sequence id.
+func (s *Span) AddMessageReceiveEvent(messageID, uncompressedByteSize, compressedByteSize int64) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ now := time.Now()
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ s.data.MessageEvents = append(s.data.MessageEvents, MessageEvent{
+ Time: now,
+ EventType: MessageEventTypeRecv,
+ MessageID: messageID,
+ UncompressedByteSize: uncompressedByteSize,
+ CompressedByteSize: compressedByteSize,
+ })
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+// AddLink adds a link to the span.
+func (s *Span) AddLink(l Link) {
+ if !s.IsRecordingEvents() {
+ return
+ }
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ s.data.Links = append(s.data.Links, l)
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+func (s *Span) String() string {
+ if s == nil {
+ return "<nil>"
+ }
+ if s.data == nil {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("span %s", s.spanContext.SpanID)
+ }
+ s.mu.Lock()
+ str := fmt.Sprintf("span %s %q", s.spanContext.SpanID, s.data.Name)
+ s.mu.Unlock()
+ return str
+var config atomic.Value // access atomically
+func init() {
+ gen := &defaultIDGenerator{}
+ // initialize traceID and spanID generators.
+ var rngSeed int64
+ for _, p := range []interface{}{
+ &rngSeed, &gen.traceIDAdd, &gen.nextSpanID, &gen.spanIDInc,
+ } {
+ binary.Read(crand.Reader, binary.LittleEndian, p)
+ }
+ gen.traceIDRand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(rngSeed))
+ gen.spanIDInc |= 1
+ config.Store(&Config{
+ DefaultSampler: ProbabilitySampler(defaultSamplingProbability),
+ IDGenerator: gen,
+ })
+type defaultIDGenerator struct {
+ sync.Mutex
+ traceIDRand *rand.Rand
+ traceIDAdd [2]uint64
+ nextSpanID uint64
+ spanIDInc uint64
+// NewSpanID returns a non-zero span ID from a randomly-chosen sequence.
+// mu should be held while this function is called.
+func (gen *defaultIDGenerator) NewSpanID() [8]byte {
+ gen.Lock()
+ id := gen.nextSpanID
+ gen.nextSpanID += gen.spanIDInc
+ if gen.nextSpanID == 0 {
+ gen.nextSpanID += gen.spanIDInc
+ }
+ gen.Unlock()
+ var sid [8]byte
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(sid[:], id)
+ return sid
+// NewTraceID returns a non-zero trace ID from a randomly-chosen sequence.
+// mu should be held while this function is called.
+func (gen *defaultIDGenerator) NewTraceID() [16]byte {
+ var tid [16]byte
+ // Construct the trace ID from two outputs of traceIDRand, with a constant
+ // added to each half for additional entropy.
+ gen.Lock()
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(tid[0:8], gen.traceIDRand.Uint64()+gen.traceIDAdd[0])
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(tid[8:16], gen.traceIDRand.Uint64()+gen.traceIDAdd[1])
+ gen.Unlock()
+ return tid