path: root/client/client.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-17 Support a message to be passed and logged from client to server (#67)Bob Long
2017-06-05Saving private keys (#61)fuero
2017-04-10Ensure resp.Body is closedNiall Sheridan
2017-02-19Add grpc signerNiall Sheridan
2017-01-27Add a public_file_prefix option to cashier.confKevin Lyda
2017-01-15Add more context to errorsNiall Sheridan
2017-01-05Move GetPublicKey to the shared `lib` packageNiall Sheridan
2016-09-30Use json.NewDecoder to decode json from httpNiall Sheridan
2016-09-10Make client a top-level package for consistencyNiall Sheridan