path: root/client/keys.go
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-08-08Correct client behaviours for option handlingNiall Sheridan
A config file is not required - don't error if one doesn't exist. Don't overwrite default options with an empty string.
2017-06-05Saving private keys (#61)fuero
* enables saving private keys * renames public_file_prefix to key_file_prefix and updates its docs to better reflect the changes
2017-01-15Add more context to errorsNiall Sheridan
2017-01-04Simplify key generationNiall Sheridan
Use functions to build key generation options. Make it entirely optional.
2016-09-11Allow filtering resultsNiall Sheridan
2016-09-10Make client a top-level package for consistencyNiall Sheridan
2016-05-22Move binaries into cmd/ directoryNiall Sheridan
2016-05-18Support ed25519 ssh keysNiall Sheridan
2016-04-20Add comments.Niall Sheridan
2016-04-20Simplify this a bitNiall Sheridan
2016-04-18Initial commitNiall Sheridan