package gitlab import ( "errors" "net/http" "" "" gitlabapi "" "" ) const ( name = "gitlab" ) // Config is an implementation of `auth.Provider` for authenticating using a // Gitlab account. type Config struct { config *oauth2.Config baseurl string group string whitelist map[string]bool allusers bool } // New creates a new Gitlab provider from a configuration. func New(c *config.Auth) (auth.Provider, error) { uw := make(map[string]bool) for _, u := range c.UsersWhitelist { uw[u] = true } allUsers := false if c.ProviderOpts["allusers"] == "true" { allUsers = true } if !allUsers && c.ProviderOpts["group"] == "" && len(uw) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("gitlab_opts group and the users whitelist must not be both empty if allusers isn't true") } siteURL := "" if c.ProviderOpts["siteurl"] != "" { siteURL = c.ProviderOpts["siteurl"] if siteURL[len(siteURL)-1] != '/' { return nil, errors.New("gitlab_opts siteurl must end in /") } } else { if allUsers { return nil, errors.New("gitlab_opts if allusers is set, siteurl must be set") } } return &Config{ config: &oauth2.Config{ ClientID: c.OauthClientID, ClientSecret: c.OauthClientSecret, RedirectURL: c.OauthCallbackURL, Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: siteURL + "oauth/authorize", TokenURL: siteURL + "oauth/token", }, Scopes: []string{ "api", }, }, group: c.ProviderOpts["group"], whitelist: uw, allusers: allUsers, baseurl: siteURL + "api/v3/", }, nil } // A new oauth2 http client. func (c *Config) newClient(token *oauth2.Token) *http.Client { return c.config.Client(oauth2.NoContext, token) } // Name returns the name of the provider. func (c *Config) Name() string { return name } // Valid validates the oauth token. func (c *Config) Valid(token *oauth2.Token) bool { if !token.Valid() { return false } if c.allusers { return true } if len(c.whitelist) > 0 && !c.whitelist[c.Username(token)] { return false } if == "" { // There's no group and token is valid. Can only reach // here if user whitelist is set and user is in whitelist. return true } client := gitlabapi.NewOAuthClient(nil, token.AccessToken) client.SetBaseURL(c.baseurl) groups, _, err := client.Groups.SearchGroup( if err != nil { return false } for _, g := range groups { if g.Path == { return true } } return false } // Revoke is a no-op revoke method. Gitlab doesn't allow token // revocation - tokens live for an hour. // Returns nil to satisfy the Provider interface. func (c *Config) Revoke(token *oauth2.Token) error { return nil } // StartSession retrieves an authentication endpoint from Gitlab. func (c *Config) StartSession(state string) *auth.Session { return &auth.Session{ AuthURL: c.config.AuthCodeURL(state), } } // Exchange authorizes the session and returns an access token. func (c *Config) Exchange(code string) (*oauth2.Token, error) { return c.config.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code) } // Username retrieves the username of the Gitlab user. func (c *Config) Username(token *oauth2.Token) string { client := gitlabapi.NewOAuthClient(nil, token.AccessToken) client.SetBaseURL(c.baseurl) u, _, err := client.Users.CurrentUser() if err != nil { return "" } return u.Username }