package migrations import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "os" "os/user" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "testing" "" _ "" migrate "" "" "" ) func TestSQLiteMigrations(t *testing.T) { subdir := "sqlite3" db, err := sql.Open(subdir, ":memory:") require.NoError(t, err, "Unable to open sqlite connection") runMigrations(t, db, subdir) db.Close() } func TestMySQLMigrations(t *testing.T) { if os.Getenv("MYSQL_TEST") == "" { t.Skip("No MYSQL_TEST environment variable") } r := require.New(t) subdir := "mysql" dsn := mysql.NewConfig() dsn.Net = "tcp" dsn.ParseTime = true dsn.Addr = os.Getenv("MYSQL_TEST_HOST") dsn.Passwd = os.Getenv("MYSQL_TEST_PASS") u, _ := user.Current() if testUser, ok := os.LookupEnv("MYSQL_TEST_USER"); ok { dsn.User = testUser } else { dsn.User = u.Username } db, err := sql.Open(subdir, dsn.FormatDSN()) r.NoError(err, "Unable to open mysql connection") rnd := make([]byte, 4) rand.Read(rnd) suffix := fmt.Sprintf("_%x", string(rnd)) _, err = db.Exec("CREATE DATABASE migrations_test" + suffix) r.NoError(err) _, err = db.Exec("USE migrations_test" + suffix) r.NoError(err) runMigrations(t, db, subdir) db.Exec("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS migrations_test" + suffix) db.Close() } func runMigrations(t *testing.T, db *sql.DB, directory string) { a := assert.New(t) r := require.New(t) m := &migrate.FileMigrationSource{ Dir: directory, } files, err := filepath.Glob(path.Join(directory, "*.sql")) // Verify that there is at least one migration to run r.NoError(err, "No migrations to run") r.NotEmpty(files) // Verify that migrating up works n, err := migrate.Exec(db, directory, m, migrate.Up) if a.NoError(err) { a.Len(files, n) } // Verify that a subsequent run has no migrations n, err = migrate.Exec(db, directory, m, migrate.Up) if a.NoError(err) { a.Equal(0, n) } // Verify that reversing migrations works n, err = migrate.Exec(db, directory, m, migrate.Down) if a.NoError(err) { a.Len(files, n) } } // Test that all migration directories contain the same set of migrations files. func TestMigationDirectoryContents(t *testing.T) { names := map[string][]string{} contents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(".") assert.NoError(t, err) for _, i := range contents { if i.IsDir() { dir := path.Join(i.Name(), "*.sql") files, _ := filepath.Glob(dir) trimmed := []string{} for _, f := range files { trimmed = append(trimmed, filepath.Base(f)) } names[i.Name()] = trimmed } } // Use one entry from the `names` map as a reference for all the others. first := names[reflect.ValueOf(names).MapKeys()[0].String()] for _, v := range names { assert.EqualValues(t, first, v) } }