// +build codegen package endpoints import ( "fmt" "io" "reflect" "strings" "text/template" "unicode" ) // A CodeGenOptions are the options for code generating the endpoints into // Go code from the endpoints model definition. type CodeGenOptions struct { // Options for how the model will be decoded. DecodeModelOptions DecodeModelOptions } // Set combines all of the option functions together func (d *CodeGenOptions) Set(optFns ...func(*CodeGenOptions)) { for _, fn := range optFns { fn(d) } } // CodeGenModel given a endpoints model file will decode it and attempt to // generate Go code from the model definition. Error will be returned if // the code is unable to be generated, or decoded. func CodeGenModel(modelFile io.Reader, outFile io.Writer, optFns ...func(*CodeGenOptions)) error { var opts CodeGenOptions opts.Set(optFns...) resolver, err := DecodeModel(modelFile, func(d *DecodeModelOptions) { *d = opts.DecodeModelOptions }) if err != nil { return err } tmpl := template.Must(template.New("tmpl").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(v3Tmpl)) if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(outFile, "defaults", resolver); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute template, %v", err) } return nil } func toSymbol(v string) string { out := []rune{} for _, c := range strings.Title(v) { if !(unicode.IsNumber(c) || unicode.IsLetter(c)) { continue } out = append(out, c) } return string(out) } func quoteString(v string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", v) } func regionConstName(p, r string) string { return toSymbol(p) + toSymbol(r) } func partitionGetter(id string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%sPartition", toSymbol(id)) } func partitionVarName(id string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%sPartition", strings.ToLower(toSymbol(id))) } func listPartitionNames(ps partitions) string { names := []string{} switch len(ps) { case 1: return ps[0].Name case 2: return fmt.Sprintf("%s and %s", ps[0].Name, ps[1].Name) default: for i, p := range ps { if i == len(ps)-1 { names = append(names, "and "+p.Name) } else { names = append(names, p.Name) } } return strings.Join(names, ", ") } } func boxedBoolIfSet(msg string, v boxedBool) string { switch v { case boxedTrue: return fmt.Sprintf(msg, "boxedTrue") case boxedFalse: return fmt.Sprintf(msg, "boxedFalse") default: return "" } } func stringIfSet(msg, v string) string { if len(v) == 0 { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf(msg, v) } func stringSliceIfSet(msg string, vs []string) string { if len(vs) == 0 { return "" } names := []string{} for _, v := range vs { names = append(names, `"`+v+`"`) } return fmt.Sprintf(msg, strings.Join(names, ",")) } func endpointIsSet(v endpoint) bool { return !reflect.DeepEqual(v, endpoint{}) } func serviceSet(ps partitions) map[string]struct{} { set := map[string]struct{}{} for _, p := range ps { for id := range p.Services { set[id] = struct{}{} } } return set } var funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "ToSymbol": toSymbol, "QuoteString": quoteString, "RegionConst": regionConstName, "PartitionGetter": partitionGetter, "PartitionVarName": partitionVarName, "ListPartitionNames": listPartitionNames, "BoxedBoolIfSet": boxedBoolIfSet, "StringIfSet": stringIfSet, "StringSliceIfSet": stringSliceIfSet, "EndpointIsSet": endpointIsSet, "ServicesSet": serviceSet, } const v3Tmpl = ` {{ define "defaults" -}} // Code generated by aws/endpoints/v3model_codegen.go. DO NOT EDIT. package endpoints import ( "regexp" ) {{ template "partition consts" . }} {{ range $_, $partition := . }} {{ template "partition region consts" $partition }} {{ end }} {{ template "service consts" . }} {{ template "endpoint resolvers" . }} {{- end }} {{ define "partition consts" }} // Partition identifiers const ( {{ range $_, $p := . -}} {{ ToSymbol $p.ID }}PartitionID = {{ QuoteString $p.ID }} // {{ $p.Name }} partition. {{ end -}} ) {{- end }} {{ define "partition region consts" }} // {{ .Name }} partition's regions. const ( {{ range $id, $region := .Regions -}} {{ ToSymbol $id }}RegionID = {{ QuoteString $id }} // {{ $region.Description }}. {{ end -}} ) {{- end }} {{ define "service consts" }} // Service identifiers const ( {{ $serviceSet := ServicesSet . -}} {{ range $id, $_ := $serviceSet -}} {{ ToSymbol $id }}ServiceID = {{ QuoteString $id }} // {{ ToSymbol $id }}. {{ end -}} ) {{- end }} {{ define "endpoint resolvers" }} // DefaultResolver returns an Endpoint resolver that will be able // to resolve endpoints for: {{ ListPartitionNames . }}. // // Casting the return value of this func to a EnumPartitions will // allow you to get a list of the partitions in the order the endpoints // will be resolved in. // // resolver := endpoints.DefaultResolver() // partitions := resolver.(endpoints.EnumPartitions).Partitions() // for _, p := range partitions { // // ... inspect partitions // } func DefaultResolver() Resolver { return defaultPartitions } var defaultPartitions = partitions{ {{ range $_, $partition := . -}} {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }}, {{ end }} } {{ range $_, $partition := . -}} {{ $name := PartitionGetter $partition.ID -}} // {{ $name }} returns the Resolver for {{ $partition.Name }}. func {{ $name }}() Partition { return {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }}.Partition() } var {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }} = {{ template "gocode Partition" $partition }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "default partitions" }} func DefaultPartitions() []Partition { return []partition{ {{ range $_, $partition := . -}} // {{ ToSymbol $partition.ID}}Partition(), {{ end }} } } {{ end }} {{ define "gocode Partition" -}} partition{ {{ StringIfSet "ID: %q,\n" .ID -}} {{ StringIfSet "Name: %q,\n" .Name -}} {{ StringIfSet "DNSSuffix: %q,\n" .DNSSuffix -}} RegionRegex: {{ template "gocode RegionRegex" .RegionRegex }}, {{ if EndpointIsSet .Defaults -}} Defaults: {{ template "gocode Endpoint" .Defaults }}, {{- end }} Regions: {{ template "gocode Regions" .Regions }}, Services: {{ template "gocode Services" .Services }}, } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode RegionRegex" -}} regionRegex{ Regexp: func() *regexp.Regexp{ reg, _ := regexp.Compile({{ QuoteString .Regexp.String }}) return reg }(), } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode Regions" -}} regions{ {{ range $id, $region := . -}} "{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Region" $region }}, {{ end -}} } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode Region" -}} region{ {{ StringIfSet "Description: %q,\n" .Description -}} } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode Services" -}} services{ {{ range $id, $service := . -}} "{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Service" $service }}, {{ end }} } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode Service" -}} service{ {{ StringIfSet "PartitionEndpoint: %q,\n" .PartitionEndpoint -}} {{ BoxedBoolIfSet "IsRegionalized: %s,\n" .IsRegionalized -}} {{ if EndpointIsSet .Defaults -}} Defaults: {{ template "gocode Endpoint" .Defaults -}}, {{- end }} {{ if .Endpoints -}} Endpoints: {{ template "gocode Endpoints" .Endpoints }}, {{- end }} } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode Endpoints" -}} endpoints{ {{ range $id, $endpoint := . -}} "{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Endpoint" $endpoint }}, {{ end }} } {{- end }} {{ define "gocode Endpoint" -}} endpoint{ {{ StringIfSet "Hostname: %q,\n" .Hostname -}} {{ StringIfSet "SSLCommonName: %q,\n" .SSLCommonName -}} {{ StringSliceIfSet "Protocols: []string{%s},\n" .Protocols -}} {{ StringSliceIfSet "SignatureVersions: []string{%s},\n" .SignatureVersions -}} {{ if or .CredentialScope.Region .CredentialScope.Service -}} CredentialScope: credentialScope{ {{ StringIfSet "Region: %q,\n" .CredentialScope.Region -}} {{ StringIfSet "Service: %q,\n" .CredentialScope.Service -}} }, {{- end }} {{ BoxedBoolIfSet "HasDualStack: %s,\n" .HasDualStack -}} {{ StringIfSet "DualStackHostname: %q,\n" .DualStackHostname -}} } {{- end }} `