// Package v4 implements signing for AWS V4 signer // // Provides request signing for request that need to be signed with // AWS V4 Signatures. package v4 import ( "bytes" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/credentials" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/request" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/rest" ) const ( authHeaderPrefix = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" timeFormat = "20060102T150405Z" shortTimeFormat = "20060102" // emptyStringSHA256 is a SHA256 of an empty string emptyStringSHA256 = `e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855` ) var ignoredHeaders = rules{ blacklist{ mapRule{ "Authorization": struct{}{}, "User-Agent": struct{}{}, }, }, } // requiredSignedHeaders is a whitelist for build canonical headers. var requiredSignedHeaders = rules{ whitelist{ mapRule{ "Cache-Control": struct{}{}, "Content-Disposition": struct{}{}, "Content-Encoding": struct{}{}, "Content-Language": struct{}{}, "Content-Md5": struct{}{}, "Content-Type": struct{}{}, "Expires": struct{}{}, "If-Match": struct{}{}, "If-Modified-Since": struct{}{}, "If-None-Match": struct{}{}, "If-Unmodified-Since": struct{}{}, "Range": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Acl": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-If-Match": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-If-Modified-Since": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-If-None-Match": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-If-Unmodified-Since": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Copy-Source-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Grant-Full-control": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Grant-Read": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Grant-Read-Acp": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Grant-Write": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Grant-Write-Acp": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Metadata-Directive": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Mfa": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Request-Payer": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Aws-Kms-Key-Id": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Storage-Class": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Website-Redirect-Location": struct{}{}, }, }, patterns{"X-Amz-Meta-"}, } // allowedHoisting is a whitelist for build query headers. The boolean value // represents whether or not it is a pattern. var allowedQueryHoisting = inclusiveRules{ blacklist{requiredSignedHeaders}, patterns{"X-Amz-"}, } // Signer applies AWS v4 signing to given request. Use this to sign requests // that need to be signed with AWS V4 Signatures. type Signer struct { // The authentication credentials the request will be signed against. // This value must be set to sign requests. Credentials *credentials.Credentials // Sets the log level the signer should use when reporting information to // the logger. If the logger is nil nothing will be logged. See // aws.LogLevelType for more information on available logging levels // // By default nothing will be logged. Debug aws.LogLevelType // The logger loging information will be written to. If there the logger // is nil, nothing will be logged. Logger aws.Logger // Disables the Signer's moving HTTP header key/value pairs from the HTTP // request header to the request's query string. This is most commonly used // with pre-signed requests preventing headers from being added to the // request's query string. DisableHeaderHoisting bool // currentTimeFn returns the time value which represents the current time. // This value should only be used for testing. If it is nil the default // time.Now will be used. currentTimeFn func() time.Time } // NewSigner returns a Signer pointer configured with the credentials and optional // option values provided. If not options are provided the Signer will use its // default configuration. func NewSigner(credentials *credentials.Credentials, options ...func(*Signer)) *Signer { v4 := &Signer{ Credentials: credentials, } for _, option := range options { option(v4) } return v4 } type signingCtx struct { ServiceName string Region string Request *http.Request Body io.ReadSeeker Query url.Values Time time.Time ExpireTime time.Duration SignedHeaderVals http.Header credValues credentials.Value isPresign bool formattedTime string formattedShortTime string bodyDigest string signedHeaders string canonicalHeaders string canonicalString string credentialString string stringToSign string signature string authorization string } // Sign signs AWS v4 requests with the provided body, service name, region the // request is made to, and time the request is signed at. The signTime allows // you to specify that a request is signed for the future, and cannot be // used until then. // // Returns a list of HTTP headers that were included in the signature or an // error if signing the request failed. Generally for signed requests this value // is not needed as the full request context will be captured by the http.Request // value. It is included for reference though. // // Sign differs from Presign in that it will sign the request using HTTP // header values. This type of signing is intended for http.Request values that // will not be shared, or are shared in a way the header values on the request // will not be lost. // // The requests body is an io.ReadSeeker so the SHA256 of the body can be // generated. To bypass the signer computing the hash you can set the // "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header with a precomputed value. The signer will // only compute the hash if the request header value is empty. func (v4 Signer) Sign(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) { return v4.signWithBody(r, body, service, region, 0, signTime) } // Presign signs AWS v4 requests with the provided body, service name, region // the request is made to, and time the request is signed at. The signTime // allows you to specify that a request is signed for the future, and cannot // be used until then. // // Returns a list of HTTP headers that were included in the signature or an // error if signing the request failed. For presigned requests these headers // and their values must be included on the HTTP request when it is made. This // is helpful to know what header values need to be shared with the party the // presigned request will be distributed to. // // Presign differs from Sign in that it will sign the request using query string // instead of header values. This allows you to share the Presigned Request's // URL with third parties, or distribute it throughout your system with minimal // dependencies. // // Presign also takes an exp value which is the duration the // signed request will be valid after the signing time. This is allows you to // set when the request will expire. // // The requests body is an io.ReadSeeker so the SHA256 of the body can be // generated. To bypass the signer computing the hash you can set the // "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" header with a precomputed value. The signer will // only compute the hash if the request header value is empty. // // Presigning a S3 request will not compute the body's SHA256 hash by default. // This is done due to the general use case for S3 presigned URLs is to share // PUT/GET capabilities. If you would like to include the body's SHA256 in the // presigned request's signature you can set the "X-Amz-Content-Sha256" // HTTP header and that will be included in the request's signature. func (v4 Signer) Presign(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, exp time.Duration, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) { return v4.signWithBody(r, body, service, region, exp, signTime) } func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, region string, exp time.Duration, signTime time.Time) (http.Header, error) { currentTimeFn := v4.currentTimeFn if currentTimeFn == nil { currentTimeFn = time.Now } ctx := &signingCtx{ Request: r, Body: body, Query: r.URL.Query(), Time: signTime, ExpireTime: exp, isPresign: exp != 0, ServiceName: service, Region: region, } if ctx.isRequestSigned() { if !v4.Credentials.IsExpired() && currentTimeFn().Before(ctx.Time.Add(10*time.Minute)) { // If the request is already signed, and the credentials have not // expired, and the request is not too old ignore the signing request. return ctx.SignedHeaderVals, nil } ctx.Time = currentTimeFn() ctx.handlePresignRemoval() } var err error ctx.credValues, err = v4.Credentials.Get() if err != nil { return http.Header{}, err } ctx.assignAmzQueryValues() ctx.build(v4.DisableHeaderHoisting) if v4.Debug.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithSigning) { v4.logSigningInfo(ctx) } return ctx.SignedHeaderVals, nil } func (ctx *signingCtx) handlePresignRemoval() { if !ctx.isPresign { return } // The credentials have expired for this request. The current signing // is invalid, and needs to be request because the request will fail. ctx.removePresign() // Update the request's query string to ensure the values stays in // sync in the case retrieving the new credentials fails. ctx.Request.URL.RawQuery = ctx.Query.Encode() } func (ctx *signingCtx) assignAmzQueryValues() { if ctx.isPresign { ctx.Query.Set("X-Amz-Algorithm", authHeaderPrefix) if ctx.credValues.SessionToken != "" { ctx.Query.Set("X-Amz-Security-Token", ctx.credValues.SessionToken) } else { ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Security-Token") } return } if ctx.credValues.SessionToken != "" { ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Amz-Security-Token", ctx.credValues.SessionToken) } } // SignRequestHandler is a named request handler the SDK will use to sign // service client request with using the V4 signature. var SignRequestHandler = request.NamedHandler{ Name: "v4.SignRequestHandler", Fn: SignSDKRequest, } // SignSDKRequest signs an AWS request with the V4 signature. This // request handler is bested used only with the SDK's built in service client's // API operation requests. // // This function should not be used on its on its own, but in conjunction with // an AWS service client's API operation call. To sign a standalone request // not created by a service client's API operation method use the "Sign" or // "Presign" functions of the "Signer" type. // // If the credentials of the request's config are set to // credentials.AnonymousCredentials the request will not be signed. func SignSDKRequest(req *request.Request) { signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req, time.Now) } func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time) { // If the request does not need to be signed ignore the signing of the // request if the AnonymousCredentials object is used. if req.Config.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials { return } region := req.ClientInfo.SigningRegion if region == "" { region = aws.StringValue(req.Config.Region) } name := req.ClientInfo.SigningName if name == "" { name = req.ClientInfo.ServiceName } v4 := NewSigner(req.Config.Credentials, func(v4 *Signer) { v4.Debug = req.Config.LogLevel.Value() v4.Logger = req.Config.Logger v4.DisableHeaderHoisting = req.NotHoist v4.currentTimeFn = curTimeFn }) signingTime := req.Time if !req.LastSignedAt.IsZero() { signingTime = req.LastSignedAt } signedHeaders, err := v4.signWithBody(req.HTTPRequest, req.Body, name, region, req.ExpireTime, signingTime) if err != nil { req.Error = err req.SignedHeaderVals = nil return } req.SignedHeaderVals = signedHeaders req.LastSignedAt = curTimeFn() } const logSignInfoMsg = `DEBUG: Request Signiture: ---[ CANONICAL STRING ]----------------------------- %s ---[ STRING TO SIGN ]-------------------------------- %s%s -----------------------------------------------------` const logSignedURLMsg = ` ---[ SIGNED URL ]------------------------------------ %s` func (v4 *Signer) logSigningInfo(ctx *signingCtx) { signedURLMsg := "" if ctx.isPresign { signedURLMsg = fmt.Sprintf(logSignedURLMsg, ctx.Request.URL.String()) } msg := fmt.Sprintf(logSignInfoMsg, ctx.canonicalString, ctx.stringToSign, signedURLMsg) v4.Logger.Log(msg) } func (ctx *signingCtx) build(disableHeaderHoisting bool) { ctx.buildTime() // no depends ctx.buildCredentialString() // no depends unsignedHeaders := ctx.Request.Header if ctx.isPresign { if !disableHeaderHoisting { urlValues := url.Values{} urlValues, unsignedHeaders = buildQuery(allowedQueryHoisting, unsignedHeaders) // no depends for k := range urlValues { ctx.Query[k] = urlValues[k] } } } ctx.buildBodyDigest() ctx.buildCanonicalHeaders(ignoredHeaders, unsignedHeaders) ctx.buildCanonicalString() // depends on canon headers / signed headers ctx.buildStringToSign() // depends on canon string ctx.buildSignature() // depends on string to sign if ctx.isPresign { ctx.Request.URL.RawQuery += "&X-Amz-Signature=" + ctx.signature } else { parts := []string{ authHeaderPrefix + " Credential=" + ctx.credValues.AccessKeyID + "/" + ctx.credentialString, "SignedHeaders=" + ctx.signedHeaders, "Signature=" + ctx.signature, } ctx.Request.Header.Set("Authorization", strings.Join(parts, ", ")) } } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildTime() { ctx.formattedTime = ctx.Time.UTC().Format(timeFormat) ctx.formattedShortTime = ctx.Time.UTC().Format(shortTimeFormat) if ctx.isPresign { duration := int64(ctx.ExpireTime / time.Second) ctx.Query.Set("X-Amz-Date", ctx.formattedTime) ctx.Query.Set("X-Amz-Expires", strconv.FormatInt(duration, 10)) } else { ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Amz-Date", ctx.formattedTime) } } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildCredentialString() { ctx.credentialString = strings.Join([]string{ ctx.formattedShortTime, ctx.Region, ctx.ServiceName, "aws4_request", }, "/") if ctx.isPresign { ctx.Query.Set("X-Amz-Credential", ctx.credValues.AccessKeyID+"/"+ctx.credentialString) } } func buildQuery(r rule, header http.Header) (url.Values, http.Header) { query := url.Values{} unsignedHeaders := http.Header{} for k, h := range header { if r.IsValid(k) { query[k] = h } else { unsignedHeaders[k] = h } } return query, unsignedHeaders } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildCanonicalHeaders(r rule, header http.Header) { var headers []string headers = append(headers, "host") for k, v := range header { canonicalKey := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k) if !r.IsValid(canonicalKey) { continue // ignored header } if ctx.SignedHeaderVals == nil { ctx.SignedHeaderVals = make(http.Header) } lowerCaseKey := strings.ToLower(k) if _, ok := ctx.SignedHeaderVals[lowerCaseKey]; ok { // include additional values ctx.SignedHeaderVals[lowerCaseKey] = append(ctx.SignedHeaderVals[lowerCaseKey], v...) continue } headers = append(headers, lowerCaseKey) ctx.SignedHeaderVals[lowerCaseKey] = v } sort.Strings(headers) ctx.signedHeaders = strings.Join(headers, ";") if ctx.isPresign { ctx.Query.Set("X-Amz-SignedHeaders", ctx.signedHeaders) } headerValues := make([]string, len(headers)) for i, k := range headers { if k == "host" { headerValues[i] = "host:" + ctx.Request.URL.Host } else { headerValues[i] = k + ":" + strings.Join(ctx.SignedHeaderVals[k], ",") } } ctx.canonicalHeaders = strings.Join(stripExcessSpaces(headerValues), "\n") } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildCanonicalString() { ctx.Request.URL.RawQuery = strings.Replace(ctx.Query.Encode(), "+", "%20", -1) uri := ctx.Request.URL.Opaque if uri != "" { uri = "/" + strings.Join(strings.Split(uri, "/")[3:], "/") } else { uri = ctx.Request.URL.Path } if uri == "" { uri = "/" } if ctx.ServiceName != "s3" { uri = rest.EscapePath(uri, false) } ctx.canonicalString = strings.Join([]string{ ctx.Request.Method, uri, ctx.Request.URL.RawQuery, ctx.canonicalHeaders + "\n", ctx.signedHeaders, ctx.bodyDigest, }, "\n") } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildStringToSign() { ctx.stringToSign = strings.Join([]string{ authHeaderPrefix, ctx.formattedTime, ctx.credentialString, hex.EncodeToString(makeSha256([]byte(ctx.canonicalString))), }, "\n") } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildSignature() { secret := ctx.credValues.SecretAccessKey date := makeHmac([]byte("AWS4"+secret), []byte(ctx.formattedShortTime)) region := makeHmac(date, []byte(ctx.Region)) service := makeHmac(region, []byte(ctx.ServiceName)) credentials := makeHmac(service, []byte("aws4_request")) signature := makeHmac(credentials, []byte(ctx.stringToSign)) ctx.signature = hex.EncodeToString(signature) } func (ctx *signingCtx) buildBodyDigest() { hash := ctx.Request.Header.Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") if hash == "" { if ctx.isPresign && ctx.ServiceName == "s3" { hash = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" } else if ctx.Body == nil { hash = emptyStringSHA256 } else { hash = hex.EncodeToString(makeSha256Reader(ctx.Body)) } if ctx.ServiceName == "s3" || ctx.ServiceName == "glacier" { ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Amz-Content-Sha256", hash) } } ctx.bodyDigest = hash } // isRequestSigned returns if the request is currently signed or presigned func (ctx *signingCtx) isRequestSigned() bool { if ctx.isPresign && ctx.Query.Get("X-Amz-Signature") != "" { return true } if ctx.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") != "" { return true } return false } // unsign removes signing flags for both signed and presigned requests. func (ctx *signingCtx) removePresign() { ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Algorithm") ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Signature") ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Security-Token") ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Date") ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Expires") ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-Credential") ctx.Query.Del("X-Amz-SignedHeaders") } func makeHmac(key []byte, data []byte) []byte { hash := hmac.New(sha256.New, key) hash.Write(data) return hash.Sum(nil) } func makeSha256(data []byte) []byte { hash := sha256.New() hash.Write(data) return hash.Sum(nil) } func makeSha256Reader(reader io.ReadSeeker) []byte { hash := sha256.New() start, _ := reader.Seek(0, 1) defer reader.Seek(start, 0) io.Copy(hash, reader) return hash.Sum(nil) } const doubleSpaces = " " var doubleSpaceBytes = []byte(doubleSpaces) func stripExcessSpaces(headerVals []string) []string { vals := make([]string, len(headerVals)) for i, str := range headerVals { // Trim leading and trailing spaces trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(str) idx := strings.Index(trimmed, doubleSpaces) var buf []byte for idx > -1 { // Multiple adjacent spaces found if buf == nil { // first time create the buffer buf = []byte(trimmed) } stripToIdx := -1 for j := idx + 1; j < len(buf); j++ { if buf[j] != ' ' { buf = append(buf[:idx+1], buf[j:]...) stripToIdx = j break } } if stripToIdx >= 0 { idx = bytes.Index(buf[stripToIdx:], doubleSpaceBytes) if idx >= 0 { idx += stripToIdx } } else { idx = -1 } } if buf != nil { vals[i] = string(buf) } else { vals[i] = trimmed } } return vals }