package scl import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "unicode" ) var hashCommentMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`#.+$`) var functionMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s?\((.*)\):?$`) var shortFunctionMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):$`) var variableMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)$`) var assignmentMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*((.|\n)+)$`) var declarationMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*:=\s*(.+)$`) var conditionalVariableMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^\$([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\s*\?=\s*(.+)$`) var docblockStartMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^/\*$`) var docblockEndMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^\*\/$`) var heredocMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`<<([a-zA-Z]+)\s*$`) type tokeniser struct { accruedComment []string } func newTokeniser() *tokeniser { return &tokeniser{} } func (t *tokeniser) resetComment() { t.accruedComment = make([]string, 0) } func (t *tokeniser) stripComments(l *scannerLine) string { lastQuote := []rune{rune(0)} slash := rune(47) slashCount := 0 result := func() (result []byte) { for i, v := range []byte(l.content) { c := rune(v) switch { case c == lastQuote[0]: lastQuote = lastQuote[1:] slashCount = 0 case unicode.In(c, unicode.Quotation_Mark): lastQuote = append([]rune{c}, lastQuote...) slashCount = 0 case c == slash && lastQuote[0] == rune(0): slashCount++ if slashCount == 2 { return result[0:(i - 1)] } default: slashCount = 0 } result = append(result, v) } return }() return strings.Trim(string(result), " ") } func (t *tokeniser) tokenise(l *scannerLine) (tokens []token, err error) { // Remove comments content := t.stripComments(l) // If the string is empty, the entire line was a comment if content == "" { return []token{ token{ kind: tokenLineComment, content: strings.TrimLeft(string(l.content), "/ "), line: l, }, }, nil } if docblockStartMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseCommentStart(l, lineContent(content)) } if docblockEndMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseCommentEnd(l, lineContent(content)) } // Mixin declarations start with a @ if content[0] == '@' { return t.tokeniseMixinDeclaration(l, lineContent(content)) } if shortFunctionMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseShortFunctionCall(l, lineContent(content)) } if functionMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseFunctionCall(l, lineContent(content)) } if assignmentMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseVariableAssignment(l, lineContent(content)) } if declarationMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseVariableDeclaration(l, lineContent(content)) } if conditionalVariableMatcher.MatchString(content) { return t.tokeniseConditionalVariableAssignment(l, lineContent(content)) } // Assume the result is a literal return []token{ token{kind: tokenLiteral, content: content, line: l}, }, nil } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseCommentStart(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenCommentStart, line: l}) return } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseCommentEnd(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenCommentEnd, line: l}) return } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseFunction(l *scannerLine, input string) (name string, tokens []token, err error) { parts := functionMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(input) if len(parts) < 2 { return "", tokens, fmt.Errorf("Can't parse function signature") } name = parts[1] if len(parts) == 3 && parts[2] != "" { lastQuote := rune(0) comma := rune(0x2c) leftBracket := rune(0x5b) rightBracket := rune(0x5d) f := func(c rune) bool { switch { case c == lastQuote: lastQuote = rune(0) return false case lastQuote != rune(0): return false case unicode.In(c, unicode.Quotation_Mark): lastQuote = c return false case c == leftBracket: lastQuote = rightBracket return false case c == comma: return true default: return false } } arguments := strings.FieldsFunc(parts[2], f) for _, arg := range arguments { arg = strings.Trim(arg, " \t") if matches := variableMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(arg); len(matches) > 1 { tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenVariable, content: matches[1], line: l}) } else if matches := assignmentMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(arg); len(matches) > 1 { tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenVariableAssignment, content: matches[1], line: l}) tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenLiteral, content: matches[2], line: l}) } else { tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenLiteral, content: arg, line: l}) } } } return } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseMixinDeclaration(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { name, fntokens, fnerr := t.tokeniseFunction(l, string(content)[1:]) if fnerr != nil { return tokens, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", l, fnerr) } tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenMixinDeclaration, content: name, line: l}) tokens = append(tokens, fntokens...) return } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseFunctionCall(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { name, fntokens, fnerr := t.tokeniseFunction(l, string(content)) if fnerr != nil { return tokens, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", l, fnerr) } tokens = append(tokens, token{kind: tokenFunctionCall, content: name, line: l}) tokens = append(tokens, fntokens...) return } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseShortFunctionCall(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { parts := shortFunctionMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(string(content)) if len(parts) > 0 { return []token{ token{kind: tokenFunctionCall, content: parts[1], line: l}, }, nil } return tokens, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse short function call") } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseVariableAssignment(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { parts := assignmentMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(string(content)) if len(parts) > 0 { return []token{ token{kind: tokenVariableAssignment, content: parts[1], line: l}, token{kind: tokenLiteral, content: parts[2], line: l}, }, nil } return tokens, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse variable assignment") } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseVariableDeclaration(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { parts := declarationMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(string(content)) if len(parts) > 0 { return []token{ token{kind: tokenVariableDeclaration, content: parts[1], line: l}, token{kind: tokenLiteral, content: parts[2], line: l}, }, nil } return tokens, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse variable declaration") } func (t *tokeniser) tokeniseConditionalVariableAssignment(l *scannerLine, content lineContent) (tokens []token, err error) { parts := conditionalVariableMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(string(content)) if len(parts) > 0 { return []token{ token{kind: tokenConditionalVariableAssignment, content: parts[1], line: l}, token{kind: tokenLiteral, content: parts[2], line: l}, }, nil } return tokens, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse conditional variable assignment") }