package edkey import ( "math/rand" "" "" ) /* Writes ed25519 private keys into the new OpenSSH private key format. I have no idea why this isn't implemented anywhere yet, you can do seemingly everything except write it to disk in the OpenSSH private key format. */ func MarshalED25519PrivateKey(key ed25519.PrivateKey) []byte { // Add our key header (followed by a null byte) magic := append([]byte("openssh-key-v1"), 0) var w struct { CipherName string KdfName string KdfOpts string NumKeys uint32 PubKey []byte PrivKeyBlock []byte } // Fill out the private key fields pk1 := struct { Check1 uint32 Check2 uint32 Keytype string Pub []byte Priv []byte Comment string Pad []byte `ssh:"rest"` }{} // Set our check ints ci := rand.Uint32() pk1.Check1 = ci pk1.Check2 = ci // Set our key type pk1.Keytype = ssh.KeyAlgoED25519 // Add the pubkey to the optionally-encrypted block pk, ok := key.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey) if !ok { //fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ed25519.PublicKey type assertion failed on an ed25519 public key. This should never ever happen.") return nil } pubKey := []byte(pk) pk1.Pub = pubKey // Add our private key pk1.Priv = []byte(key) // Might be useful to put something in here at some point pk1.Comment = "" // Add some padding to match the encryption block size within PrivKeyBlock (without Pad field) // 8 doesn't match the documentation, but that's what ssh-keygen uses for unencrypted keys. *shrug* bs := 8 blockLen := len(ssh.Marshal(pk1)) padLen := (bs - (blockLen % bs)) % bs pk1.Pad = make([]byte, padLen) // Padding is a sequence of bytes like: 1, 2, 3... for i := 0; i < padLen; i++ { pk1.Pad[i] = byte(i + 1) } // Generate the pubkey prefix "\0\0\0\nssh-ed25519\0\0\0 " prefix := []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0b} prefix = append(prefix, []byte(ssh.KeyAlgoED25519)...) prefix = append(prefix, []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20}...) // Only going to support unencrypted keys for now w.CipherName = "none" w.KdfName = "none" w.KdfOpts = "" w.NumKeys = 1 w.PubKey = append(prefix, pubKey...) w.PrivKeyBlock = ssh.Marshal(pk1) magic = append(magic, ssh.Marshal(w)...) return magic }