// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build go1.7 package http2 import ( "context" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httptrace" "time" ) type contextContext interface { context.Context } func serverConnBaseContext(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) (ctx contextContext, cancel func()) { ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background()) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, http.LocalAddrContextKey, c.LocalAddr()) if hs := opts.baseConfig(); hs != nil { ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, http.ServerContextKey, hs) } return } func contextWithCancel(ctx contextContext) (_ contextContext, cancel func()) { return context.WithCancel(ctx) } func requestWithContext(req *http.Request, ctx contextContext) *http.Request { return req.WithContext(ctx) } type clientTrace httptrace.ClientTrace func reqContext(r *http.Request) context.Context { return r.Context() } func (t *Transport) idleConnTimeout() time.Duration { if t.t1 != nil { return t.t1.IdleConnTimeout } return 0 } func setResponseUncompressed(res *http.Response) { res.Uncompressed = true } func traceGotConn(req *http.Request, cc *ClientConn) { trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) if trace == nil || trace.GotConn == nil { return } ci := httptrace.GotConnInfo{Conn: cc.tconn} cc.mu.Lock() ci.Reused = cc.nextStreamID > 1 ci.WasIdle = len(cc.streams) == 0 && ci.Reused if ci.WasIdle && !cc.lastActive.IsZero() { ci.IdleTime = time.Now().Sub(cc.lastActive) } cc.mu.Unlock() trace.GotConn(ci) } func traceWroteHeaders(trace *clientTrace) { if trace != nil && trace.WroteHeaders != nil { trace.WroteHeaders() } } func traceGot100Continue(trace *clientTrace) { if trace != nil && trace.Got100Continue != nil { trace.Got100Continue() } } func traceWait100Continue(trace *clientTrace) { if trace != nil && trace.Wait100Continue != nil { trace.Wait100Continue() } } func traceWroteRequest(trace *clientTrace, err error) { if trace != nil && trace.WroteRequest != nil { trace.WroteRequest(httptrace.WroteRequestInfo{Err: err}) } } func traceFirstResponseByte(trace *clientTrace) { if trace != nil && trace.GotFirstResponseByte != nil { trace.GotFirstResponseByte() } } func requestTrace(req *http.Request) *clientTrace { trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) return (*clientTrace)(trace) } // Ping sends a PING frame to the server and waits for the ack. func (cc *ClientConn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error { return cc.ping(ctx) }