path: root/docs/HTTP3.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/HTTP3.md')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/HTTP3.md b/docs/HTTP3.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c09bf0a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/HTTP3.md
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# HTTP3 (and QUIC)
+## Resources
+[HTTP/3 Explained](https://daniel.haxx.se/http3-explained/) - the online free
+book describing the protocols involved.
+[QUIC implementation](https://github.com/curl/curl/wiki/QUIC-implementation) -
+the wiki page describing the plan for how to support QUIC and HTTP/3 in curl
+and libcurl.
+[quicwg.org](https://quicwg.org/) - home of the official protocol drafts
+## QUIC libraries
+QUIC libraries we're experiementing with:
+## Experimental!
+HTTP/3 and QUIC support in curl is not yet working and this is early days.
+Consider all QUIC and HTTP/3 code to be **EXPERIMENTAL** until further notice.
+curl does not have HTTP/3 support (yet).
+The bleeding edge QUIC work is done in the dedicated
+[QUIC](https://github.com/curl/curl/tree/QUIC) branch, but the plan is to
+merge as often as possible from there to master. All QUIC related code will
+remain being build-time conditionally enabled.
+# ngtcp2 version
+## Build
+1. clone ngtcp2 from git (the draft-17 branch)
+2. build and install ngtcp2's custom OpenSSL version (the quic-draft-17 branch)
+3. build and install ngtcp2 according to its instructions
+4. configure curl with ngtcp2 support: `./configure --with-ngtcp2=<install prefix>`
+5. build curl "normally"
+## Running
+Make sure the custom OpenSSL library is the one used at run-time, as otherwise
+you'll just get ld.so linker errors.
+## Invoke from command line
+ curl --http3-direct https://nghttp2.org:8443/
+# quiche version
+## build
+Build BoringSSL (it needs to be built manually so it can be reused with curl):
+ % mkdir -p quiche/deps/boringssl/build
+ % cd quiche/deps/boringssl/build
+ % make -j`nproc`
+ % cd ..
+ % mkdir .openssl/lib -p
+ % cp build/crypto/libcrypto.a build/ssl/libssl.a .openssl/lib
+ % ln -s $PWD/include .openssl
+Build quiche:
+ % cd ../..
+ % QUICHE_BSSL_PATH=$PWD/deps/boringssl cargo build --release
+Clone and build curl:
+ % cd ..
+ % git clone https://github.com/curl/curl
+ % ./buildconf
+ % ./configure --with-ssl=$PWD/../quiche/deps/boringssl/.openssl --with-quiche=$PWD/../quiche --enable-debug
+ % make -j`nproc`
+## Running
+Make an HTTP/1.1 request to a QUIC server:
+ % src/curl --http3-direct https://cloudflare-quic.com/