path: root/docs/README.curl
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1 files changed, 684 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ You always find news about what's going on as well as the latest versions
+ from the curl web pages, located at:
+ http://curl.haxx.nu
+ Get the main page from netscape's web-server:
+ curl http://www.netscape.com/
+ Get the root README file from funet's ftp-server:
+ curl ftp://ftp.funet.fi/README
+ Get a gopher document from funet's gopher server:
+ curl gopher://gopher.funet.fi
+ Get a web page from a server using port 8000:
+ curl http://www.weirdserver.com:8000/
+ Get a list of the root directory of an FTP site:
+ curl ftp://ftp.fts.frontec.se/
+ Get the definition of curl from a dictionary:
+ curl dict://dict.org/m:curl
+ Get a web page and store in a local file:
+ curl -o thatpage.html http://www.netscape.com/
+ Get a web page and store in a local file, make the local file get the name
+ of the remote document (if no file name part is specified in the URL, this
+ will fail):
+ curl -O http://www.netscape.com/index.html
+ To ftp files using name+passwd, include them in the URL like:
+ curl ftp://name:passwd@machine.domain:port/full/path/to/file
+ or specify them with the -u flag like
+ curl -u name:passwd ftp://machine.domain:port/full/path/to/file
+ The HTTP URL doesn't support user and password in the URL string. Curl
+ does support that anyway to provide a ftp-style interface and thus you can
+ pick a file like:
+ curl http://name:passwd@machine.domain/full/path/to/file
+ or specify user and password separately like in
+ curl -u name:passwd http://machine.domain/full/path/to/file
+ NOTE! Since HTTP URLs don't support user and password, you can't use that
+ style when using Curl via a proxy. You _must_ use the -u style fetch
+ during such circumstances.
+ Probably most commonly used with private certificates, as explained below.
+ Curl features no password support for gopher.
+ Get an ftp file using a proxy named my-proxy that uses port 888:
+ curl -x my-proxy:888 ftp://ftp.leachsite.com/README
+ Get a file from a HTTP server that requires user and password, using the
+ same proxy as above:
+ curl -u user:passwd -x my-proxy:888 http://www.get.this/
+ Some proxies require special authentication. Specify by using -U as above:
+ curl -U user:passwd -x my-proxy:888 http://www.get.this/
+ See also the environment variables Curl support that offer further proxy
+ control.
+ With HTTP 1.1 byte-ranges were introduced. Using this, a client can request
+ to get only one or more subparts of a specified document. Curl supports
+ this with the -r flag.
+ Get the first 100 bytes of a document:
+ curl -r 0-99 http://www.get.this/
+ Get the last 500 bytes of a document:
+ curl -r -500 http://www.get.this/
+ Curl also supports simple ranges for FTP files as well. Then you can only
+ specify start and stop position.
+ Get the first 100 bytes of a document using FTP:
+ curl -r 0-99 ftp://www.get.this/README
+ Upload all data on stdin to a specified ftp site:
+ curl -t ftp://ftp.upload.com/myfile
+ Upload data from a specified file, login with user and password:
+ curl -T uploadfile -u user:passwd ftp://ftp.upload.com/myfile
+ Upload a local file to the remote site, and use the local file name remote
+ too:
+ curl -T uploadfile -u user:passwd ftp://ftp.upload.com/
+ Upload a local file to get appended to the remote file using ftp:
+ curl -T localfile -a ftp://ftp.upload.com/remotefile
+ NOTE: Curl does not support ftp upload through a proxy! The reason for this
+ is simply that proxies are seldomly configured to allow this and that no
+ author has supplied code that makes it possible!
+ Upload all data on stdin to a specified http site:
+ curl -t http://www.upload.com/myfile
+ Note that the http server must've been configured to accept PUT before this
+ can be done successfully.
+ For other ways to do http data upload, see the POST section below.
+ If curl fails where it isn't supposed to, if the servers don't let you
+ in, if you can't understand the responses: use the -v flag to get VERBOSE
+ fetching. Curl will output lots of info and all data it sends and
+ receives in order to let the user see all client-server interaction.
+ curl -v ftp://ftp.upload.com/
+ Different protocols provide different ways of getting detailed information
+ about specific files/documents. To get curl to show detailed information
+ about a single file, you should use -I/--head option. It displays all
+ available info on a single file for HTTP and FTP. The HTTP information is a
+ lot more extensive.
+ For HTTP, you can get the header information (the same as -I would show)
+ shown before the data by using -i/--include. Curl understands the
+ -D/--dump-header option when getting files from both FTP and HTTP, and it
+ will then store the headers in the specified file.
+ Store the HTTP headers in a separate file:
+ curl --dump-header headers.txt curl.haxx.nu
+ Note that headers stored in a separate file can be very useful at a later
+ time if you want curl to use cookies sent by the server. More about that in
+ the cookies section.
+ It's easy to post data using curl. This is done using the -d <data>
+ option. The post data must be urlencoded.
+ Post a simple "name" and "phone" guestbook.
+ curl -d "name=Rafael%20Sagula&phone=3320780" \
+ http://www.where.com/guest.cgi
+ How to post a form with curl, lesson #1:
+ Dig out all the <input> tags in the form that you want to fill in. (There's
+ a perl program called formfind.pl on the curl site that helps with this).
+ If there's a "normal" post, you use -d to post. -d takes a full "post
+ string", which is in the format
+ <variable1>=<data1>&<variable2>=<data2>&...
+ The 'variable' names are the names set with "name=" in the <input> tags, and
+ the data is the contents you want to fill in for the inputs. The data *must*
+ be properly URL encoded. That means you replace space with + and that you
+ write weird letters with %XX where XX is the hexadecimal representation of
+ the letter's ASCII code.
+ Example:
+ (page located at http://www.formpost.com/getthis/
+ <form action="post.cgi" method="post">
+ <input name=user size=10>
+ <input name=pass type=password size=10>
+ <input name=id type=hidden value="blablabla">
+ <input name=ding value="submit">
+ </form>
+ We want to enter user 'foobar' with password '12345'.
+ To post to this, you enter a curl command line like:
+ curl -d "user=foobar&pass=12345&id=blablabla&dig=submit" (continues)
+ http://www.formpost.com/getthis/post.cgi
+ While -d uses the application/x-www-form-urlencoded mime-type, generally
+ understood by CGI's and similar, curl also supports the more capable
+ multipart/form-data type. This latter type supports things like file upload.
+ -F accepts parameters like -F "name=contents". If you want the contents to
+ be read from a file, use <@filename> as contents. When specifying a file,
+ you can also specify which content type the file is, by appending
+ ';type=<mime type>' to the file name. You can also post contents of several
+ files in one field. So that the field name 'coolfiles' can be sent three
+ files with different content types in a manner similar to:
+ curl -F "coolfiles=@fil1.gif;type=image/gif,fil2.txt,fil3.html" \
+ http://www.post.com/postit.cgi
+ If content-type is not specified, curl will try to guess from the extension
+ (it only knows a few), or use the previously specified type (from an earlier
+ file if several files are specified in a list) or finally using the default
+ type 'text/plain'.
+ Emulate a fill-in form with -F. Let's say you fill in three fields in a
+ form. One field is a file name which to post, one field is your name and one
+ field is a file description. We want to post the file we have written named
+ "cooltext.txt". To let curl do the posting of this data instead of your
+ favourite browser, you have to check out the HTML of the form page to get to
+ know the names of the input fields. In our example, the input field names are
+ 'file', 'yourname' and 'filedescription'.
+ curl -F "file=@cooltext.txt" -F "yourname=Daniel" \
+ -F "filedescription=Cool text file with cool text inside" \
+ http://www.post.com/postit.cgi
+ So, to send two files in one post you can do it in two ways:
+ 1. Send multiple files in a single "field" with a single field name:
+ curl -F "pictures=@dog.gif,cat.gif"
+ 2. Send two fields with two field names:
+ curl -F "docpicture=@dog.gif" -F "catpicture=@cat.gif"
+ A HTTP request has the option to include information about which address
+ that referred to actual page, and curl allows the user to specify that
+ referrer to get specified on the command line. It is especially useful to
+ fool or trick stupid servers or CGI scripts that rely on that information
+ being available or contain certain data.
+ curl -e www.coolsite.com http://www.showme.com/
+ A HTTP request has the option to include information about the browser
+ that generated the request. Curl allows it to be specified on the command
+ line. It is especially useful to fool or trick stupid servers or CGI
+ scripts that only accept certain browsers.
+ Example:
+ curl -A 'Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)' http://www.nationsbank.com/
+ Other common strings:
+ 'Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)' Netscape Version 3 for Windows 95
+ 'Mozilla/3.04 (Win95; U)' Netscape Version 3 for Windows 95
+ 'Mozilla/2.02 (OS/2; U)' Netscape Version 2 for OS/2
+ 'Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; U; AIX 4.2; Nav)' NS for AIX
+ 'Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.32 i586)' NS for Linux
+ Note that Internet Explorer tries hard to be compatible in every way:
+ 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)' MSIE for W95
+ Mozilla is not the only possible User-Agent name:
+ 'Konqueror/1.0' KDE File Manager desktop client
+ 'Lynx/2.7.1 libwww-FM/2.14' Lynx command line browser
+ Cookies are generally used by web servers to keep state information at the
+ client's side. The server sets cookies by sending a response line in the
+ headers that looks like 'Set-Cookie: <data>' where the data part then
+ typically contains a set of NAME=VALUE pairs (separated by semicolons ';'
+ like "NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2;"). The server can also specify for what
+ path the "cookie" should be used for (by specifying "path=value"), when the
+ cookie should expire ("expire=DATE"), for what domain to use it
+ ("domain=NAME") and if it should be used on secure connections only
+ ("secure").
+ If you've received a page from a server that contains a header like:
+ Set-Cookie: sessionid=boo123; path="/foo";
+ it means the server wants that first pair passed on when we get anything in
+ a path beginning with "/foo".
+ Example, get a page that wants my name passed in a cookie:
+ curl -b "name=Daniel" www.sillypage.com
+ Curl also has the ability to use previously received cookies in following
+ sessions. If you get cookies from a server and store them in a file in a
+ manner similar to:
+ curl --dump-header headers www.example.com
+ ... you can then in a second connect to that (or another) site, use the
+ cookies from the 'headers' file like:
+ curl -b headers www.example.com
+ Note that by specifying -b you enable the "cookie awareness" and with -L
+ you can make curl follow a location: (which often is used in combination
+ with cookies). So that if a site sends cookies and a location, you can
+ use a non-existing file to trig the cookie awareness like:
+ curl -L -b empty-file www.example.com
+ The file to read cookies from must be formatted using plain HTTP headers OR
+ as netscape's cookie file. Curl will determine what kind it is based on the
+ file contents.
+ The progress meter exists to show a user that something actually is
+ happening. The different fields in the output have the following meaning:
+ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Curr.
+ Dload Upload Total Current Left Speed
+ 0 151M 0 38608 0 0 9406 0 4:41:43 0:00:04 4:41:39 9287
+ From left-to-right:
+ % - percentage completed of the whole transfer
+ Total - total size of the whole expected transfer
+ % - percentage completed of the download
+ Received - currently downloaded amount of bytes
+ % - percentage completed of the upload
+ Xferd - currently uploaded amount of bytes
+ Average Speed
+ Dload - the average transfer speed of the download
+ Average Speed
+ Upload - the average transfer speed of the upload
+ Time Total - expected time to complete the operation
+ Time Current - time passed since the invoke
+ Time Left - expected time left to completetion
+ Curr.Speed - the average transfer speed the last 5 seconds (the first
+ 5 seconds of a transfer is based on less time of course.)
+ The -# option will display a totally different progress bar that doesn't
+ need much explanation!
+ Curl offers the user to set conditions regarding transfer speed that must
+ be met to let the transfer keep going. By using the switch -y and -Y you
+ can make curl abort transfers if the transfer speed doesn't exceed your
+ given lowest limit for a specified time.
+ To let curl abandon downloading this page if its slower than 3000 bytes per
+ second for 1 minute, run:
+ curl -y 3000 -Y 60 www.far-away-site.com
+ This can very well be used in combination with the overall time limit, so
+ that the above operatioin must be completed in whole within 30 minutes:
+ curl -m 1800 -y 3000 -Y 60 www.far-away-site.com
+ Curl automatically tries to read the .curlrc file (or _curlrc file on win32
+ systems) from the user's home dir on startup. The config file should be
+ made up with normal command line switches. Comments can be used within the
+ file. If the first letter on a line is a '#'-letter the rest of the line
+ is treated as a comment.
+ Example, set default time out and proxy in a config file:
+ # We want a 30 minute timeout:
+ -m 1800
+ # ... and we use a proxy for all accesses:
+ -x proxy.our.domain.com:8080
+ White spaces ARE significant at the end of lines, but all white spaces
+ leading up to the first characters of each line are ignored.
+ Prevent curl from reading the default file by using -q as the first command
+ line parameter, like:
+ curl -q www.thatsite.com
+ Force curl to get and display a local help page in case it is invoked
+ without URL by making a config file similar to:
+ # default url to get
+ http://help.with.curl.com/curlhelp.html
+ You can specify another config file to be read by using the -K/--config
+ flag. If you set config file name to "-" it'll read the config from stdin,
+ which can be handy if you want to hide options from being visible in process
+ tables etc:
+ echo "-u user:passwd" | curl -K - http://that.secret.site.com
+ When using curl in your own very special programs, you may end up needing
+ to pass on your own custom headers when getting a web page. You can do
+ this by using the -H flag.
+ Example, send the header "X-you-and-me: yes" to the server when getting a
+ page:
+ curl -H "X-you-and-me: yes" www.love.com
+ This can also be useful in case you want curl to send a different text in
+ a header than it normally does. The -H header you specify then replaces the
+ header curl would normally send.
+ Do note that when getting files with the ftp:// URL, the given path is
+ relative the directory you enter. To get the file 'README' from your home
+ directory at your ftp site, do:
+ curl ftp://user:passwd@my.site.com/README
+ But if you want the README file from the root directory of that very same
+ site, you need to specify the absolute file name:
+ curl ftp://user:passwd@my.site.com//README
+ (I.e with an extra slash in front of the file name.)
+FTP and firewalls
+ The FTP protocol requires one of the involved parties to open a second
+ connction as soon as data is about to get transfered. There are two ways to
+ do this.
+ The default way for curl is to issue the PASV command which causes the
+ server to open another port and await another connection performed by the
+ client. This is good if the client is behind a firewall that don't allow
+ incoming connections.
+ curl ftp.download.com
+ If the server for example, is behind a firewall that don't allow connections
+ on other ports than 21 (or if it just doesn't support the PASV command), the
+ other way to do it is to use the PORT command and instruct the server to
+ connect to the client on the given (as parameters to the PORT command) IP
+ number and port.
+ The -P flag to curl allows for different options. Your machine may have
+ several IP-addresses and/or network interfaces and curl allows you to select
+ which of them to use. Default address can also be used:
+ curl -P - ftp.download.com
+ Download with PORT but use the IP address of our 'le0' interface:
+ curl -P le0 ftp.download.com
+ Download with PORT but use as our IP address to use:
+ curl -P ftp.download.com
+ Secure HTTP requires SSL libraries to be installed and used when curl is
+ built. If that is done, curl is capable of retrieving and posting documents
+ using the HTTPS procotol.
+ Example:
+ curl https://www.secure-site.com
+ Curl is also capable of using your personal certificates to get/post files
+ from sites that require valid certificates. The only drawback is that the
+ certificate needs to be in PEM-format. PEM is a standard and open format to
+ store certificates with, but it is not used by the most commonly used
+ browsers (Netscape and MSEI both use the so called PKCS#12 format). If you
+ want curl to use the certificates you use with your (favourite) browser, you
+ may need to download/compile a converter that can convert your browser's
+ formatted certificates to PEM formatted ones. This kind of converter is
+ included in recent versions of OpenSSL, and for older versions Dr Stephen
+ N. Henson has written a patch for SSLeay that adds this functionality. You
+ can get his patch (that requires an SSLeay installation) from his site at:
+ http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/
+ Example on how to automatically retrieve a document using a certificate with
+ a personal password:
+ curl -E /path/to/cert.pem:password https://secure.site.com/
+ If you neglect to specify the password on the command line, you will be
+ prompted for the correct password before any data can be received.
+ Many older SSL-servers have problems with SSLv3 or TLS, that newer versions
+ of OpenSSL etc is using, therefore it is sometimes useful to specify what
+ SSL-version curl should use. Use -3 or -2 to specify that exact SSL version
+ to use:
+ curl -2 https://secure.site.com/
+ Otherwise, curl will first attempt to use v3 and then v2.
+ To continue a file transfer where it was previously aborted, curl supports
+ resume on http(s) downloads as well as ftp uploads and downloads.
+ Continue downloading a document:
+ curl -c -o file ftp://ftp.server.com/path/file
+ Continue uploading a document(*1):
+ curl -c -T file ftp://ftp.server.com/path/file
+ Continue downloading a document from a web server(*2):
+ curl -c -o file http://www.server.com/
+ (*1) = This requires that the ftp server supports the non-standard command
+ SIZE. If it doesn't, curl will say so.
+ (*2) = This requires that the wb server supports at least HTTP/1.1. If it
+ doesn't, curl will say so.
+ HTTP allows a client to specify a time condition for the document it
+ requests. It is If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since. Curl allow you to
+ specify them with the -z/--time-cond flag.
+ For example, you can easily make a download that only gets performed if the
+ remote file is newer than a local copy. It would be made like:
+ curl -z local.html http://remote.server.com/remote.html
+ Or you can download a file only if the local file is newer than the remote
+ one. Do this by prepending the date string with a '-', as in:
+ curl -z -local.html http://remote.server.com/remote.html
+ You can specify a "free text" date as condition. Tell curl to only download
+ the file if it was updated since yesterday:
+ curl -z yesterday http://remote.server.com/remote.html
+ Curl will then accept a wide range of date formats. You always make the date
+ check the other way around by prepending it with a dash '-'.
+ For fun try
+ curl dict://dict.org/m:curl
+ curl dict://dict.org/d:heisenbug:jargon
+ curl dict://dict.org/d:daniel:web1913
+ Aliases for 'm' are 'match' and 'find', and aliases for 'd' are 'define'
+ and 'lookup'. For example,
+ curl dict://dict.org/find:curl
+ Commands that break the URL description of the RFC (but not the DICT
+ protocol) are
+ curl dict://dict.org/show:db
+ curl dict://dict.org/show:strat
+ Authentication is still missing (but this is not required by the RFC)
+ If you have installed the OpenLDAP library, curl can take advantage of it
+ and offer ldap:// support.
+ LDAP is a complex thing and writing an LDAP query is not an easy task. I do
+ advice you to dig up the syntax description for that elsewhere, RFC 1959 if
+ no other place is better.
+ To show you an example, this is now I can get all people from my local LDAP
+ server that has a certain sub-domain in their email address:
+ curl -B "ldap://ldap.frontec.se/o=frontec??sub?mail=*sth.frontec.se"
+ If I want the same info in HTML format, I can get it by not using the -B
+ (enforce ASCII) flag.
+ Curl reads and understands the following environment variables:
+ They should be set for protocol-specific proxies. General proxy should be
+ set with
+ A comma-separated list of host names that shouldn't go through any proxy is
+ set in (only an asterisk, '*' matches all hosts)
+ If a tail substring of the domain-path for a host matches one of these
+ strings, transactions with that node will not be proxied.
+ The usage of the -x/--proxy flag overrides the environment variables.
+ Unix introduced the .netrc concept a long time ago. It is a way for a user
+ to specify name and password for commonly visited ftp sites in a file so
+ that you don't have to type them in each time you visit those sites. You
+ realize this is a big security risk if someone else gets hold of your
+ passwords, so therefor most unix programs won't read this file unless it is
+ only readable by yourself (curl doesn't care though).
+ Curl supports .netrc files if told so (using the -n/--netrc option). This is
+ not restricted to only ftp, but curl can use it for all protocols where
+ authentication is used.
+ A very simple .netrc file could look something like:
+ machine curl.haxx.nu login iamdaniel password mysecret
+ To better allow script programmers to get to know about the progress of
+ curl, the -w/--write-out option was introduced. Using this, you can specify
+ what information from the previous transfer you want to extract.
+ To display the amount of bytes downloaded together with some text and an
+ ending newline:
+ curl -w 'We downloaded %{size_download} bytes\n' www.download.com
+ We have an open mailing list to discuss curl, its development and things
+ relevant to this.
+ To subscribe, mail curl-request@contactor.se with "subscribe <your email
+ address>" in the body.
+ To post to the list, mail curl@contactor.se.
+ To unsubcribe, mail curl-request@contactor.se with "unsubscribe <your
+ subscribed email address>" in the body.