path: root/lib/curl_sasl.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/curl_sasl.c')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/curl_sasl.c b/lib/curl_sasl.c
index 3169730b5..fd2585e3d 100644
--- a/lib/curl_sasl.c
+++ b/lib/curl_sasl.c
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "curl_memory.h"
#include "strtok.h"
#include "rawstr.h"
+#include "non-ascii.h" /* included for Curl_convert_... prototypes */
#ifdef USE_NSS
#include "vtls/nssg.h" /* for Curl_nss_force_init() */
@@ -73,6 +74,17 @@ extern void Curl_sasl_gssapi_cleanup(struct kerberos5data *krb5);
+/* The CURL_OUTPUT_DIGEST_CONV macro below is for non-ASCII machines.
+ It converts digest text to ASCII so the MD5 will be correct for
+ what ultimately goes over the network.
+#define CURL_OUTPUT_DIGEST_CONV(a, b) \
+ result = Curl_convert_to_network(a, (char *)b, strlen((const char*)b)); \
+ if(result) { \
+ free(b); \
+ return result; \
+ }
* Return 0 on success and then the buffers are filled in fine.
@@ -141,6 +153,47 @@ static int sasl_digest_get_pair(const char *str, char *value, char *content,
return 0; /* all is fine! */
+/* Convert md5 chunk to RFC2617 (section 3.1.3) -suitable ascii string*/
+static void sasl_digest_md5_to_ascii(unsigned char *source, /* 16 bytes */
+ unsigned char *dest) /* 33 bytes */
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ snprintf((char *)&dest[i*2], 3, "%02x", source[i]);
+/* Perform quoted-string escaping as described in RFC2616 and its errata */
+static char *sasl_digest_string_quoted(const char *source)
+ char *dest, *d;
+ const char *s = source;
+ size_t n = 1; /* null terminator */
+ /* Calculate size needed */
+ while(*s) {
+ ++n;
+ if(*s == '"' || *s == '\\') {
+ ++n;
+ }
+ ++s;
+ }
+ dest = malloc(n);
+ if(dest) {
+ s = source;
+ d = dest;
+ while(*s) {
+ if(*s == '"' || *s == '\\') {
+ *d++ = '\\';
+ }
+ *d++ = *s++;
+ }
+ *d = 0;
+ }
+ return dest;
#if !defined(USE_WINDOWS_SSPI)
/* Retrieves the value for a corresponding key from the challenge string
* returns TRUE if the key could be found, FALSE if it does not exists
@@ -791,6 +844,236 @@ CURLcode Curl_sasl_decode_digest_http_message(const char *chlg,
+ * Curl_sasl_create_digest_http_message()
+ *
+ * This is used to generate a HTTP DIGEST response message ready for sending
+ * to the recipient.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * data [in] - The session handle.
+ * userp [in] - The user name.
+ * passdwp [in] - The user's password.
+ * request [in] - The HTTP request.
+ * uripath [in] - The path of the HTTP uri.
+ * digest [in/out] - The digest data struct being used and modified.
+ * outptr [in/out] - The address where a pointer to newly allocated memory
+ * holding the result will be stored upon completion.
+ * outlen [out] - The length of the output message.
+ *
+ * Returns CURLE_OK on success.
+ */
+CURLcode Curl_sasl_create_digest_http_message(struct SessionHandle *data,
+ const char *userp,
+ const char *passwdp,
+ const unsigned char *request,
+ const unsigned char *uripath,
+ struct digestdata *digest,
+ char **outptr, size_t *outlen)
+ CURLcode result;
+ unsigned char md5buf[16]; /* 16 bytes/128 bits */
+ unsigned char request_digest[33];
+ unsigned char *md5this;
+ unsigned char ha1[33];/* 32 digits and 1 zero byte */
+ unsigned char ha2[33];/* 32 digits and 1 zero byte */
+ char cnoncebuf[33];
+ char *cnonce = NULL;
+ size_t cnonce_sz = 0;
+ char *userp_quoted;
+ char *response = NULL;
+ char *tmp = NULL;
+ if(!digest->nc)
+ digest->nc = 1;
+ if(!digest->cnonce) {
+ snprintf(cnoncebuf, sizeof(cnoncebuf), "%08x%08x%08x%08x",
+ Curl_rand(data), Curl_rand(data),
+ Curl_rand(data), Curl_rand(data));
+ result = Curl_base64_encode(data, cnoncebuf, strlen(cnoncebuf),
+ &cnonce, &cnonce_sz);
+ if(result)
+ return result;
+ digest->cnonce = cnonce;
+ }
+ /*
+ if the algorithm is "MD5" or unspecified (which then defaults to MD5):
+ A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd
+ if the algorithm is "MD5-sess" then:
+ A1 = H( unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd )
+ ":" unq(nonce-value) ":" unq(cnonce-value)
+ */
+ md5this = (unsigned char *)
+ aprintf("%s:%s:%s", userp, digest->realm, passwdp);
+ if(!md5this)
+ CURL_OUTPUT_DIGEST_CONV(data, md5this); /* convert on non-ASCII machines */
+ Curl_md5it(md5buf, md5this);
+ Curl_safefree(md5this);
+ sasl_digest_md5_to_ascii(md5buf, ha1);
+ if(digest->algo == CURLDIGESTALGO_MD5SESS) {
+ /* nonce and cnonce are OUTSIDE the hash */
+ tmp = aprintf("%s:%s:%s", ha1, digest->nonce, digest->cnonce);
+ if(!tmp)
+ CURL_OUTPUT_DIGEST_CONV(data, tmp); /* convert on non-ASCII machines */
+ Curl_md5it(md5buf, (unsigned char *)tmp);
+ Curl_safefree(tmp);
+ sasl_digest_md5_to_ascii(md5buf, ha1);
+ }
+ /*
+ If the "qop" directive's value is "auth" or is unspecified, then A2 is:
+ A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value
+ If the "qop" value is "auth-int", then A2 is:
+ A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body)
+ (The "Method" value is the HTTP request method as specified in section
+ 5.1.1 of RFC 2616)
+ */
+ md5this = (unsigned char *)aprintf("%s:%s", request, uripath);
+ if(digest->qop && Curl_raw_equal(digest->qop, "auth-int")) {
+ /* We don't support auth-int for PUT or POST at the moment.
+ TODO: replace md5 of empty string with entity-body for PUT/POST */
+ unsigned char *md5this2 = (unsigned char *)
+ aprintf("%s:%s", md5this, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");
+ Curl_safefree(md5this);
+ md5this = md5this2;
+ }
+ if(!md5this)
+ CURL_OUTPUT_DIGEST_CONV(data, md5this); /* convert on non-ASCII machines */
+ Curl_md5it(md5buf, md5this);
+ Curl_safefree(md5this);
+ sasl_digest_md5_to_ascii(md5buf, ha2);
+ if(digest->qop) {
+ md5this = (unsigned char *)aprintf("%s:%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s",
+ ha1,
+ digest->nonce,
+ digest->nc,
+ digest->cnonce,
+ digest->qop,
+ ha2);
+ }
+ else {
+ md5this = (unsigned char *)aprintf("%s:%s:%s",
+ ha1,
+ digest->nonce,
+ ha2);
+ }
+ if(!md5this)
+ CURL_OUTPUT_DIGEST_CONV(data, md5this); /* convert on non-ASCII machines */
+ Curl_md5it(md5buf, md5this);
+ Curl_safefree(md5this);
+ sasl_digest_md5_to_ascii(md5buf, request_digest);
+ /* for test case 64 (snooped from a Mozilla 1.3a request)
+ Authorization: Digest username="testuser", realm="testrealm", \
+ nonce="1053604145", uri="/64", response="c55f7f30d83d774a3d2dcacf725abaca"
+ Digest parameters are all quoted strings. Username which is provided by
+ the user will need double quotes and backslashes within it escaped. For
+ the other fields, this shouldn't be an issue. realm, nonce, and opaque
+ are copied as is from the server, escapes and all. cnonce is generated
+ with web-safe characters. uri is already percent encoded. nc is 8 hex
+ characters. algorithm and qop with standard values only contain web-safe
+ chracters.
+ */
+ userp_quoted = sasl_digest_string_quoted(userp);
+ if(!userp_quoted)
+ if(digest->qop) {
+ response = aprintf("username=\"%s\", "
+ "realm=\"%s\", "
+ "nonce=\"%s\", "
+ "uri=\"%s\", "
+ "cnonce=\"%s\", "
+ "nc=%08x, "
+ "qop=%s, "
+ "response=\"%s\"",
+ userp_quoted,
+ digest->realm,
+ digest->nonce,
+ uripath,
+ digest->cnonce,
+ digest->nc,
+ digest->qop,
+ request_digest);
+ if(Curl_raw_equal(digest->qop, "auth"))
+ digest->nc++; /* The nc (from RFC) has to be a 8 hex digit number 0
+ padded which tells to the server how many times you are
+ using the same nonce in the qop=auth mode */
+ }
+ else {
+ response = aprintf("username=\"%s\", "
+ "realm=\"%s\", "
+ "nonce=\"%s\", "
+ "uri=\"%s\", "
+ "response=\"%s\"",
+ userp_quoted,
+ digest->realm,
+ digest->nonce,
+ uripath,
+ request_digest);
+ }
+ Curl_safefree(userp_quoted);
+ if(!response)
+ /* Add the optional fields */
+ if(digest->opaque) {
+ /* Append the opaque */
+ tmp = aprintf("%s, opaque=\"%s\"", response, digest->opaque);
+ if(!tmp)
+ free(response);
+ response = tmp;
+ }
+ if(digest->algorithm) {
+ /* Append the algorithm */
+ tmp = aprintf("%s, algorithm=\"%s\"", response, digest->algorithm);
+ if(!tmp)
+ free(response);
+ response = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Return the output */
+ *outptr = response;
+ *outlen = strlen(response);
+ return CURLE_OK;
* Curl_sasl_digest_cleanup()
* This is used to clean up the digest specific data.