Curl and libcurl 7.15.1 Public curl release number: 91 Releases counted from the very beginning: 118 Available command line options: 109 Available curl_easy_setopt() options: 125 Number of public functions in libcurl: 46 Amount of public web site mirrors: 28 Number of known libcurl bindings: 32 Number of contributors: 459 This release includes the following changes: o LDAPv3 is now the preferred LDAP protocol version o --max-redirs and CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS set to 0 limits redirects o improved MSVC makefile This release includes the following bugfixes: o no reverse lookups on IP addresses when ipv6-enabled o SSPI compatibility fix: using the proper DLLs o binary LDAP properties are now shown base64 encoded o Windows uploads from stdin using curl can now contain ctrl-Z bytes o -r [num] would produce an invalid HTTP Range: header o multi interface with multi IP hosts could leak socket descriptors o the GnuTLS code didn't handle rehandshakes o re-use of a dead FTP connection o name resolve error codes fixed for Windows builds o double WWW-Authenticate Digest headers are now handled o curl-config --vernum fixed Other curl-related news since the previous public release: o CurlPas 2005-11-05 was released: o pycurl 7.15.0 was released o New web mirrors: located in Mannheim, Germany located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands located in Nuremberg, Germany located in Florida, US This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and advice from friends like these: Dave Dribin, Bradford Bruce, Temprimus, Ofer, Dima Barsky, Amol Pattekar, Jaz Fresh, tommink[at], Gisle Vanem, Nis Jorgensen, Vilmos Nebehaj, Dmitry Bartsevich Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)