Curl and libcurl 7.15.5 Public curl release number: 95 Releases counted from the very beginning: 122 Available command line options: 112 Available curl_easy_setopt() options: 132 Number of public functions in libcurl: 49 Amount of public web site mirrors: 33 Number of known libcurl bindings: 32 Number of contributors: 506 This release includes the following changes: o added curl_formget() o added CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE and CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE o configure --enable-hidden-symbols o Made -K on a file that couldn't be read cause a warning to be displayed This release includes the following bugfixes: o couldn't override the Proxy-Connection: header for non-CONNECT requests o curl_multi_fdset() could wrongly return -1 as max_fd value Other curl-related news: o yassl 1.3.7 can now be used with libcurl as an optional TLS library for HTTPS/FTPS support o cURLpp 0.6.0 was released: o pycurl-7.15.4 was released: New curl mirrors: o This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and advice from friends like these: Dan Fandrich, Peter Silva, Arve Knudsen, Michael Wallner, Toshiyuki Maezawa Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)