Curl and libcurl 7.10.8 is out! A bugfix release. Download from As usual, allow some time before the popular binary archives are up-to-date with this release. Get curl from your favorite mirror by using this service: Make sure the files haven't been tampered with by the time they land in your filesystem by using these MD5 sums: This release includes the following changes: o CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE lets you select pure IPv6 or IPv4 resolved addresses o GSS-Negotiate works fine with the MIT kerberos library o SPNEGO support added, if libcurl is built with the FBopenssl libraries o easy handles added to a multi handle now share DNS cache automaticly o CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL and CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL were added o CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT was added o NTLM, Digest and GSS-Negotiate authentications should work even for HTTPS over proxies o curl supports multiple -T flags to allow serveral uploaded files using a single command line o CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE can return the last FTP response code This release includes the following bugfixes: o PUT with --digest works now o --anyauth that picks NTLM and then follows a redirect (and does NTLM again) works now o asynch resolves now work on NT4 too o a DNS cache trash (possible segfault) was fixed o clears all proxy environment variables before the test is run o Microsoft's "Negotiate" authentication is now supported by the existing GSSNEGOTIATE option. o A set zero-length proxy name confused libcurl o Digest authentication works again without OpenSSL on 64bit architectures o configure --enable-thread works now o buffer problems in the test suite's web server were fixed o improved proxy password handling o LDAP is again working nicely with the current OpenLDAP o asynch name lookup for non-resolving hosts now return a proper error message o CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST set to 1 no longer aborts if no CN field is obtainable, it will merely warn about it. o name resolve segfault with uClibc fixed o multi interface and multi-part/formpost could end in segfault o curl_multi_info_read() sets the msgs_in_queue to 0 when returning NULL o multi interface, ares and non-resolving host caused a segfault o minor single SSL memory leak fixed o Setting CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION or CURLOPT_READFUNCTION to NULL resets them to default. Other curl-related news since the previous public release: o TclCurl 0.10.7 was released. This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and advice from friends like these: Loren Kirkby, Jeff Pohlmeyer, Antoine Calando, Gerd v. Egidy, Vincent Sanders, John McGowan, Henrik Storner, Jörg Mueller-Tolk, Peter Pentchev, Early Ehlinger, Kevin Fisk, Jurij Smakov, Bjorn Reese, Tim Bartley, David Kimdon, codemastr, Markus Moeller, Giuseppe Attardi Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)