Curl and libcurl 7.14.0 Public curl release number: 88 Releases counted from the very beginning: 115 Available command line options: 106 Available curl_easy_setopt() options: 122 Number of public functions in libcurl: 46 Amount of public web site mirrors: 21 Number of known libcurl bindings: 31 This release includes the following changes: o GnuTLS support, use configure --with-gnutls. Work on this was sponsored by The Written Word. This release includes the following bugfixes: o builds fine with VS2005 on x64 o auth fix for HTTP redirects and .netrc usage o FTP uploads show the progress meter easier o MSVC makefile fixes for static libcurl builds o configure fix for static libcurl build on Windows o --retry-delay o POST with read callback now uses Expect: 100-continue o CURLOPT_PORT didn't actually use the set port number o HTTP 304 response with Content-Length: header o time-conditioned FTP uploads Other curl-related news since the previous public release: o is a new german curl mirror o pycurl 7.13.2: o TclCurl 0.13.2: This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and advice from friends like these: Christophe Legry, Cory Nelson, Gisle Vanem, Dan Fandrich, Toshiyuki Maezawa, Olivier, Andres Garcia, Dave Dribin, Alex Suykov, Cory Nelson, Fred New Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)