Curl and libcurl 7.19.6 Public curl releases: 112 Command line options: 132 curl_easy_setopt() options: 163 Public functions in libcurl: 58 Known libcurl bindings: 38 Contributors: 715 This release includes the following changes: o CURLOPT_FTPPORT (and curl's -P/--ftpport) support port ranges o Added CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS, CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION, CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA o CURLOPT_QUOTE, CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE and CURLOPT_PREQUOTE can be told to ignore error responses when used with FTP This release includes the following bugfixes: o crash on bad socket close with FTP o leaking cookie memory when duplicate domains or paths were used o build fix for Symbian o CURLOPT_USERPWD set to NULL clears auth credentials o libcurl-NSS build fixes o configure script fixed for VMS o set Content-Length: with POST and PUT failed with NTLM auth o allow building libcurl for VxWorks o curl tool exit codes fixed for VMS o --no-buffer treated correctly o djgpp build fix o configure detection of GnuTLS now based on pkg-config as well o libcurl-NSS client cert handling segfaults o curl uploading from stdin/pipes now works in non-blocking way so that it continues the downloading even when the read stalls o ftp credentials are added to the url if needed for http proxies o curl -o - sends data to stdout using binary mode on windows o fixed the separators for "array" style string that CURLINFO_CERTINFO returns o auth problem over several hosts with re-used connection o improved the support for client certificates in libcurl+NSS o fix leak in gtls code o missing algorithms in libcurl+OpenSSL o with noproxy set you could still get a proxy if a proxy env was set o rand seeding on libcurl on windows built with OpenSSL was not thread-safe o fixed the zero byte inserted in cert name flaw in libcurl+OpenSSL o don't try SNI with SSLv2 or SSLv3 (OpenSSL and GnuTLS builds) o libcurl+OpenSSL would wrongly acknowledge a cert if CN matched but subjectAltName didn't This release includes the following known bugs: o see docs/KNOWN_BUGS ( This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and advice from friends like these: Yang Tse, Daniel Fandrich, Kamil Dudka, Caolan McNamara, Frank McGeough, Andre Guibert de Bruet, Mike Crowe, Claes Jakobsson, John E. Malmberg, Aaron Oneal, Igor Novoseltsev, Eric Wong, Bill Hoffman, Daniel Steinberg, Fabian Keil, Michal Marek, Reuven Wachtfogel, Markus Koetter, Constantine Sapuntzakis, David Binderman, Johan van Selst, Alexander Beedie, Tanguy Fautre, Scott Cantor, Curt Bogmine, Peter Sylvester, Benbuck Nason Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)