_ _ ____ _ ___| | | | _ \| | / __| | | | |_) | | | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| FEATURES Misc - full URL syntax - custom maximum download time - custom least download speed acceptable - custom output result after completion - multiple URLs - guesses protocol from host name unless specified - uses .netrc - progress bar/time specs while downloading - "standard" proxy environment variables support - config file support - compiles on win32 - redirectable stderr - use selected network interface for outgoing traffic - IPv6 support - persistant connections HTTP - GET - PUT - HEAD - POST - multipart POST - authentication - resume (both GET and PUT) - follow redirects - maximum amount of redirects to follow - custom HTTP request - cookie get/send fully parsed - understands the netscape cookie file format - custom headers (that can replace/remove internally generated headers) - custom user-agent string - custom referer string - range - proxy authentication - time conditions - via http-proxy - retrieve file modification date HTTPS (*1) - (all the HTTP features) - using certificates - verify server certificate - via http-proxy FTP - download - authentication - kerberos security - PORT or PASV - single file size information (compare to HTTP HEAD) - 'type=' URL support - dir listing - dir listing names-only - upload - upload append - upload via http-proxy as HTTP PUT - download resume - upload resume - custom ftp commands (before and/or after the transfer) - simple "range" support - via http-proxy - all operations can be tunneled through a http-proxy - customizable to retrieve file modification date TELNET - connection negotiation - custom telnet options - stdin/stdout I/O LDAP (*2) - full LDAP URL support DICT - extended DICT URL support GOPHER - GET - via http-proxy FILE - URL support *1 = requires OpenSSL *2 = requires OpenLDAP