_   _ ____  _     
                              ___| | | |  _ \| |    
                             / __| | | | |_) | |    
                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___ 
                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|

                                How To Compile

Curl has been compiled and built on numerous different operating systems.

If you're using Windows (95/98/NT/ME/2000 or whatever), VMS, RISC OS or OS/2,
you should continue reading from one the paragraphs further down. All other
systems should be capable of being installed as described below.


   A normal unix installation is made in three or four steps (after you've
   unpacked the source archive):

        make test (optional)
        make install

   You probably need to be root when doing the last command.

   If you want to install curl in a different file hierarchy than /usr/local,
   you need to specify that already when running configure:

        ./configure --prefix=/path/to/curl/tree

   The configure script always tries to find a working SSL library unless
   explicitly told not to. If you have OpenSSL installed in the default search
   path for your compiler/linker, you don't need to do anything special. If
   you have OpenSSL installed in e.g /usr/local/ssl, you can run configure

	./configure --with-ssl

   If you have OpenSSL installed somewhere else (for example, /opt/OpenSSL,)
   you can run configure like this:

	./configure --with-ssl=/opt/OpenSSL

   If you insist on forcing a build *without* SSL support, even though you may
   have it installed in your system, you can run configure like this:

        ./configure --without-ssl

   If you have OpenSSL installed, but with the libraries in one place and the
   header files somewhere else, you'll have to set the LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS
   environment variables prior to running configure.  Something like this
   should work:

     (with the Bourne shell and its clones):

       CPPFLAGS="-I/path/to/ssl/include" LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/ssl/lib" \

     (with csh, tcsh and their clones):
       env CPPFLAGS="-I/path/to/ssl/include" LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/ssl/lib" \

   If your SSL library was compiled with rsaref (usually for use in the United
   States), you may also need to set:

     LIBS=-lRSAglue -lrsaref
     (as suggested by Doug Kaufman)


     If you happen to have autoconf installed, but a version older than 2.12
     you will get into trouble. Then you can still build curl by issuing these
     commands (note that this requires curl to be built staticly): (from Ralph

       ./configure [...]
       cd lib; make; cd ..
       cd src; make; cd ..
       cp src/curl elsewhere/bin/

     As suggested by David West, you can make a faked version of autoconf and

       ----start of autoconf----
       #fake autoconf for building curl
       if [ "$1" = "--version" ] then
         echo "Autoconf version 2.13"
       ----end of autoconf----

     Then make autoheader a symbolic link to the same script and make sure
     they're executable and set to appear in the path *BEFORE* the actual (but
     obsolete) autoconf and autoheader scripts.


     Remember, to force configure to use the standard cc compiler if both
     cc and gcc are present, run configure like

       CC=cc ./configure
       env Cc=cc ./configure

     To force a static library compile, disable the shared library creation
     by running configure like:

       ./configure --disable-shared

     To tell the configure script to skip searching for thread-safe functions,
     add an option like:

       ./configure --disable-thread

     To build curl with kerberos4 support enabled, curl requires the krb4 libs
     and headers installed. You can then use a set of options to tell
     configure where those are:

          --with-krb4-includes[=DIR]   Specify location of kerberos4 headers
          --with-krb4-libs[=DIR]       Specify location of kerberos4 libs
          --with-krb4[=DIR]            where to look for Kerberos4

     In most cases, /usr/athena is the install prefix and then it works with

       ./configure --with-krb4=/usr/athena

     If your system support shared libraries, but you want to built a static
     version only, you can disable building the shared version by using:

       ./configure --disable-shared

     If you're a curl developer and use gcc, you might want to enable more
     debug options with the --enable-debug option.

   Without SSL:

      MingW32 (GCC-2.95) style
        Run the 'mingw32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables
        set, then run 'make mingw32' in the root dir.

        If you have any problems linking libraries or finding header files, be
        sure to verify that the provided "Makefile.m32" files use the proper
        paths, and adjust as necessary.

      Cygwin style
        Almost identical to the unix installation. Run the configure script in
        the curl root with 'sh configure'. Make sure you have the sh
        executable in /bin/ or you'll see the configure fail towards the end.

        Run 'make'

      Microsoft command line style
        Run the 'vcvars32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables
        set, then run 'nmake vc' in the root dir.

        The vcvars32.bat file is part of the Microsoft development

        If you use VC++, Borland or similar compilers. Include all lib source
        files in a static lib "project" (all .c and .h files that is).
        (you should name it libcurl or similar)

        Make the sources in the src/ drawer be a "win32 console application"
        project. Name it curl.

        With VC++, add 'wsock32.lib' to the link libs when you build curl!
        Borland seems to do that itself magically. Of course you have to
        make sure it links with the libcurl too!

        For VC++ 6, there's an included Makefile.vc6 that should be possible
        to use out-of-the-box.

        Microsoft note: add /Zm200 to the compiler options to increase the 
		compiler's memory allocation limit, as the hugehelp.c won't compile
		due to "too long puts string".

   With SSL:

      MingW32 (GCC-2.95) style
        Run the 'mingw32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables
        set, then run 'make mingw32-ssl' in the root dir.

        If you have any problems linking libraries or finding header files, be
        sure to look at the provided "Makefile.m32" files for the proper
        paths, and adjust as necessary.

      Cygwin style
        Haven't done, nor got any reports on how to do. It should although be
        identical to the unix setup for the same purpose. See above.

      Microsoft command line style
        Please read the OpenSSL documentation on how to compile and install
        the OpenSSL library.  This generates the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll

        Run the 'vcvars32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables
        set. Edit the makefile.vc6 in the lib directory and define
        OPENSSL_PATH.  Set the location of the OpenSSL library and run 'nmake
        vc-ssl' in the root directory.

        The vcvars32.bat file is part of the Microsoft development

      Microsoft / Borland style
        If you have OpenSSL, and want curl to take advantage of it, edit your
        project properties to use the SSL include path, link with the SSL libs
        and define the USE_SSLEAY symbol.


   Building under OS/2 is not much different from building under unix.
   You need:

      - emx 0.9d
      - GNU make
      - GNU patch
      - ksh
      - GNU bison
      - GNU file utilities
      - GNU sed
      - autoconf 2.13

   If you want to build with OpenSSL or OpenLDAP support, you'll need to
   download those libraries, too. Dirk Ohme has done some work to port SSL
   libraries under OS/2, but it looks like he doesn't care about emx.  You'll
   find his patches on: http://come.to/Dirk_Ohme

   If during the linking you get an error about _errno being an undefined
   symbol referenced from the text segment, you need to add -D__ST_MT_ERRNO__
   in your definitions.

   If everything seems to work fine but there's no curl.exe, you need to add
   -Zexe to your linker flags.

   If you're getting huge binaries, probably your makefiles have the -g in

   (The VMS section is in whole contributed by the friendly Nico Baggus)

   This is the first attempt at porting cURL to VMS.

   Curl seems to work with FTP & HTTP other protocols are not tested.  (the
   perl http/ftp testing server supplied as testing too cannot work on VMS
   because vms has no concept of fork(). [ I tried to give it a whack, but
   thats of no use.

   SSL stuff has not been ported.

   Telnet has about the same issues as for Win32. When the changes for Win32
   are clear maybe they'l work for VMS too. The basic problem is that select
   ONLY works for sockets.

   Marked instances of fopen/[f]stat that might become a problem, especially
   for non stream files. In this regard, the files opened for writing will be
   created stream/lf and will thus be safe. Just keep in mind that non-binary
   read/wring from/to files will have a records size limit of 32767 bytes

   Stat to get the size of the files is again only safe for stream files &
   fixed record files without implied CC.

   -- My guess is that only allowing access to stream files is the quickest
   way to get around the most issues. Therefore all files need to to be
   checked to be sure they will be stream/lf before processing them.  This is
   the easiest way out, I know. The reason for this is that code that needs to
   report the filesize will become a pain in the ass otherwise.

   Exit status.... Well we needed something done here,

   VMS has a structured exist status:
   | 3  |       2    |     1       |  0|
   |Ctrl|  Facility  | Error code  |sev|

   With the Ctrl-bits an application can tell if part or the whole message has
   allready been printed from the program, DCL doesn't need to print it again.

   Facility - basicaly the program ID. A code assigned to the program
   the name can be fetched from external or internal message libraries
   Errorcode - the errodes assigned by the application
   Sev. - severity: Even = error, off = non error
		0 = Warning
		1 = Success
		2 = Error
		3 = Information
		4 = Fatal 
		<5-7> reserved.

   This all presents itself with:
   %<FACILITY>-<SeV>-<Errorname>, <Error message>

   See also the src/curlmsg.msg file, it has the source for the messages In
   src/main.c a section is devoted to message status values, the globalvalues
   create symbols with certain values, referenced from a compiled message
   file. Have all exit function use a exit status derived from a translation
   table with the compiled message codes.

   This was all compiled with:

	Compaq C V6.2-003 on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1-1H2

   So far for porting notes as of:
   N. Baggus

   This is a probably incomplete list of known hardware and operating systems
   that curl has been compiled for:

        - Ultrix 4.3a
        - SINIX-Z v5
        - Alpha DEC OSF 4
        - Alpha Digital UNIX v3.2
        - Alpha FreeBSD 4.1
        - Alpha Linux 2.2.16
        - Alpha OpenVMS V7.1-1H2
        - Alpha Tru64 v5.0 5.1
        - HP-PA HP-UX 9.X 10.X 11.X
        - MIPS IRIX 6.2, 6.5
        - Power AIX 4.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2
        - PowerPC Darwin 1.0
        - PowerPC Linux
        - PowerPC Mac OS X
        - Sparc Linux
        - Sparc Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, 7, 8
        - Sparc SunOS 4.1.X
        - i386 BeOS
        - i386 FreeBSD
        - i386 Linux 1.3, 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
        - i386 NetBSD
        - i386 OS/2
        - i386 OpenBSD
        - i386 SCO unix
        - i386 Solaris 2.7
        - i386 Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000
        - ia64 Linux 2.3.99
        - m68k AmigaOS 3
        - m68k OpenBSD
        - StrongARM NetBSD 1.4.1
        - StrongARM (and other ARM) RISC OS 3.1, 4.02


   You'll find OpenSSL information at:



   You'll find MingW32 and Cygwin information at:



   You'll find OpenLDAP information at:


   You need to install it with shared libraries, which is enabled when running
   the ldap configure script with "--enable-shared". With my linux 2.0.36
   kernel I also had to disable using threads (with --without-threads),
   because the configure script couldn't figure out my system.