_ _ ____ _ ___| | | | _ \| | / __| | | | |_) | | | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| curl release procedure - how to do a release ============================================ in the source code repo ----------------------- - edit `RELEASE-NOTES` to be accurate - update `docs/THANKS` - make sure all relevant changes are committed on the master branch - tag the git repo in this style: `git tag -a curl-7_34_0`. -a annotates the tag and we use underscores instead of dots in the version number. - run "./maketgz 7.34.0" to build the release tarballs. It is important that you run this on a machine with the correct set of autotools etc installed as this is what then will be shipped and used by most users on *nix like systems. - push the git commits and the new tag - gpg sign the 4 tarballs as maketgz suggests - upload the 8 resulting files to the primary download directory in the curl-www repo -------------------- - edit `Makefile` (version number and date), - edit `_newslog.html` (announce the new release) and - edit `_changes.html` (insert changes+bugfixes from RELEASE-NOTES) - commit all local changes - tag the repo with the same tag as used for the source repo - make sure all relevant changes are committed and pushed on the master branch (the web site then updates its contents automatically) inform ------ - send an email to curl-users, curl-announce and curl-library. Insert the RELEASE-NOTES into the mail. celebrate --------- - suitable beverage intake is encouraged for the festivities curl release scheduling ======================= Basics ------ We do releases every 8 weeks on Wednesdays. If critical problems arise, we can insert releases outside of the schedule or we can move the release date - but this is very rare. Each 8 week release cycle is split in two 4-week periods. - During the first 4 weeks after a release, we allow new features and changes to curl and libcurl. If we accept any such changes, we bump the minor number used for the next release. - During the second 4-week period we do not merge any features or changes, we then only focus on fixing bugs and polishing things to make a solid coming release. Coming dates ------------ Based on the description above, here are some planned release dates (at the time of this writing): - June 17, 2015 (version 7.43.0) - August 12, 2015 - October 7, 2015 - December 2, 2015 - January 27, 2016 - March 23, 2016 - May 18, 2016 - July 13, 2016 - September 7, 2016