.\" You can view this file with: .\" nroff -man [file] .\" Written by daniel@haxx.se .\" .TH curl_escape 3 "22 March 2001" "libcurl 7.7" "libcurl Manual" .SH NAME curl_escape - URL encodes the given string .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp .BI "char *curl_escape( char *" url ", int "length " );" .ad .SH DESCRIPTION This function will convert the given input string to an URL encoded string and return that as a new allocated string. All input characters that are not a-z, A-Z or 0-9 will be converted to their "URL escaped" version. If the 'length' argument is set to 0, curl_escape() will use strlen() on the input 'url' string to find out the size. You must free() the returned string when you're done with it. .SH RETURN VALUE A pointer to a zero terminated string or NULL if it failed. .SH "SEE ALSO" .I curl_unescape(), RFC 2396