.SH HTTP OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER Automatically set Referer: header. See \fICURLOPT_AUTOREFERER(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING Accept-Encoding and automatic decompressing data. See \fICURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_TRANSFER_ENCODING Request Transfer-Encoding. See \fICURLOPT_TRANSFER_ENCODING(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION Follow HTTP redirects. See \fICURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH Do not restrict authentication to original host. \fICURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS Maximum number of redirects to follow. See \fICURLOPT_MAXREDIRS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_POSTREDIR How to act on redirects after POST. See \fICURLOPT_POSTREDIR(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_PUT Issue a HTTP PUT request. See \fICURLOPT_PUT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_POST Issue a HTTP POST request. See \fICURLOPT_POST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS Send a POST with this data. See \fICURLOPT_POSTFIELDS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE The POST data is this big. See \fICURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE The POST data is this big. See \fICURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS Send a POST with this data - and copy it. See \fICURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTPPOST Multipart formpost HTTP POST. See \fICURLOPT_HTTPPOST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_REFERER Referer: header. See \fICURLOPT_REFERER(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_USERAGENT User-Agent: header. See \fICURLOPT_USERAGENT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER Custom HTTP headers. See \fICURLOPT_HTTPHEADER(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HEADEROPT Control custom headers. See \fICURLOPT_HEADEROPT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER Custom HTTP headers sent to proxy. See \fICURLOPT_PROXYHEADER(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES Alternative versions of 200 OK. See \fICURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_COOKIE Cookie(s) to send. See \fICURLOPT_COOKIE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE File to read cookies from. See \fICURLOPT_COOKIEFILE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR File to write cookies to. See \fICURLOPT_COOKIEJAR(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION Start a new cookie session. See \fICURLOPT_COOKIESESSION(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_COOKIELIST Add or control cookies. See \fICURLOPT_COOKIELIST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTPGET Do a HTTP GET request. See \fICURLOPT_HTTPGET(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION HTTP version to use. \fICURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH Ignore Content-Length. See \fICURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING Disable Content decoding. See \fICURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODING Disable Transfer decoding. See \fICURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODING(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS 100-continue timeout. See \fICURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT Wait on connection to pipeline on it. See \fICURLOPT_PIPEWAIT(3)\fP .SH SMTP OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM Address of the sender. See \fICURLOPT_MAIL_FROM(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT Address of the recipients. See \fICURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAIL_AUTH Authentication address. See \fICURLOPT_MAIL_AUTH(3)\fP .SH TFTP OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_TFTP_BLKSIZE TFTP block size. See \fICURLOPT_TFTP_BLKSIZE(3)\fP .SH FTP OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_FTPPORT Use active FTP. See \fICURLOPT_FTPPORT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_QUOTE Commands to run before transfer. See \fICURLOPT_QUOTE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE Commands to run after transfer. See \fICURLOPT_POSTQUOTE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_PREQUOTE Commands to run just before transfer. See \fICURLOPT_PREQUOTE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_APPEND Append to remote file. See \fICURLOPT_APPEND(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT Use EPTR. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV Use EPSV. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_USE_PRET Use PRET. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_USE_PRET(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS Create missing directories on the remote server. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT Timeout for FTP responses. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER Alternative to USER. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP Ignore the IP address in the PASV response. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH Control how to do TLS. See \fICURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC Back to non-TLS again after authentication. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT Send ACCT command. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD Specify how to reach files. See \fICURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD(3)\fP .SH RTSP OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_RTSP_REQUEST RTSP request. See \fICURLOPT_RTSP_REQUEST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RTSP_SESSION_ID RTSP session-id. See \fICURLOPT_RTSP_SESSION_ID(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI RTSP stream URI. See \fICURLOPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT RTSP Transport: header. See \fICURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ Client CSEQ number. See \fICURLOPT_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ CSEQ number for RTSP Server->Client request. See \fICURLOPT_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ(3)\fP .SH PROTOCOL OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT Use text transfer. See \fICURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE Add transfer mode to URL over proxy. See \fICURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CRLF Convert newlines. See \fICURLOPT_CRLF(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RANGE Range requests. See \fICURLOPT_RANGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM Resume a transfer. See \fICURLOPT_RESUME_FROM(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE Resume a transfer. See \fICURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST Custom request/method. See \fICURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FILETIME Request file modification date and time. See \fICURLOPT_FILETIME(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY List only. See \fICURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_NOBODY Do not get the body contents. See \fICURLOPT_NOBODY(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_INFILESIZE Size of file to send. \fICURLOPT_INFILESIZE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE Size of file to send. \fICURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_UPLOAD Upload data. See \fICURLOPT_UPLOAD(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE Maximum file size to get. See \fICURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE Maximum file size to get. See \fICURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION Make a time conditional request. See \fICURLOPT_TIMECONDITION(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE Time value for the time conditional request. See \fICURLOPT_TIMEVALUE(3)\fP .SH CONNECTION OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_TIMEOUT Timeout for the entire request. See \fICURLOPT_TIMEOUT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS Millisecond timeout for the entire request. See \fICURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT Low speed limit to abort transfer. See \fICURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME Time to be below the speed to trigger low speed abort. See \fICURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE Cap the upload speed to this. See \fICURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE Cap the download speed to this. See \fICURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS Maximum number of connections in the connection pool. See \fICURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT Use a new connection. \fICURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE Prevent subsequent connections from re-using this. See \fICURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT Timeout for the connection phase. See \fICURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS Millisecond timeout for the connection phase. See \fICURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE IP version to resolve to. See \fICURLOPT_IPRESOLVE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY Only connect, nothing else. See \fICURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_USE_SSL Use TLS/SSL. See \fICURLOPT_USE_SSL(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RESOLVE Provide fixed/fake name resolves. See \fICURLOPT_RESOLVE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE Bind name resolves to this interface. See \fICURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4 Bind name resolves to this IP4 address. See \fICURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6 Bind name resolves to this IP6 address. See \fICURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS Preferred DNS servers. See \fICURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS Timeout for waiting for the server's connect back to be accepted. See \fICURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS(3)\fP .SH SSL and SECURITY OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_SSLCERT Client cert. See \fICURLOPT_SSLCERT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE Client cert type. See \fICURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSLKEY Client key. See \fICURLOPT_SSLKEY(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE Client key type. See \fICURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD Client key password. See \fICURLOPT_KEYPASSWD(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN Enable use of ALPN. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_NPN Enable use of NPN. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_NPN(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSLENGINE Use identifier with SSL engine. See \fICURLOPT_SSLENGINE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT Default SSL engine. See \fICURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART Enable TLS False Start. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSLVERSION SSL version to use. See \fICURLOPT_SSLVERSION(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST Verify the host name in the SSL certificate. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER Verify the SSL certificate. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS Verify the SSL certificate's status. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CAINFO CA cert bundle. See \fICURLOPT_CAINFO(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT Issuer certificate. See \fICURLOPT_ISSUERCERT(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CAPATH Path to CA cert bundle. See \fICURLOPT_CAPATH(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CRLFILE Certificate Revocation List. See \fICURLOPT_CRLFILE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_CERTINFO Extract certificate info. See \fICURLOPT_CERTINFO(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY Set pinned SSL public key . See \fICURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE Provide source for entropy random data. See \fICURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET Identify EGD socket for entropy. See \fICURLOPT_EGDSOCKET(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST Ciphers to use. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE Disable SSL session-id cache. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS Control SSL behavior. See \fICURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_KRBLEVEL Kerberos security level. See \fICURLOPT_KRBLEVEL(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION Disable GSS-API delegation. See \fICURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION(3)\fP .SH SSH OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES SSH authentication types. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5 MD5 of host's public key. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE File name of public key. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE File name of private key. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS File name with known hosts. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION Callback for known hosts handling. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA Custom pointer to pass to ssh key callback. See \fICURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA(3)\fP .SH OTHER OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_PRIVATE Private pointer to store. See \fICURLOPT_PRIVATE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_SHARE Share object to use. See \fICURLOPT_SHARE(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMS Mode for creating new remote files. See \fICURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMS(3)\fP .IP CURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMS Mode for creating new remote directories. See \fICURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMS(3)\fP .SH TELNET OPTIONS .IP CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS TELNET options. See \fICURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS(3)\fP .SH RETURN VALUE \fICURLE_OK\fP (zero) means that the option was set properly, non-zero means an error occurred as \fI\fP defines. See the \fIlibcurl-errors(3)\fP man page for the full list with descriptions. If you try to set an option that libcurl doesn't know about, perhaps because the library is too old to support it or the option was removed in a recent version, this function will return \fICURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION\fP. If support for the option was disabled at compile-time, it will return \fICURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN\fP. .SH EXAMPLE .nf CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { CURLcode res; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "http://example.com"); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); }} .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR curl_easy_init "(3), " curl_easy_cleanup "(3), " curl_easy_reset "(3), " .BR curl_multi_setopt "(3), "