.\" $Id$ .\" .TH curl_multi_add_handle 3 "4 March 2002" "libcurl 7.9.5" "libcurl Manual" .SH NAME curl_multi_add_handle - add an easy handle to a multi session .SH SYNOPSIS #include <curl/curl.h> CURLMcode curl_multi_add_handle(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *easy_handle); .ad .SH DESCRIPTION Adds a standard easy handle to the multi stack. This function call will make this \fImulti_handle\fP control the specified \fIeasy_handle\fP. Furthermore, libcurl now initiates the connection associated with the specified \fIeasy_handle\fP. When an easy handle has been added to a multi stack, you can not and you must not use \fIcurl_easy_perform(3)\fP on that handle! If the easy handle is not set to use a shared (CURLOPT_SHARE) or global DNS cache (CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE), it will be made to use the DNS cache that is shared between all easy handles within the multi handle when \fIcurl_multi_add_handle(3)\fP is called. The easy handle will remain added until you remove it again with \fIcurl_multi_remove_handle(3)\fP. You should remove the easy handle from the multi stack before you terminate first the easy handle and then the multi handle: 1 - \fIcurl_multi_remove_handle(3)\fP 2 - \fIcurl_easy_cleanup(3)\fP 3 - \fIcurl_multi_cleanup(3)\fP .SH RETURN VALUE CURLMcode type, general libcurl multi interface error code. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR curl_multi_cleanup "(3)," curl_multi_init "(3)"