SET(LIB_NAME libcurl) CONFIGURE_FILE(${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/include/curl/curlbuild.h.cmake ${CURL_BINARY_DIR}/include/curl/curlbuild.h) CONFIGURE_FILE(config.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) SET(libCurl_HEADERS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h ${CURL_BINARY_DIR}/include/curl/curlbuild.h arpa_telnet.h netrc.h file.h timeval.h qssl.h hostip.h progress.h formdata.h cookie.h http.h sendf.h ftp.h url.h dict.h if2ip.h speedcheck.h urldata.h curl_ldap.h ssluse.h escape.h telnet.h getinfo.h strequal.h krb4.h memdebug.h http_chunks.h strtok.h connect.h llist.h hash.h content_encoding.h share.h curl_md5.h http_digest.h http_negotiate.h http_ntlm.h inet_pton.h strtoofft.h strerror.h inet_ntop.h curlx.h memory.h setup.h transfer.h select.h easyif.h multiif.h parsedate.h sslgen.h gtls.h tftp.h sockaddr.h splay.h strdup.h setup_once.h socks.h ssh.h nssg.h curl_base64.h rawstr.h curl_addrinfo.h curl_sspi.h slist.h ) SET(libCurl_SRCS # amigaos.c - does not build on AmigaOS base64.c connect.c content_encoding.c cookie.c curl_addrinfo.c curl_sspi.c dict.c easy.c escape.c file.c formdata.c ftp.c getenv.c getinfo.c gtls.c hash.c hostares.c hostasyn.c hostip4.c hostip6.c hostip.c hostsyn.c hostthre.c http.c http_chunks.c http_digest.c http_negotiate.c http_ntlm.c if2ip.c inet_ntop.c inet_pton.c krb4.c ldap.c llist.c md5.c # memdebug.c -not used mprintf.c multi.c netrc.c # nwlib.c - Not used parsedate.c progress.c rawstr.c security.c select.c sendf.c slist.c share.c socks.c speedcheck.c splay.c ssh.c sslgen.c ssluse.c strdup.c strequal.c strerror.c # strtok.c - specify later # strtoofft.c - specify later telnet.c tftp.c timeval.c transfer.c url.c version.c ) IF(MSVC) LIST(APPEND libCurl_SRCS libcurl.rc) ENDIF() # if we have Kerberos 4, right now this is never on #OPTION(CURL_KRB4 "Use Kerberos 4" OFF) IF(CURL_KRB4) SET(libCurl_SRCS ${libCurl_SRCS} krb4.c security.c ) ENDIF(CURL_KRB4) #OPTION(CURL_MALLOC_DEBUG "Debug mallocs in Curl" OFF) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CURL_MALLOC_DEBUG) IF(CURL_MALLOC_DEBUG) SET(libCurl_SRCS ${libCurl_SRCS} memdebug.c ) ENDIF(CURL_MALLOC_DEBUG) IF(CMAKE_USE_OPENSSL AND OPENSSL_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) ENDIF() IF(CURL_ZLIB AND ZLIB_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) ENDIF() IF(HAVE_FEATURES_H) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES( cookie.c easy.c formdata.c getenv.c hash.c http.c if2ip.c mprintf.c multi.c sendf.c telnet.c transfer.c url.c COMPILE_FLAGS -D_BSD_SOURCE) ENDIF(HAVE_FEATURES_H) #strtoll \ #socket \ #select \ #strdup \ #strstr \ #strtok_r \ #uname \ #strcasecmp \ #stricmp \ #strcmpi \ #gethostbyaddr \ #gettimeofday \ #inet_addr \ #inet_ntoa \ #inet_pton \ #perror \ #closesocket \ #siginterrupt \ #sigaction \ #signal \ #getpass_r \ #strlcat \ #getpwuid \ #geteuid \ #dlopen \ #utime \ #sigsetjmp \ #basename \ #setlocale \ #ftruncate \ #pipe \ #poll \ #getprotobyname \ #getrlimit \ #setrlimit \ #fork # only build compat strtok if we need to IF (NOT HAVE_STRTOK_R) SET(libCurl_SRCS ${libCurl_SRCS} strtok.c ) ENDIF (NOT HAVE_STRTOK_R) # only build compat strtoofft if we need to IF(NOT HAVE_STRTOLL AND NOT HAVE__STRTOI64) SET(libCurl_SRCS ${libCurl_SRCS} strtoofft.c ) ENDIF(NOT HAVE_STRTOLL AND NOT HAVE__STRTOI64) # The rest of the build INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../include) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/..) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../include) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/..) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) IF(CURL_STATICLIB) SET(CURL_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC STATIC) ELSE() SET(CURL_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC SHARED) ENDIF() ADD_LIBRARY( ${LIB_NAME} ${CURL_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC} ${libCurl_HEADERS} ${libCurl_SRCS} ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${LIB_NAME} ${CURL_LIBS}) IF(WIN32) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -D_USRDLL ) ENDIF() IF(CURL_ZLIB AND ZLIB_FOUND) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${LIB_NAME} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) #ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DHAVE_ZLIB_H -DHAVE_ZLIB -DHAVE_LIBZ ) ENDIF() # IF(CURL_SSL AND CURL_CONFIG_HAS_BEEN_RUN_BEFORE) # LIST(APPEND DEPENDENCIES_NAMES OpenSSL) # ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DUSE_SSLEAY ) # ENDIF() # IF(MSVC) # IF(NOT BUILD_RELEASE_DEBUG_DIRS) # # Ugly workaround to remove the "/debug" or "/release" in each output # SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${LIB_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "../") # SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${LIB_NAME} PROPERTIES IMPORT_PREFIX "../") # ENDIF() # # Add "_imp" as a suffix before the extension # SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${LIB_NAME} PROPERTIES IMPORT_SUFFIX "_imp.lib") # ENDIF()