############################################################ # # Makefile.b32 - Borland's C++ Compiler 5.X # # 'lib' directory # # Written by Jaepil Kim, pit@paradise.net.nz ############################################################ # Check if BCCDIR is set and guess if not set. !ifndef BCCDIR BCCDIR = $(MAKEDIR)/.. !endif # Edit the path below to point to the base of your Zlib sources. !ifndef ZLIB_PATH ZLIB_PATH = ../../zlib-1.2.5 !endif # Edit the path below to point to the base of your OpenSSL package. !ifndef OPENSSL_PATH OPENSSL_PATH = ../../openssl-0.9.8q !endif # Set libcurl static lib, dll and import lib LIBCURL_LIB = libcurl.lib LIBCURL_DLL = libcurl.dll LIBCURL_IMPLIB = libcurl_imp.lib # Setup environment CXX = bcc32 LD = bcc32 CP = copy 2>NUL RM = del /q /f 2>NUL LIB = tlib IMPLIB = implib CXXFLAGS = -q -5 -O2 -w-aus -w-ccc -w-csu -w-par -w-pia -w-rch -w-inl -w-ngu -w-pro -tWM LIBFLAGS = /C /P32 LDFLAGS = -q -lq -laa -tWD INCDIRS = -I.;../include LINKLIB = $(BCCDIR)/lib/cw32mt.lib DEFINES = -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -D_MBCS -DBUILDING_LIBCURL # By default we disable LDAP support here since BCC headers are insufficient. !ifndef WITH_LDAP DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DCURL_DISABLE_LDAP !endif # If you build with ZLIB support, set WITH_ZLIB=1 !ifdef WITH_ZLIB DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DHAVE_LIBZ -DHAVE_ZLIB_H INCDIRS = $(INCDIRS);$(ZLIB_PATH) LINKLIB = $(LINKLIB) $(ZLIB_PATH)/zlib.lib !endif # If you build with SSL support, set WITH_SSL=1 !ifdef WITH_SSL DEFINES = $(DEFINES) -DUSE_SSLEAY INCDIRS = $(INCDIRS);$(OPENSSL_PATH)/inc32;$(OPENSSL_PATH)/inc32/openssl LINKLIB = $(LINKLIB) $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out32/ssleay32.lib $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out32/libeay32.lib !endif .autodepend # Makefile.inc provides the CSOURCES and HHEADERS defines !include Makefile.inc OBJECTS = $(CSOURCES:.c=.obj) .c.obj: $(CXX) -c $(INCDIRS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $< all: $(LIBCURL_LIB) $(LIBCURL_DLL) clean: -$(RM) $(LIBCURL_LIB) -$(RM) $(LIBCURL_IMPLIB) -$(RM) libcurl.tds -$(RM) *.obj $(LIBCURL_LIB): $(OBJECTS) @-$(RM) $@ $(LIB) $(LIBFLAGS) $@ @&&! +$(**: = &^ +) ! $(LIBCURL_DLL) $(LIBCURL_IMPLIB): $(OBJECTS) $(LINKLIB) @-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_DLL) @-$(RM) $(LIBCURL_IMPLIB) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -e$(LIBCURL_DLL) $** $(IMPLIB) $(LIBCURL_IMPLIB) $(LIBCURL_DLL)