#ifndef __COOKIE_H #define __COOKIE_H #include <stdio.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <time.h> #else #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <curl/curl.h> struct Cookie { struct Cookie *next; /* next in the chain */ char *name; /* <this> = value */ char *value; /* name = <this> */ char *path; /* path = <this> */ char *domain; /* domain = <this> */ time_t expires; /* expires = <this> */ char *expirestr; /* the plain text version */ /* RFC 2109 keywords. Version=1 means 2109-compliant cookie sending */ char *version; /* Version = <value> */ char *maxage; /* Max-Age = <value> */ bool secure; /* whether the 'secure' keyword was used */ }; struct CookieInfo { /* linked list of cookies we know of */ struct Cookie *cookies; char *filename; /* file we read from/write to */ }; /* This is the maximum line length we accept for a cookie line */ #define MAX_COOKIE_LINE 2048 #define MAX_COOKIE_LINE_TXT "2047" /* This is the maximum length of a cookie name we deal with: */ #define MAX_NAME 256 #define MAX_NAME_TXT "255" struct Cookie *cookie_add(struct CookieInfo *, bool, char *); struct CookieInfo *cookie_init(char *); struct Cookie *cookie_getlist(struct CookieInfo *, char *, char *, bool); void cookie_freelist(struct Cookie *); void cookie_cleanup(struct CookieInfo *); #endif