#  Adapted for djgpp2 / Watt-32 / DOS by
#  Gisle Vanem <giva@bgnett.no>
# $Id$

DEPEND_PREREQ = curl_config.h

include ../packages/DOS/common.dj
include Makefile.inc

OBJECTS := $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(strip $(CSOURCES)))

CURL_LIB = libcurl.a

# NOTE: if ../include/curl/curlbuild.h is missing, you're probably building
# this from a CVS checkout and then you need to run buildconf.bat first.

all: $(OBJ_DIR) curl_config.h $(CURL_LIB)

	ar rs $@ $?

curl_config.h: config.dos
	$(COPY) $^ $@

# clean generated files
	- $(DELETE) curl_config.h

# clean object files and subdir
objclean: genclean
	- $(DELETE) $(OBJ_DIR)$(DS)*.o
	- $(RMDIR) $(OBJ_DIR)

# clean without removing built library
clean: objclean
	- $(DELETE) depend.dj

# clean everything
realclean vclean: clean

-include depend.dj