/*************************************************************************** * _ _ ____ _ * Project ___| | | | _ \| | * / __| | | | |_) | | * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| * * Copyright (C) 2004, Daniel Stenberg, , et al. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html. * * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "setup.h" #include #include #include #include #include "strerror.h" #define _MPRINTF_REPLACE /* use our functions only */ #include const char * curl_easy_strerror(CURLcode error) { switch (error) { case CURLE_OK: return "no error"; case CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL: return "unsupported protocol"; case CURLE_FAILED_INIT: return "failed init"; case CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT: return "url malformat"; case CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT_USER: return "url malformat user"; case CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY: return "couldnt resolve proxy"; case CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST: return "couldnt resolve host"; case CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT: return "couldn't connect"; case CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY: return "ftp weird server reply"; case CURLE_FTP_ACCESS_DENIED: return "ftp access denied"; case CURLE_FTP_USER_PASSWORD_INCORRECT: return "ftp user password incorrect"; case CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASS_REPLY: return "ftp weird pass reply"; case CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_USER_REPLY: return "ftp weird user reply"; case CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_PASV_REPLY: return "ftp weird pasv reply"; case CURLE_FTP_WEIRD_227_FORMAT: return "ftp weird 227 format"; case CURLE_FTP_CANT_GET_HOST: return "ftp cant get host"; case CURLE_FTP_CANT_RECONNECT: return "ftp can't reconnect"; case CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_BINARY: return "ftp couldn't set binary"; case CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE: return "partial file"; case CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_RETR_FILE: return "ftp couldn't retr file"; case CURLE_FTP_WRITE_ERROR: return "ftp write error"; case CURLE_FTP_QUOTE_ERROR: return "ftp quote error"; case CURLE_HTTP_NOT_FOUND: return "http not found"; case CURLE_WRITE_ERROR: return "write error"; case CURLE_MALFORMAT_USER: return "user name is illegally specified"; case CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_STOR_FILE: return "failed FTP upload"; case CURLE_READ_ERROR: return "could open/read from file"; case CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "out of memory"; case CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED: return "the timeout time was reached"; case CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_ASCII: return "TYPE A failed"; case CURLE_FTP_PORT_FAILED: return "FTP PORT operation failed"; case CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_USE_REST: return "the REST command failed"; case CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_GET_SIZE: return "the SIZE command failed"; case CURLE_HTTP_RANGE_ERROR: return "RANGE \"command\" didn't work"; case CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR: return "http post error"; case CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR: return "wrong when connecting with SSL"; case CURLE_FTP_BAD_DOWNLOAD_RESUME: return "couldn't resume download"; case CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE: return "file couldn't read file"; case CURLE_LDAP_CANNOT_BIND: return "ldap cannot bind"; case CURLE_LDAP_SEARCH_FAILED: return "ldap search failed"; case CURLE_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND: return "library not found"; case CURLE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND: return "function not found"; case CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK: return "aborted by callback"; case CURLE_BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT: return "bad function argument"; case CURLE_BAD_CALLING_ORDER: return "bad calling order"; case CURLE_HTTP_PORT_FAILED: return "HTTP Interface operation failed"; case CURLE_BAD_PASSWORD_ENTERED: return "my getpass() returns fail"; case CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS : return "catch endless re-direct loops"; case CURLE_UNKNOWN_TELNET_OPTION: return "User specified an unknown option"; case CURLE_TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX : return "Malformed telnet option"; case CURLE_OBSOLETE: return "obsolete"; case CURLE_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE: return "peer's certificate wasn't ok"; case CURLE_GOT_NOTHING: return "when this is a specific error"; case CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND: return "SSL crypto engine not found"; case CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED: return "can not set SSL crypto engine as default"; case CURLE_SEND_ERROR: return "failed sending network data"; case CURLE_RECV_ERROR: return "failure in receiving network data"; case CURLE_SHARE_IN_USE: return "CURLE_SHARE_IN_USER"; case CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM: return "problem with the local certificate"; case CURLE_SSL_CIPHER: return "couldn't use specified cipher"; case CURLE_SSL_CACERT: return "problem with the CA cert (path? access rights?)"; case CURLE_BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING: return "Unrecognized transfer encoding"; case CURLE_LDAP_INVALID_URL: return "Invalid LDAP URL"; case CURLE_FILESIZE_EXCEEDED: return "Maximum file size exceeded"; case CURLE_FTP_SSL_FAILED: return "Requested FTP SSL level failed"; case CURL_LAST: break; } /* * By using a switch, gcc -Wall will complain about enum values * which do not appear, helping keep this function up-to-date. * By using gcc -Wall -Werror, you can't forget. * * A table would not have the same benefit. Most compilers will * generate code very similar to a table in any case, so there * is little performance gain from a table. And something is broken * for the user's application, anyways, so does it matter how fast * it _doesn't_ work? * * The line number for the error will be near this comment, which * is why it is here, and not at the start of the switch. */ return "CURLcode unknown"; } const char * curl_multi_strerror(CURLMcode error) { switch (error) { case CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM: return "please call curl_multi_perform() soon"; case CURLM_OK: return "no error"; case CURLM_BAD_HANDLE: return "CURLM not valid multi handle"; case CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE: return "CURLM not valid easy handle"; case CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "CURLM libcurl out of memory"; case CURLM_INTERNAL_ERROR: return "CURLM libcurl internal bug"; case CURLM_LAST: break; } return "CURLMcode unknown"; } const char * curl_share_strerror(CURLSHcode error) { switch (error) { case CURLSHE_OK: return "no error"; case CURLSHE_BAD_OPTION: return "CURLSH bad option"; case CURLSHE_IN_USE: return "CURLSH in use"; case CURLSHE_INVALID: return "CURLSH invalid"; case CURLSHE_LAST: break; } return "CURLSH unknown"; } #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) /* This function handles most / all (?) Winsock errors cURL is able to produce. */ static const char * get_winsock_error (int err, char *buf, size_t len) { char *p; switch (err) { case WSAEINTR: p = "Call interrupted."; break; case WSAEBADF: p = "Bad file"; break; case WSAEACCES: p = "Bad access"; break; case WSAEFAULT: p = "Bad argument"; break; case WSAEINVAL: p = "Invalid arguments"; break; case WSAEMFILE: p = "Out of file descriptors"; break; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: p = "Call would block"; break; case WSAEINPROGRESS: case WSAEALREADY: p = "Blocking call in progress"; break; case WSAENOTSOCK: p = "Descriptor is not a socket."; break; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: p = "Need destination address"; break; case WSAEMSGSIZE: p = "Bad message size"; break; case WSAEPROTOTYPE: p = "Bad protocol"; break; case WSAENOPROTOOPT: p = "Protocol option is unsupported"; break; case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: p = "Protocol is unsupported"; break; case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: p = "Socket is unsupported"; break; case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: p = "Operation not supported"; break; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: p = "Address family not supported"; break; case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: p = "Protocol family not supported"; break; case WSAEADDRINUSE: p = "Address already in use"; break; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: p = "Address not available"; break; case WSAENETDOWN: p = "Network down"; break; case WSAENETUNREACH: p = "Network unreachable"; break; case WSAENETRESET: p = "Network has been reset"; break; case WSAECONNABORTED: p = "Connection was aborted"; break; case WSAECONNRESET: p = "Connection was reset"; break; case WSAENOBUFS: p = "No buffer space"; break; case WSAEISCONN: p = "Socket is already connected"; break; case WSAENOTCONN: p = "Socket is not connected"; break; case WSAESHUTDOWN: p = "Socket has been shut down"; break; case WSAETOOMANYREFS: p = "Too many references"; break; case WSAETIMEDOUT: p = "Timed out"; break; case WSAECONNREFUSED: p = "Connection refused"; break; case WSAELOOP: p = "Loop??"; break; case WSAENAMETOOLONG: p = "Name too long"; break; case WSAEHOSTDOWN: p = "Host down"; break; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: p = "Host unreachable"; break; case WSAENOTEMPTY: p = "Not empty"; break; case WSAEPROCLIM: p = "Process limit reached"; break; case WSAEUSERS: p = "Too many users"; break; case WSAEDQUOT: p = "Bad quota"; break; case WSAESTALE: p = "Something is stale"; break; case WSAEREMOTE: p = "Remote error"; break; case WSAEDISCON: p = "Disconnected"; break; /* Extended Winsock errors */ case WSASYSNOTREADY: p = "Winsock library is not ready"; break; case WSANOTINITIALISED: p = "Winsock library not initalised"; break; case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: p = "Winsock version not supported."; break; /* getXbyY() errors (already handled in herrmsg): * Authoritative Answer: Host not found */ case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: p = "Host not found"; break; /* Non-Authoritative: Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */ case WSATRY_AGAIN: p = "Host not found, try again"; break; /* Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */ case WSANO_RECOVERY: p = "Unrecoverable error in call to nameserver"; break; /* Valid name, no data record of requested type */ case WSANO_DATA: p = "No data record of requested type"; break; default: return NULL; } strncpy (buf, p, len); buf [len-1] = '\0'; return buf; } #endif /* WIN32 && !__CYGWIN__ */ /* * Our thread-safe and smart strerror() replacement. * * The 'err' argument passed in to this function MUST be a true errno number * as reported on this system. We do no range checking on the number before * we pass it to the "number-to-message" convertion function and there might * be systems that don't do proper range checking in there themselves. * * We don't do range checking (on systems other than Windows) since there is * no good reliable and portable way to do it. */ const char *Curl_strerror(struct connectdata *conn, int err) { char *buf, *p; size_t max; curlassert(conn); curlassert(err >= 0); buf = conn->syserr_buf; max = sizeof(conn->syserr_buf)-1; *buf = '\0'; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) /* 'sys_nerr' is the maximum errno number, it is not widely portable */ if (err >= 0 && err < sys_nerr) { if (!get_winsock_error (err, buf, max) && !FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, err, LANG_NEUTRAL, buf, max, NULL)) snprintf(buf, max, "Unknown error %d (%#x)", err, err); } #else /* not native Windows coming up */ /* These should be atomic and hopefully thread-safe */ #ifdef HAVE_STRERROR_R /* There are two different APIs for strerror_r(). The POSIX and the GLIBC versions. */ #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R strerror_r(err, buf, max); /* this may set errno to ERANGE if insufficient storage was supplied via 'strerrbuf' and 'buflen' to contain the generated message string, or EINVAL if the value of 'errnum' is not a valid error number.*/ #else { /* HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R */ char buffer[256]; char *msg = strerror_r(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); strncpy(buf, msg, max); } #endif /* end of HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R */ #else /* HAVE_STRERROR_R */ strncpy(buf, strerror(err), max); #endif /* end of HAVE_STRERROR_R */ #endif /* end of ! Windows */ buf[max] = '\0'; /* make sure the string is zero terminated */ /* strip trailing '\r\n' or '\n'. */ if ((p = strrchr(buf,'\n')) != NULL && (p - buf) >= 2) *p = '\0'; if ((p = strrchr(buf,'\r')) != NULL && (p - buf) >= 1) *p = '\0'; return buf; }