From File: curl_gnv_build_steps.txt Copyright 2009 - 2020, John Malmberg Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Currently building Curl using GNV takes longer than building Curl via DCL. The GNV procedure actually uses the same configure and makefiles that Unix builds use. Building CURL on OpenVMS using GNV requires GNV V2.1-2 or the updated images that are available via anonymous FTP at in the gnv directory. It also requires the GNV Bash 4.2.45 kit as an update from the same location or from the GNV project. The HP C 7.x compiler was used for building the GNV version. The source kits are provided in backup savesets inside of the PCSI install kit. Backup save sets are currently the only distribution medium that I can be sure is installed on a target VMS system that will correctly unpack files with extended character sets in them. You may need to adjust the ownership of the restored files, since /Interchange/noconvert was not available at the time that this document was written. [gnv.common_src]curl_*_original_src.bck is the original source of the curl kit as provided by the curl project. [gnv.vms_src]curl-*_vms_src.bck, if present, has the OpenVMS specific files that are used for building that are not yet in the curl source kits for that release distributed These backup savesets should be restored to different directory trees on an ODS-5 volume(s) which are referenced by concealed rooted logical names. SRC_ROOT: is for the source files common to all platforms. VMS_ROOT: is for the source files that are specific to OpenVMS. Note, you should create the VMS_ROOT: directory tree even if it is initially empty. This is where you should put edits if you are making changes. LCL_ROOT: is manually created to have the same base and sub-directories as SRC_ROOT: and VMS_ROOT: The logical name REF_ROOT: may be defined to be a search list for VMS_ROOT:,SRC_ROOT: The logical name PRJ_ROOT: is defined to be a search list for LCL_ROOT:,VMS_ROOT:,SRC_ROOT: For the make install process to work, it must have write access to the directories referenced by the GNU: logical name. In future releases of GNV, and with GNV Bash 4.3.30 installed, this name should be GNV$GNU: As directly updating those directories would probably be disruptive to other users of the system and require elevated privilege, this can be handled by creating a separate directory tree to install into which can be referenced by the concealed rooted logical name new_gnu:. A concealed logical name of OLD_GNU: can be set up to reference the real GNV directory tree. Then a local copy of the GNU/GNV$GNU logical names can be set up as a search list such as NEW_GNU:,OLD_GNU: The directory NEW_GNU:[usr] should be created. The make install phase should create all the other directories. The make install process may abort if curl is already because it can not uninstall the older version of curl because it does not have permission. The file is used set up a new_gnu: directory tree for testing. The PCSI kitting procedure uses these files as input. These files do not create the directories in the VMS_ROOT and LCL_ROOT directory trees. You can create them with commands similar to: $ create/dir lcl_root:[curl]/prot=w:re $ copy src_root:[curl...]*.dir - lcl_root:[curl...]/prot=(o:rwed,w:re) $ create/dir vms_root:[curl]/prot=w:re $ copy src_root:[curl...]*.dir - vms_root:[curl...]/prot=(o:rwed,w:re) One of the ways with to protect the source from being modified is to have the directories under src_root: owned by a user or resource where the build username only has read access to it. Note to builders: GNV currently has a bug where configure scripts take a long time to run. Some of the configure steps take a while to complete, and on a 600 Mhz DS10 with IDE disks, taking an hour to run the CURL configure is normal. The following messages can be ignored and may get fixed in a future version of GNV. The GNV$*.OPT files are used to find the libraries as many have different names on VMS than on Unix. The Bash environment variable GNV_CC_QUALIFIERS can override all other settings for the C Compiler. ? cc: No support for switch -warnprotos ? cc: Unrecognized file toomanyargs ? cc: Warning: library "ssl" not found ? cc: Warning: library "crypto" not found ? cc: Warning: library "gssapi" not found ? cc: Warning: library "z" not found u unimplemented switch - ignored With these search lists set up and the properly, curl can be built by setting your default to PRJ_ROOT:[curl.packages.vms] and then issuing either the command: $ or $ The GNV configure procedure takes considerably longer than the DCL build procedure takes. It is of use for testing the GNV build environment, and may not have been kept up to date. The needs the following logical names which are described in the section below: gnv_pcsi_producer gnv_pcsi_producer_full_name stage_root vms_root1 (Optional if vms_root is on a NFS volume) src_root1 (Optional if src_root is on a NFS volume) The is described in more detail below. It does the following steps. The build steps are only done if they are needed to allow using either DCL or GNV based building procedures. $ @build_vms list $ $ $ $ $ $ @stage_curl_install remove $ @stage_curl_install Then builds the kit. The command procedure does the following: $ $ bash $ $ bash $ $ $ purge new_gnu:[*...]/log To clean up after a GNV based build to start over, the following commands are used: $ bash bash$ cd ../.. bash$ make clean bash$ exit Then run the Use the parameter "realclean" if you are going to run the and configure script again. $ realclean If new public symbols have been added, adjust the file gnv_libcurl_symbols.opt to have the new symbols. If the symbols are longer than 32 characters, then they will need to have the original be exact case CRC shortened and an alias in upper case with CRC shortened, in addition to having an exact case truncated alias and an uppercase truncated alias. The *.EXE files are not moved to the new_gnu: directory. After you are satisfied with the results of your build, you can move the files from new_gnu: to old_gnu: at your convenience. Building a PCSI kit for an architecture takes the following steps after making sure that you have a working build environment. Note that it requires manually creating two logical names as described below. It is intentional that they be manually set. This is for branding the PCSI kit based on who is making the kit. 1. Make sure that you have a staging directory that can be referenced by the path STAGE_ROOT:[KIT] 2. Edit the file curl_release_note_start.txt or other text files to reflect any changes. 3. Define the logical name GNV_PCSI_PRODUCER to indicate who is making the distribution. For making updates to an existing open source kit you may need to keep the producer the same. 4. Define the logical name GNV_PCSI_PRODUCER_FULL_NAME to be your full name or full name of your company. 5. If you are producing an update kit, then update the file vms_eco_level.h by changing the value for the VMS_ECO_LEVEL macro. This file is currently only used in building the PCSI kit. 6. Edit the file PCSI_GNV_CURL_FILE_LIST.TXT if there are new files added to the kit. These files should all be ODS-2 legal filenames and directories. A limitation of the PCSI kitting procedure is that when selecting files, it tends to ignore the directory structure and assumes that all files with the same name are the same file, so every file placed in the kit must have a unique name. Then a procedure needs to be added to the kit to create an alias link on install and remove the link on remove. Since at this time curl does not need this alias procedure, the steps to automatically build it are not included here. While newer versions of PCSI can support ODS-5 filenames, not all versions of PCSI on systems that have ODS-5 filenames do. So as a post install step, the PCSI kit built by these steps does a rename to the correct case as a post install step. 7. Edit the and if you have changed the version of ZLIB that curl is built against. 8. Prepare to backup the files for building the kit. Note that if src_root: or vms_root: are NFS mounted disks, the step of backing up the source files will probably hang or fail. You need to copy the source files to VMS mounted disks and create logical names SRC_ROOT1 and VMS_ROOT1 to work around this to to reference local disks. Make sure src_root1:[000000] and vms_root1:[000000] exist and can be written to. The command procedure compare_curl_source can be used to check those directories and keep them up to date. SRCBCK UPDATE This compares the reference project source with the backup staging directory for it and updates with any changes. VMSBCK UPDATE This compares the VMS specific source with the backup staging directory for it and updates with any changes. Leave off "UPDATE" to just check without doing any changes. If you are not using NFS mounted disks and do not want to have a separate directory for staging the sources for backup make sure that src_root1: and vms_root1: do not exist. 9. Build the PCSI kit with The following message is normal: %PCSI-I-CANNOTVAL, cannot validate EAGLE$DQA0:[stage_root.][kit]VMSPORTS-AXPVMS-CURL-V0731-0-1.PCSI;1 -PCSI-I-NOTSIGNED, product kit is not signed and therefore has no manifest file This will result in an uncompressed kit for the target platform. On Alpha and Integrity, the can be used with the "COMPRESSED" parameter to build both a compressed and uncompressed kits. Good Luck.