@echo off rem *************************************************************************** rem * _ _ ____ _ rem * Project ___| | | | _ \| | rem * / __| | | | |_) | | rem * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ rem * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| rem * rem * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015, Steve Holme, <steve_holme@hotmail.com>. rem * Copyright (C) 2015, Jay Satiro, <raysatiro@yahoo.com>. rem * rem * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which rem * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms rem * are also available at http://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html. rem * rem * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell rem * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is rem * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. rem * rem * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY rem * KIND, either express or implied. rem * rem *************************************************************************** :begin rem Check we are running on a Windows NT derived OS if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto nodos rem Set our variables setlocal set SUCCESSFUL_BUILDS= set VC_VER= set BUILD_PLATFORM= rem Ensure we have the required arguments if /i "%~1" == "" goto syntax :parseArgs if "%~1" == "" goto prerequisites if /i "%~1" == "vc10" ( set VC_VER=10.0 set VC_DESC=VC10 set VC_TOOLSET=v100 set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC" ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc11" ( set VC_VER=11.0 set VC_DESC=VC11 set VC_TOOLSET=v110 set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC" ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc12" ( set VC_VER=12.0 set VC_DESC=VC12 set VC_TOOLSET=v120 set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC" ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14" ( set VC_VER=14.0 set VC_DESC=VC14 set VC_TOOLSET=v140 set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC" ) else if /i "%~1" == "x86" ( set BUILD_PLATFORM=x86 ) else if /i "%~1" == "x64" ( set BUILD_PLATFORM=x64 ) else if /i "%~1" == "debug" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=debug ) else if /i "%~1" == "release" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=release ) else if /i "%~1" == "-?" ( goto syntax ) else if /i "%~1" == "-h" ( goto syntax ) else if /i "%~1" == "-help" ( goto syntax ) else ( if not defined START_DIR ( set START_DIR=%~1 ) else ( goto unknown ) ) shift & goto parseArgs :prerequisites rem Compiler and platform are required parameters. if not defined VC_VER goto syntax if not defined BUILD_PLATFORM goto syntax rem Default the start directory if one isn't specified if not defined START_DIR set START_DIR=..\..\wolfssl rem Calculate the program files directory if defined PROGRAMFILES ( set "PF=%PROGRAMFILES%" set OS_PLATFORM=x86 ) if defined PROGRAMFILES(x86) ( set "PF=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%" set OS_PLATFORM=x64 ) rem Check we have a program files directory if not defined PF goto nopf rem Check we have Visual Studio installed if not exist "%PF%\%VC_PATH%" goto novc rem Check the start directory exists if not exist "%START_DIR%" goto nowolfssl :configure if "%BUILD_PLATFORM%" == "" set BUILD_PLATFORM=%OS_PLATFORM% if "%BUILD_PLATFORM%" == "x86" ( set VCVARS_PLATFORM=x86 ) else if "%BUILD_PLATFORM%" == "x64" ( if "%VC_VER%" == "10.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=%BUILD_PLATFORM% if "%VC_VER%" == "11.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64 if "%VC_VER%" == "12.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64 if "%VC_VER%" == "14.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64 ) :start echo. call "%PF%\%VC_PATH%\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM% echo. set SAVED_PATH=%CD% cd %START_DIR% goto %BUILD_PLATFORM% :x64 rem Calculate our output directory set OUTDIR=build\Win64\%VC_DESC% if not exist %OUTDIR% md %OUTDIR% if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" goto x64release :x64debug rem Perform 64-bit Debug Build call :build Debug x64 if errorlevel 1 goto error call :build "DLL Debug" x64 if errorlevel 1 goto error if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" goto success :x64release rem Perform 64-bit Release Build call :build Release x64 if errorlevel 1 goto error call :build "DLL Release" x64 if errorlevel 1 goto error goto success :x86 rem Calculate our output directory set OUTDIR=build\Win32\%VC_DESC% if not exist %OUTDIR% md %OUTDIR% if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" goto x86release :x86debug rem Perform 32-bit Debug Build call :build Debug Win32 if errorlevel 1 goto error call :build "DLL Debug" Win32 if errorlevel 1 goto error if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" goto success :x86release rem Perform 32-bit Release Build call :build Release Win32 if errorlevel 1 goto error call :build "DLL Release" Win32 if errorlevel 1 goto error goto success :build rem This function builds wolfSSL. rem Usage: CALL :build <configuration> <platform> rem The current directory must be the wolfSSL directory. rem VS Configuration: Debug, Release, DLL Debug or DLL Release. rem VS Platform: Win32 or x64. rem Returns: 1 on fail, 0 on success. rem An informational message should be shown before any return. setlocal set MSBUILD_CONFIG=%~1 set MSBUILD_PLATFORM=%~2 if not exist wolfssl64.sln ( echo. echo Error: build: wolfssl64.sln not found in "%CD%" exit /b 1 ) rem OUTDIR isn't a full path, only relative. MSBUILD_OUTDIR must be full and rem not have trailing backslashes, which are handled later. if "%MSBUILD_CONFIG%" == "Debug" ( set "MSBUILD_OUTDIR=%CD%\%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" ) else if "%MSBUILD_CONFIG%" == "Release" ( set "MSBUILD_OUTDIR=%CD%\%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" ) else if "%MSBUILD_CONFIG%" == "DLL Debug" ( set "MSBUILD_OUTDIR=%CD%\%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" ) else if "%MSBUILD_CONFIG%" == "DLL Release" ( set "MSBUILD_OUTDIR=%CD%\%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" ) else ( echo. echo Error: build: Configuration not recognized. exit /b 1 ) if not "%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%" == "Win32" if not "%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%" == "x64" ( echo. echo Error: build: Platform not recognized. exit /b 1 ) copy /v /y "%~dp0\wolfssl_options.h" .\cyassl\options.h if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: build: Couldn't replace .\cyassl\options.h exit /b 1 ) copy /v /y "%~dp0\wolfssl_options.h" .\wolfssl\options.h if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: build: Couldn't replace .\wolfssl\options.h exit /b 1 ) rem Extra trailing \ in Dirs because otherwise it thinks a quote is escaped msbuild wolfssl64.sln ^ -p:CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets="%~dp0\wolfssl_override.props" ^ -p:Configuration="%MSBUILD_CONFIG%" ^ -p:Platform="%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%" ^ -p:PlatformToolset="%VC_TOOLSET%" ^ -p:OutDir="%MSBUILD_OUTDIR%\\" ^ -p:IntDir="%MSBUILD_OUTDIR%\obj\\" if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed building wolfSSL %MSBUILD_CONFIG%^|%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%. exit /b 1 ) rem For tests to run properly the wolfSSL directory must remain the current. set "PATH=%MSBUILD_OUTDIR%;%PATH%" "%MSBUILD_OUTDIR%\testsuite.exe" if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed testing wolfSSL %MSBUILD_CONFIG%^|%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%. exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Success: Built and tested wolfSSL %MSBUILD_CONFIG%^|%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%. echo. echo. rem This is necessary to export our local variables back to the caller. endlocal & set SUCCESSFUL_BUILDS="%MSBUILD_CONFIG%|%MSBUILD_PLATFORM%" ^ %SUCCESSFUL_BUILDS% exit /b 0 :syntax rem Display the help echo. echo Usage: build-wolfssl ^<compiler^> ^<platform^> [configuration] [directory] echo. echo Compiler: echo. echo vc10 - Use Visual Studio 2010 echo vc11 - Use Visual Studio 2012 echo vc12 - Use Visual Studio 2013 echo vc14 - Use Visual Studio 2015 echo. echo Platform: echo. echo x86 - Perform a 32-bit build echo x64 - Perform a 64-bit build echo. echo Configuration: echo. echo debug - Perform a debug build echo release - Perform a release build echo. echo Other: echo. echo directory - Specifies the wolfSSL source directory goto error :unknown echo. echo Error: Unknown argument '%1' goto error :nodos echo. echo Error: Only a Windows NT based Operating System is supported goto error :nopf echo. echo Error: Cannot obtain the directory for Program Files goto error :novc echo. echo Error: %VC_DESC% is not installed goto error :nox64 echo. echo Error: %VC_DESC% does not support 64-bit builds goto error :nowolfssl echo. echo Error: Cannot locate wolfSSL source directory, expected "%START_DIR%" goto error :error if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" endlocal exit /B 1 :success if defined SUCCESSFUL_BUILDS ( echo. echo. echo Build complete. echo. echo The following configurations were built and tested successfully: echo. echo %SUCCESSFUL_BUILDS% echo. ) cd %SAVED_PATH% endlocal exit /B 0