.TITLE CURLMSG Message files .FACILITY CURL,1793 /PREFIX=CURL_ .SEVERITY ERROR .BASE 1 UNSUPPROTO <Unsupported Protocol> FAILINIT <Failed Initialisation> BADURLSYN <Malformed URL Syntax> BADURLUSER <Malformed URL User-part> BADPROXY <Couldn't resolve proxy> BADHOST <Couldn't resolve host> FAILHOST <Couldn't connect to host> FTPUNKREPLY <FTP Unknown server reply> FTPNOACC <FTP Access denied> FTPUSRPW <FTP User/Password incorrect> FTPBADPASS <FTP unknown answer to PASS request> FTPBADUSER <FTP unknown answer to USER request> FTPBADPASV <FTP unknown answer to PASV request> FTPBAD227 <FTP unknown 227 reply> FTPBADHOST227 <FTP cannot resolve host from 227 reply> FTPNORECONN <FTP Unable to reconnect to 227 Host> FTPNOBIN <FTP Cannot select BINARY mode> PARTIALFILE <Only a part of the file was transferred> FTPNORETR <FTP Couldn't retrieve file> FTPWRITERR <FTP Server reported write problems> FTPNOQUOTE <FTP Quote command error> HTTPPNF <HTTP page not found> WRITERR <Local write error> BADUSER <Username badly specified> FTPNOSTOR <FTP STOR command failed> READERR <Local Read error> OUTOFMEM <Out of memory> TIMEOUT <Operation Timed out> FTPNOASCII <FTP Cannot select ASCII mode> FTPNOPORT <FTP PORT command failed> FTPNOREST <FTP REST command failed> FTPNOSIZE <FTP SIZE command failed> HTTPRNGERR <HTTP Range error> HTTPPOSTERR <HTTP Post error> SSLNOCONN <SSL Handshaking failed> FTPBADRESUME <FTP Download resume failed> FILENOACC <FILE couldn't open faile> LDAPNOBIND <LDAP Bind failed> LDAPNOSRCH <LDAP Search Failed> LDAPNOLIB <LDAP Library not found> LDAPNOFUNC <LDAP Function not found> ABORTCB <Callback aborted operation> BADPARAM <Internal Error, Bad parameter to function> BADORDER <Internal Error, Bad function calling order> BADPWD <Bad password entered> MNYREDIR <Too many redirects> .END