/*************************************************************************** * _ _ ____ _ * Project ___| | | | _ \| | * / __| | | | |_) | | * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| * * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2018, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html. * * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "tool_setup.h" #define ENABLE_CURLX_PRINTF /* use our own printf() functions */ #include "curlx.h" #include "tool_cfgable.h" #include "tool_doswin.h" #include "tool_urlglob.h" #include "tool_vms.h" #include "memdebug.h" /* keep this as LAST include */ #define GLOBERROR(string, column, code) \ glob->error = string, glob->pos = column, code static CURLcode glob_fixed(URLGlob *glob, char *fixed, size_t len) { URLPattern *pat = &glob->pattern[glob->size]; pat->type = UPTSet; pat->content.Set.size = 1; pat->content.Set.ptr_s = 0; pat->globindex = -1; pat->content.Set.elements = malloc(sizeof(char *)); if(!pat->content.Set.elements) return GLOBERROR("out of memory", 0, CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY); pat->content.Set.elements[0] = malloc(len + 1); if(!pat->content.Set.elements[0]) return GLOBERROR("out of memory", 0, CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY); memcpy(pat->content.Set.elements[0], fixed, len); pat->content.Set.elements[0][len] = 0; return CURLE_OK; } /* multiply * * Multiplies and checks for overflow. */ static int multiply(unsigned long *amount, long with) { unsigned long sum = *amount * with; if(!with) { *amount = 0; return 0; } if(sum/with != *amount) return 1; /* didn't fit, bail out */ *amount = sum; return 0; } static CURLcode glob_set(URLGlob *glob, char **patternp, size_t *posp, unsigned long *amount, int globindex) { /* processes a set expression with the point behind the opening '{' ','-separated elements are collected until the next closing '}' */ URLPattern *pat; bool done = FALSE; char *buf = glob->glob_buffer; char *pattern = *patternp; char *opattern = pattern; size_t opos = *posp-1; pat = &glob->pattern[glob->size]; /* patterns 0,1,2,... correspond to size=1,3,5,... */ pat->type = UPTSet; pat->content.Set.size = 0; pat->content.Set.ptr_s = 0; pat->content.Set.elements = NULL; pat->globindex = globindex; while(!done) { switch (*pattern) { case '\0': /* URL ended while set was still open */ return GLOBERROR("unmatched brace", opos, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); case '{': case '[': /* no nested expressions at this time */ return GLOBERROR("nested brace", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); case '}': /* set element completed */ if(opattern == pattern) return GLOBERROR("empty string within braces", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); /* add 1 to size since it'll be incremented below */ if(multiply(amount, pat->content.Set.size + 1)) return GLOBERROR("range overflow", 0, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ',': *buf = '\0'; if(pat->content.Set.elements) { char **new_arr = realloc(pat->content.Set.elements, (pat->content.Set.size + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if(!new_arr) return GLOBERROR("out of memory", 0, CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY); pat->content.Set.elements = new_arr; } else pat->content.Set.elements = malloc(sizeof(char *)); if(!pat->content.Set.elements) return GLOBERROR("out of memory", 0, CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY); pat->content.Set.elements[pat->content.Set.size] = strdup(glob->glob_buffer); if(!pat->content.Set.elements[pat->content.Set.size]) return GLOBERROR("out of memory", 0, CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY); ++pat->content.Set.size; if(*pattern == '}') { pattern++; /* pass the closing brace */ done = TRUE; continue; } buf = glob->glob_buffer; ++pattern; ++(*posp); break; case ']': /* illegal closing bracket */ return GLOBERROR("unexpected close bracket", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); case '\\': /* escaped character, skip '\' */ if(pattern[1]) { ++pattern; ++(*posp); } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: *buf++ = *pattern++; /* copy character to set element */ ++(*posp); } } *patternp = pattern; /* return with the new position */ return CURLE_OK; } static CURLcode glob_range(URLGlob *glob, char **patternp, size_t *posp, unsigned long *amount, int globindex) { /* processes a range expression with the point behind the opening '[' - char range: e.g. "a-z]", "B-Q]" - num range: e.g. "0-9]", "17-2000]" - num range with leading zeros: e.g. "001-999]" expression is checked for well-formedness and collected until the next ']' */ URLPattern *pat; int rc; char *pattern = *patternp; char *c; pat = &glob->pattern[glob->size]; pat->globindex = globindex; if(ISALPHA(*pattern)) { /* character range detected */ char min_c; char max_c; char end_c; unsigned long step = 1; pat->type = UPTCharRange; rc = sscanf(pattern, "%c-%c%c", &min_c, &max_c, &end_c); if(rc == 3) { if(end_c == ':') { char *endp; errno = 0; step = strtoul(&pattern[4], &endp, 10); if(errno || &pattern[4] == endp || *endp != ']') step = 0; else pattern = endp + 1; } else if(end_c != ']') /* then this is wrong */ rc = 0; else /* end_c == ']' */ pattern += 4; } *posp += (pattern - *patternp); if(rc != 3 || !step || step > (unsigned)INT_MAX || (min_c == max_c && step != 1) || (min_c != max_c && (min_c > max_c || step > (unsigned)(max_c - min_c) || (max_c - min_c) > ('z' - 'a')))) /* the pattern is not well-formed */ return GLOBERROR("bad range", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); /* if there was a ":[num]" thing, use that as step or else use 1 */ pat->content.CharRange.step = (int)step; pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c = pat->content.CharRange.min_c = min_c; pat->content.CharRange.max_c = max_c; if(multiply(amount, ((pat->content.CharRange.max_c - pat->content.CharRange.min_c) / pat->content.CharRange.step + 1))) return GLOBERROR("range overflow", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); } else if(ISDIGIT(*pattern)) { /* numeric range detected */ unsigned long min_n; unsigned long max_n = 0; unsigned long step_n = 0; char *endp; pat->type = UPTNumRange; pat->content.NumRange.padlength = 0; if(*pattern == '0') { /* leading zero specified, count them! */ c = pattern; while(ISDIGIT(*c)) { c++; ++pat->content.NumRange.padlength; /* padding length is set for all instances of this pattern */ } } errno = 0; min_n = strtoul(pattern, &endp, 10); if(errno || (endp == pattern)) endp = NULL; else { if(*endp != '-') endp = NULL; else { pattern = endp + 1; while(*pattern && ISBLANK(*pattern)) pattern++; if(!ISDIGIT(*pattern)) { endp = NULL; goto fail; } errno = 0; max_n = strtoul(pattern, &endp, 10); if(errno) /* overflow */ endp = NULL; else if(*endp == ':') { pattern = endp + 1; errno = 0; step_n = strtoul(pattern, &endp, 10); if(errno) /* over/underflow situation */ endp = NULL; } else step_n = 1; if(endp && (*endp == ']')) { pattern = endp + 1; } else endp = NULL; } } fail: *posp += (pattern - *patternp); if(!endp || !step_n || (min_n == max_n && step_n != 1) || (min_n != max_n && (min_n > max_n || step_n > (max_n - min_n)))) /* the pattern is not well-formed */ return GLOBERROR("bad range", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); /* typecasting to ints are fine here since we make sure above that we are within 31 bits */ pat->content.NumRange.ptr_n = pat->content.NumRange.min_n = min_n; pat->content.NumRange.max_n = max_n; pat->content.NumRange.step = step_n; if(multiply(amount, ((pat->content.NumRange.max_n - pat->content.NumRange.min_n) / pat->content.NumRange.step + 1))) return GLOBERROR("range overflow", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); } else return GLOBERROR("bad range specification", *posp, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); *patternp = pattern; return CURLE_OK; } static bool peek_ipv6(const char *str, size_t *skip) { /* * Scan for a potential IPv6 literal. * - Valid globs contain a hyphen and <= 1 colon. * - IPv6 literals contain no hyphens and >= 2 colons. */ size_t i = 0; size_t colons = 0; if(str[i++] != '[') { return FALSE; } for(;;) { const char c = str[i++]; if(ISALNUM(c) || c == '.' || c == '%') { /* ok */ } else if(c == ':') { colons++; } else if(c == ']') { *skip = i; return colons >= 2 ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } } } static CURLcode glob_parse(URLGlob *glob, char *pattern, size_t pos, unsigned long *amount) { /* processes a literal string component of a URL special characters '{' and '[' branch to set/range processing functions */ CURLcode res = CURLE_OK; int globindex = 0; /* count "actual" globs */ *amount = 1; while(*pattern && !res) { char *buf = glob->glob_buffer; size_t sublen = 0; while(*pattern && *pattern != '{') { if(*pattern == '[') { /* skip over IPv6 literals and [] */ size_t skip = 0; if(!peek_ipv6(pattern, &skip) && (pattern[1] == ']')) skip = 2; if(skip) { memcpy(buf, pattern, skip); buf += skip; pattern += skip; sublen += skip; continue; } break; } if(*pattern == '}' || *pattern == ']') return GLOBERROR("unmatched close brace/bracket", pos, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); /* only allow \ to escape known "special letters" */ if(*pattern == '\\' && (*(pattern + 1) == '{' || *(pattern + 1) == '[' || *(pattern + 1) == '}' || *(pattern + 1) == ']') ) { /* escape character, skip '\' */ ++pattern; ++pos; } *buf++ = *pattern++; /* copy character to literal */ ++pos; sublen++; } if(sublen) { /* we got a literal string, add it as a single-item list */ *buf = '\0'; res = glob_fixed(glob, glob->glob_buffer, sublen); } else { switch (*pattern) { case '\0': /* done */ break; case '{': /* process set pattern */ pattern++; pos++; res = glob_set(glob, &pattern, &pos, amount, globindex++); break; case '[': /* process range pattern */ pattern++; pos++; res = glob_range(glob, &pattern, &pos, amount, globindex++); break; } } if(++glob->size >= GLOB_PATTERN_NUM) return GLOBERROR("too many globs", pos, CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT); } return res; } CURLcode glob_url(URLGlob **glob, char *url, unsigned long *urlnum, FILE *error) { /* * We can deal with any-size, just make a buffer with the same length * as the specified URL! */ URLGlob *glob_expand; unsigned long amount = 0; char *glob_buffer; CURLcode res; *glob = NULL; glob_buffer = malloc(strlen(url) + 1); if(!glob_buffer) return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; glob_buffer[0] = 0; glob_expand = calloc(1, sizeof(URLGlob)); if(!glob_expand) { Curl_safefree(glob_buffer); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } glob_expand->urllen = strlen(url); glob_expand->glob_buffer = glob_buffer; res = glob_parse(glob_expand, url, 1, &amount); if(!res) *urlnum = amount; else { if(error && glob_expand->error) { char text[512]; const char *t; if(glob_expand->pos) { snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s in URL position %zu:\n%s\n%*s^", glob_expand->error, glob_expand->pos, url, glob_expand->pos - 1, " "); t = text; } else t = glob_expand->error; /* send error description to the error-stream */ fprintf(error, "curl: (%d) %s\n", res, t); } /* it failed, we cleanup */ glob_cleanup(glob_expand); *urlnum = 1; return res; } *glob = glob_expand; return CURLE_OK; } void glob_cleanup(URLGlob* glob) { size_t i; int elem; for(i = 0; i < glob->size; i++) { if((glob->pattern[i].type == UPTSet) && (glob->pattern[i].content.Set.elements)) { for(elem = glob->pattern[i].content.Set.size - 1; elem >= 0; --elem) { Curl_safefree(glob->pattern[i].content.Set.elements[elem]); } Curl_safefree(glob->pattern[i].content.Set.elements); } } Curl_safefree(glob->glob_buffer); Curl_safefree(glob); } CURLcode glob_next_url(char **globbed, URLGlob *glob) { URLPattern *pat; size_t i; size_t len; size_t buflen = glob->urllen + 1; char *buf = glob->glob_buffer; *globbed = NULL; if(!glob->beenhere) glob->beenhere = 1; else { bool carry = TRUE; /* implement a counter over the index ranges of all patterns, starting with the rightmost pattern */ for(i = 0; carry && (i < glob->size); i++) { carry = FALSE; pat = &glob->pattern[glob->size - 1 - i]; switch(pat->type) { case UPTSet: if((pat->content.Set.elements) && (++pat->content.Set.ptr_s == pat->content.Set.size)) { pat->content.Set.ptr_s = 0; carry = TRUE; } break; case UPTCharRange: pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c = (char)(pat->content.CharRange.step + (int)((unsigned char)pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c)); if(pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c > pat->content.CharRange.max_c) { pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c = pat->content.CharRange.min_c; carry = TRUE; } break; case UPTNumRange: pat->content.NumRange.ptr_n += pat->content.NumRange.step; if(pat->content.NumRange.ptr_n > pat->content.NumRange.max_n) { pat->content.NumRange.ptr_n = pat->content.NumRange.min_n; carry = TRUE; } break; default: printf("internal error: invalid pattern type (%d)\n", (int)pat->type); return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; } } if(carry) { /* first pattern ptr has run into overflow, done! */ /* TODO: verify if this should actually return CURLE_OK. */ return CURLE_OK; /* CURLE_OK to match previous behavior */ } } for(i = 0; i < glob->size; ++i) { pat = &glob->pattern[i]; switch(pat->type) { case UPTSet: if(pat->content.Set.elements) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", pat->content.Set.elements[pat->content.Set.ptr_s]); len = strlen(buf); buf += len; buflen -= len; } break; case UPTCharRange: if(buflen) { *buf++ = pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c; *buf = '\0'; buflen--; } break; case UPTNumRange: snprintf(buf, buflen, "%0*lu", pat->content.NumRange.padlength, pat->content.NumRange.ptr_n); len = strlen(buf); buf += len; buflen -= len; break; default: printf("internal error: invalid pattern type (%d)\n", (int)pat->type); return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; } } *globbed = strdup(glob->glob_buffer); if(!*globbed) return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return CURLE_OK; } CURLcode glob_match_url(char **result, char *filename, URLGlob *glob) { char *target; size_t allocsize; char numbuf[18]; char *appendthis = NULL; size_t appendlen = 0; size_t stringlen = 0; *result = NULL; /* We cannot use the glob_buffer for storage here since the filename may * be longer than the URL we use. We allocate a good start size, then * we need to realloc in case of need. */ allocsize = strlen(filename) + 1; /* make it at least one byte to store the trailing zero */ target = malloc(allocsize); if(!target) return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; while(*filename) { if(*filename == '#' && ISDIGIT(filename[1])) { char *ptr = filename; unsigned long num = strtoul(&filename[1], &filename, 10); URLPattern *pat = NULL; if(num < glob->size) { unsigned long i; num--; /* make it zero based */ /* find the correct glob entry */ for(i = 0; i<glob->size; i++) { if(glob->pattern[i].globindex == (int)num) { pat = &glob->pattern[i]; break; } } } if(pat) { switch(pat->type) { case UPTSet: if(pat->content.Set.elements) { appendthis = pat->content.Set.elements[pat->content.Set.ptr_s]; appendlen = strlen(pat->content.Set.elements[pat->content.Set.ptr_s]); } break; case UPTCharRange: numbuf[0] = pat->content.CharRange.ptr_c; numbuf[1] = 0; appendthis = numbuf; appendlen = 1; break; case UPTNumRange: snprintf(numbuf, sizeof(numbuf), "%0*lu", pat->content.NumRange.padlength, pat->content.NumRange.ptr_n); appendthis = numbuf; appendlen = strlen(numbuf); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "internal error: invalid pattern type (%d)\n", (int)pat->type); Curl_safefree(target); return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; } } else { /* #[num] out of range, use the #[num] in the output */ filename = ptr; appendthis = filename++; appendlen = 1; } } else { appendthis = filename++; appendlen = 1; } if(appendlen + stringlen >= allocsize) { char *newstr; /* we append a single byte to allow for the trailing byte to be appended at the end of this function outside the while() loop */ allocsize = (appendlen + stringlen) * 2; newstr = realloc(target, allocsize + 1); if(!newstr) { Curl_safefree(target); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } target = newstr; } memcpy(&target[stringlen], appendthis, appendlen); stringlen += appendlen; } target[stringlen]= '\0'; #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN32) { char *sanitized; SANITIZEcode sc = sanitize_file_name(&sanitized, target, (SANITIZE_ALLOW_PATH | SANITIZE_ALLOW_RESERVED)); Curl_safefree(target); if(sc) return CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT; target = sanitized; } #endif /* MSDOS || WIN32 */ *result = target; return CURLE_OK; }