The file format of the test suite is a very simple and extendable format. All data for a single test case resides in a single ASCII file. Labels mark the beginning and the end of all sections. Each label must be written in its own line and is resembling XML/HTML. Each file is split up in three main sections: reply, client and verify. The reply section is used for the server to know what to send as a reply for the requests curl sends, the client section defines how the client should behave while the verify section defines how to verify that the data stored after a command has been run ended up correctly. Each main section has a number of available subsections that can be specified, that will be checked/used if specified. This document includes all the subsections currently supported. data to sent to the client on its request if the data is sent but this is what should be checked afterwards number to return on a ftp SIZE command test case description command line to run, there's a bunch of %variables that get replaced accordingly. more about them elsewhere this creates the named file with this content before the test case is run which is useful if the test case needs a file to act on. numerical error code curl is supposed to return One regex per line that is removed from the protocol dumps before the comparison is made. This is very useful to remove dependencies on dynamicly changing protocol data such as port numbers or user-agent strings. the protocol dump curl should transmit the file's contents must be identical to this the contents of the upload data curl should have sent