# This test is a copy of test 1231, modified to use a HTTP proxy. HTTP HTTP GET HTTP proxy dotdot removal # # Server-side HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 6 Connection: close -foo- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 7 Connection: close -cool- # # Client-side http HTTP URL with dotdot removal from path using an HTTP proxy --proxy http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT http://test.remote.haxx.se.1232:8990/../../hej/but/who/../1232?stupid=me/../1232#soo/../1232 http://test.remote.haxx.se.1232:8990/../../hej/but/who/../12320001#/../12320001 # # Verify data after the test has been "shot" ^User-Agent:.* GET http://test.remote.haxx.se.1232:8990/hej/but/1232?stupid=me/../1232 HTTP/1.1 Host: test.remote.haxx.se.1232:8990 Accept: */* GET http://test.remote.haxx.se.1232:8990/hej/but/12320001 HTTP/1.1 Host: test.remote.haxx.se.1232:8990 Accept: */*