HTTP HTTP GET HTTP proxy Resume FAILURE # Server-side HTTP/1.0 200 Mooo Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:41:09 GMT Server: myown/1.0 Connection: close todelooooo lalalala yada yada, we know nothing about ranges ;-) # Client-side http HTTP resume request over proxy with auth without server supporting it -x http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/want/256 -C - -i -o log/fewl.txt -U daniel:stenberg This text is here to simulate a partly downloaded file to resume download on. # Verify data after the test has been "shot" 33 ^User-Agent:.* GET http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/want/256 HTTP/1.1 Proxy-Authorization: Basic ZGFuaWVsOnN0ZW5iZXJn Range: bytes=78- Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT Pragma: no-cache Accept: */* Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive # the download target file must remain untouched This text is here to simulate a partly downloaded file to resume download on.