MACRO(SETUP_EXECUTABLE TEST_NAME) # ARGN are the files in the test ADD_EXECUTABLE( ${TEST_NAME} ${ARGN} ) STRING(TOUPPER TEST_NAME UPPER_TEST_NAME) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib # To be able to reach "setup_once.h" ${CURL_BINARY_DIR}/lib # To be able to reach "config.h" ${CURL_BINARY_DIR}/include # To be able to reach "curl/curlbuild.h" ) SETUP_CURL_DEPENDENCIES(${TEST_NAME}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( ${TEST_NAME} libcurl ) ADD_DEFINITIONS( "-D${UPPER_TEST_NAME}" ) # Add the postfix to the executable since it is not added automatically as for modules and shared libraries SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TEST_NAME} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}") IF(MSVC) IF(NOT BUILD_RELEASE_DEBUG_DIRS) # Ugly workaround to remove the "/debug" or "/release" in each output SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TEST_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "../") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() SET(useful getpart.c getpart.h ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/strequal.c ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/base64.c ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/mprintf.c ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/memdebug.c ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/timeval.c ) SETUP_EXECUTABLE(sws sws.c util.c util.h ${useful}) SETUP_EXECUTABLE(resolve resolve.c util.c util.h ${useful}) SETUP_EXECUTABLE(sockfilt sockfilt.c util.c util.h ${useful} ${CURL_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/inet_pton.c) SETUP_EXECUTABLE(getpart testpart.c ${useful}) SETUP_EXECUTABLE(tftpd tftpd.c util.c util.h ${useful} tftp.h)