!IF "$(MODE)"=="static" TARGET = $(LIB_NAME_STATIC) AS_DLL = false CFGSET=true !ELSEIF "$(MODE)"=="dll" TARGET = $(LIB_NAME_DLL) AS_DLL = true CFGSET=true !ELSE !MESSAGE Invalid mode: $(MODE) ####################### # Usage # !MESSAGE Usage: nmake /f makefile.vc mode=<static or dll> <options> !MESSAGE where <options> is one or many of: !MESSAGE VC=<6,7,8,9,10> - VC versions !MESSAGE WITH_DEVEL=<path> - Paths for the development files (SSL, zlib, etc.) !MESSAGE Default to sibbling directory deps: ../deps !MESSAGE Libraries can be fetched at http://pecl2.php.net/downloads/php-windows-builds/ !MESSAGE Uncompress them into the deps folder. !MESSAGE WITH_SSL=<dll or static> - Enable OpenSSL support, DLL or static !MESSAGE WITH_ZLIB=<dll or static> - Enable ZLib support, DLL or static !MESSAGE WITH_SSH2=<dll or static> - Enable LIbSSH2 support, DLL or static !MESSAGE USE_SSSPI=<yes or no> - Enable SSPI support, default to yes !MESSAGE USE_IPV6=<yes or no> - Enable IPV6, default to yes !MESSAGE DEBUG=<yes or no> - Debug builds !MESSAGE USE_IDN=<yes or no> - Wheter or not to use IDN Windows APIs. Requires Windows Vista or later. !MESSAGE or to install http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=AD6158D7-DDBA-416A-9109-07607425A815 !MESSAGE GEN_PDB=<yes or no> - Generate Program Database (debug symbols release build) !ERROR please choose a valid mode !ENDIF !INCLUDE "../lib/Makefile.inc" LIBCURL_OBJS=$(CSOURCES:.c=.obj) top_srcdir=.. !INCLUDE "../src/Makefile.inc" # hugehelp has a special rule CURL_OBJS= $(CURL_CFILES:hugehelp.c=) CURL_OBJS=$(CURL_OBJS:.c=.obj) # default options !IFNDEF USE_SSPI USE_SSPI=true !ENDIF !IFNDEF USE_IPV6 USE_IPV6=true !ENDIF !IFNDEF USE_IDN USE_IDN=true !ENDIF CONFIG_NAME_LIB = libcurl !IF "$(WITH_SSL)"=="dll" USE_SSL = true SSL=dll !ELSEIF "$(WITH_SSL)"=="static" USE_SSL = true SSL=dll !ENDIF !IF "$(WITH_ZLIB)"=="dll" USE_ZLIB = true zlib=dll !ELSEIF "$(WITH_ZLIB)"=="static" USE_ZLIB = true ZLIB=static !ENDIF !IF "$(WITH_SSH2)"=="dll" USE_SSH2 = true SSH2=dll !ELSEIF "$(WITH_SSH2)"=="static" USE_SSH2 = true SSH2=static !ENDIF !IF "$(DEBUG)"=="yes" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-debug !ELSE CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-release !ENDIF !IF "$(AS_DLL)" == "true" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-dll !ELSE CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-static !ENDIF !IF "$(USE_SSL)"=="true" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-ssl-$(SSL) !ENDIF !IF "$(USE_ZLIB)"=="true" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-zlib-$(ZLIB) !ENDIF !IF "$(USE_SSH2)"=="true" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-ssh2-$(SSH2) !ENDIF !IF "$(USE_IPV6)"=="true" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-ipv6 !ENDIF !IF "$(USE_SSPI)"=="true" CONFIG_NAME_LIB = $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-sspi !ENDIF !MESSAGE configuration name: $(CONFIG_NAME_LIB) BUILD_DIR=../builds/$(CONFIG_NAME_LIB) LIBCURL_DIROBJ = ..\builds\$(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-obj-lib CURL_DIROBJ = ..\builds\$(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)-obj-curl DIRDIST = ..\builds\$(CONFIG_NAME_LIB)\ $(MODE): @SET LIBCURL_DIROBJ=$(LIBCURL_DIROBJ) @SET MACRO_NAME=LIBCURL_OBJS @SET OUTFILE=LIBCURL_OBJS.inc @gen_resp_file.bat $(LIBCURL_OBJS) @SET LIBCURL_DIROBJ=$(CURL_DIROBJ) @SET MACRO_NAME=CURL_OBJS @SET OUTFILE=CURL_OBJS.inc @gen_resp_file.bat $(CURL_OBJS) @$(MAKE) /NOLOGO /F MakefileBuild.vc copy_from_lib: echo copying .c... FOR %%i IN ($(CURLX_ONES:/=\)) DO copy %%i ..\src\