package hue // username: 319b36233bd2328f3e40731b23479207 import ( "log" "os" "encoding/xml" "encoding/json" "net/http" "io/ioutil" "runtime" "fmt" "strings" "bytes" "io" ) type Bridge struct { IPAddress string Username string Info BridgeInfo } type BridgeInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"root"` Device Device `xml:"device"` } type Device struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"device"` DeviceType string `xml:"deviceType"` FriendlyName string `xml:"friendlyName"` Manufacturer string `xml:"manufacturer"` ManufacturerURL string `xml:"manufacturerURL"` ModelDescription string `xml:"modelDescription"` ModelName string `xml:"modelName"` ModelNumber string `xml:"modelNumber"` ModelURL string `xml:"modelURL"` SerialNumber string `xml:"serialNumber"` UDN string `xml:"UDN"` } func (self *Bridge) Get(path string) ([]byte, io.Reader, error) { resp, err := http.Get("http://" + self.IPAddress + path) if self.Error(resp, err) { return []byte{}, nil, err } return handleResponse(resp) } func (self *Bridge) Post(path string) ([]byte, io.Reader, error) { // resp, err := http.Post("http://" + self.IpAddress + path) // if err != nil { // trace("", err) // } return []byte{}, nil, nil } // HandleResponse manages the http.Response from a bridge Get/Put/Post/Delete // by checking it for errors and invalid return types. func handleResponse(resp *http.Response) ([]byte, io.Reader, error) { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { trace("Error parsing bridge description xml.", nil) return []byte{}, nil, err } reader := bytes.NewReader(body) return body, reader, nil } // bridge.Error handles any bridge request or response errors func (self *Bridge) Error(resp *http.Response, err error) (bool) { if err != nil { trace("", err) return true } else if resp.StatusCode != 200 { // TODO: handle other status codes trace(fmt.Sprintf("Bridge status error: %d", resp.StatusCode), nil) return true } return false } // Error Struct // type Error struct { ID int Description string Details string } // Error Return Values // var ( // Not from Hue documentation NoErr = Error{} ErrResponse = Error{0, "Could not read or parse response from bridge", "Data structure for return type may be invalid."} // Generic Errors from Hue SDK ErrAuth = Error{1, "Unauthorized User", `This will be returned if an invalid username is used in the request, or if the username does not have the rights to modify the resource.`} ErrJson = Error{2, "Body contains invalid JSON.", "This will be returned if the body of the message contains invalid JSON."} ErrResource = Error{3, "Resource, , not available.", `This will be returned if the addressed resource does not exist. E.g. the user specifies a light ID that does not exist.`} ErrMethod = Error{4, "Method, , not available for resource, ", `This will be returned if the method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) used is not supported by the URL e.g. DELETE is not supported on the /config resource`} ErrParamMissing = Error{5, "Missing parameters in body.", `Will be returned if required parameters are not present in the message body. The presence of invalid parameters should not trigger this error as long as all required parameters are present.`} ErrParamNA = Error{6, "Parameter, , not available.", `This will be returned if a parameter sent in the message body does not exist. This error is specific to PUT commands; invalid parameters in other commands are simply ignored.`} ErrParamInvalid = Error{7, "Invalid value, , for parameter, ", `This will be returned if the value set for a parameter is of the incorrect format or is out of range.`} ErrParamStatic = Error{8, "Parameter, , is not modifiable", `This will be returned if an attempt to modify a read only parameter is made.`} ErrItemOverflow = Error{11, "Too many items to list.", "List in request contains too many items"} ErrPortalConn = Error{12, "Portal connection required.", `Command requires portal connection. Returned if portalservices is “false“ or the portal connection is down`} ErrorInternal = Error{901, "Internal error, ", `This will be returned if there is an internal error in the processing of the command. This indicates an error in the bridge, not in the message being sent.`} // Command Specific Errors from Hue SDK ErrLink = Error{101, "Link button not pressed.", `/config/linkbutton is false. Link button has not been pressed in last 30 seconds.`} ErrDHCP = Error{110, "DHCP cannot be disabled.", "DHCP can only be disabled if there is a valid static IP configuration"} ErrUpdate = Error{111, "Invalid updatestate.", "Checkforupdate can only be set in updatestate 0 and 1."} // TODO: Need to add 201, 301, 305, 306, 402, 403, 501, 502, 601... ) // NewBridge defines hardware that is compatible with Hue. func NewBridge(ip string, username string) *Bridge { bridge := Bridge { IPAddress: ip, Username: username, } GetBridgeInfo(&bridge) return &bridge } // GetBridgeInfo retreives the description.xml file from the bridge. func GetBridgeInfo(self *Bridge) Error { _, reader, err := self.Get("/description.xml") if err != nil { return ErrResponse } data := BridgeInfo{} err = xml.NewDecoder(reader).Decode(&data) if err != nil { trace("Error using unmarshal to split xml.", nil) os.Exit(1) } self.Info = data //fmt.Println("Bridge Info:\n", self.Info) return NoErr } // CreateUser posts to ./api on the bridge to create a new whitelisted user. func CreateUser(bridge *Bridge, deviceType string) (string, Error) { // Construct the http POST params := map[string]string{"devicetype": deviceType} request, err := json.Marshal(params) if err != nil { trace("", err) return "", ErrResponse } // Send the request to create the user and read the response uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/api", bridge.IPAddress) response, err := http.Post(uri, "text/json", bytes.NewReader(request)) if err != nil { trace("", err) return "", ErrResponse } defer response.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) if err != nil { trace("", err) return "", ErrResponse } // Parse the result and return it result := string(body) errFound := strings.Contains(result, "error") noLink := strings.Contains(result, "link button not pressed") if errFound && noLink { return "", ErrLink } return "", NoErr } // Log the date, time, file location, line number, and function. // Message can be "" or Err can be nil (not both) func trace(message string, err error) { pc := make([]uintptr, 10) runtime.Callers(2, pc) f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc[0]) file, line := f.FileLine(pc[0]) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s:%d %s: %s\n", file, line, f.Name(), err) } else { log.Printf("%s:%d %s: %s\n", file, line, f.Name(), message) } }