import {IPlan} from '../../interfaces/iplan'; import {Component, OnInit} from 'angular2/core'; import {HighlightType, EstimateDirection} from '../../enums'; import {PlanService} from '../../services/plan-service'; import {SyntaxHighlightService} from '../../services/syntax-highlight-service'; import {HelpService} from '../../services/help-service'; import {ColorService} from '../../services/color-service'; /// @Component({ selector: 'plan-node', inputs: ['plan', 'node', 'viewOptions'], templateUrl: './components/plan-node/plan-node.html', directives: [PlanNode], providers: [PlanService, SyntaxHighlightService, HelpService, ColorService] }) export class PlanNode { // consts FULL_WIDTH: number = 220; COMPACT_WIDTH: number = 140; MIN_ESTIMATE_MISS: number = 100; COSTLY_TAG: string = 'costliest'; SLOW_TAG: string = 'slowest'; LARGE_TAG: string = 'largest'; ESTIMATE_TAG: string = 'bad estimate'; // inputs plan: IPlan; node: any; viewOptions: any; // calculated properties duration: string; durationUnit: string; executionTimePercent: number; backgroundColor: string; highlightValue: number; width: number; props: Array; tags: Array; plannerRowEstimateValue: number; plannerRowEstimateDirection: EstimateDirection; currentHighlightType: string; // keep track of highlight type for change detection currentCompactView: boolean; // expose enum to view estimateDirections = EstimateDirection; highlightTypes = HighlightType; constructor(private _planService: PlanService, private _syntaxHighlightService: SyntaxHighlightService, private _helpService: HelpService, private _colorService: ColorService) { } ngOnInit() { this.currentHighlightType = this.viewOptions.highlightType; this.calculateBar(); this.calculateProps(); this.calculateDuration(); this.calculateTags(); this.plannerRowEstimateDirection = this.node[this._planService.PLANNER_ESIMATE_DIRECTION]; this.plannerRowEstimateValue = _.round(this.node[this._planService.PLANNER_ESTIMATE_FACTOR]); } ngDoCheck() { if (this.currentHighlightType !== this.viewOptions.highlightType) { this.currentHighlightType = this.viewOptions.highlightType; this.calculateBar(); } if (this.currentCompactView !== this.viewOptions.showCompactView) { this.currentCompactView = this.viewOptions.showCompactView; this.calculateBar(); } } getFormattedQuery() { var keyItems: Array = []; // relation name will be highlighted for SCAN nodes var relationName: string = this.node[this._planService.RELATION_NAME_PROP]; if (relationName) { keyItems.push(this.node[this._planService.SCHEMA_PROP] + '.' + relationName); keyItems.push(' ' + relationName); keyItems.push(' ' + this.node[this._planService.ALIAS_PROP] + ' '); } // group key will be highlighted for AGGREGATE nodes var groupKey: Array = this.node[this._planService.GROUP_KEY_PROP]; if (groupKey) { keyItems.push('GROUP BY ' + groupKey.join(',')); } // hash condition will be highlighted for HASH JOIN nodes var hashCondition: string = this.node[this._planService.HASH_CONDITION_PROP]; if (hashCondition) { keyItems.push(hashCondition.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')); } if (this.node[this._planService.NODE_TYPE_PROP].toUpperCase() === 'LIMIT') { keyItems.push('LIMIT'); } return this._syntaxHighlightService.highlight(this.plan.query, keyItems); } calculateBar() { var nodeWidth = this.viewOptions.showCompactView ? this.COMPACT_WIDTH : this.FULL_WIDTH; switch (this.currentHighlightType) { case HighlightType.DURATION: this.highlightValue = (this.node[this._planService.ACTUAL_DURATION_PROP]); this.width = Math.round((this.highlightValue / this.plan.planStats.maxDuration) * nodeWidth); break; case HighlightType.ROWS: this.highlightValue = (this.node[this._planService.ACTUAL_ROWS_PROP]); this.width = Math.round((this.highlightValue / this.plan.planStats.maxRows) * nodeWidth); break; case HighlightType.COST: this.highlightValue = (this.node[this._planService.ACTUAL_COST_PROP]); this.width = Math.round((this.highlightValue / this.plan.planStats.maxCost) * nodeWidth); break; } if (this.width < 1) { this.width = 1; } this.backgroundColor = this._colorService.numberToColorHsl(1 - this.width / nodeWidth); } calculateDuration() { var dur: number = _.round(this.node[this._planService.ACTUAL_DURATION_PROP]); // convert duration into approriate units if (dur < 1) { this.duration = '<1'; this.durationUnit = 'ms'; } else if (dur > 1 && dur < 1000) { this.duration = dur.toString(); this.durationUnit = 'ms'; } else { this.duration = _.round(dur / 1000, 2).toString(); this.durationUnit = 'mins'; } this.executionTimePercent = (_.round((dur / this.plan.planStats.executionTime) * 100)); } // create an array of node propeties so that they can be displayed in the view calculateProps() { this.props = _.chain(this.node) .omit(this._planService.PLANS_PROP) .map((value, key) => { return { key: key, value: value }; }) .value(); } calculateTags() { this.tags = []; if (this.node[this._planService.SLOWEST_NODE_PROP]) { this.tags.push(this.SLOW_TAG); } if (this.node[this._planService.COSTLIEST_NODE_PROP]) { this.tags.push(this.COSTLY_TAG); } if (this.node[this._planService.LARGEST_NODE_PROP]) { this.tags.push(this.LARGE_TAG); } if (this.node[this._planService.PLANNER_ESTIMATE_FACTOR] >= this.MIN_ESTIMATE_MISS) { this.tags.push(this.ESTIMATE_TAG); } } getNodeTypeDescription() { return this._helpService.getNodeTypeDescription(this.node[this._planService.NODE_TYPE_PROP]); } }