import {Component, OnInit} from 'angular2/core'; import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, RouteParams} from 'angular2/router'; import {IPlan} from '../../interfaces/iplan'; import {PlanService} from '../../services/plan-service'; import {HighlightType} from '../../enums'; import {PlanNode} from '../plan-node/plan-node'; @Component({ selector: 'plan-view', templateUrl: './components/plan-view/plan-view.html', directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, PlanNode], providers: [PlanService] }) export class PlanView { id: string; plan: IPlan; rootContainer: any; executionTime: string; executionTimeUnit: string; hideMenu: boolean = true; planStats: any = { executionTime: 0, maxRows: 0, maxCost: 0, maxDuration: 0 }; viewOptions: any = { showPlanStats: true, showHighlightBar: true, showPlannerEstimate: false, showTags: true, highlightType: HighlightType.NONE }; showPlannerEstimate: boolean = true; showMenu: boolean = false; highlightTypes = HighlightType; // exposing the enum to the view constructor(private _planService: PlanService, routeParams: RouteParams) { = routeParams.get('id'); } getPlan() { if (! { return; } this.plan = this._planService.getPlan(; this.rootContainer = this.plan.content; var executionTime: number = this.rootContainer['Execution Time'] || this.rootContainer['Total Runtime']; [this.executionTime, this.executionTimeUnit] = this.calculateDuration(executionTime); this.planStats = { executionTime: executionTime, planningTime: this.rootContainer['Planning Time'], maxRows: this.rootContainer[this._planService.MAXIMUM_ROWS_PROP], maxCost: this.rootContainer[this._planService.MAXIMUM_COSTS_PROP], maxDuration: this.rootContainer[this._planService.MAXIMUM_DURATION_PROP] } } ngOnInit() { this.getPlan(); } toggleHighlight(type: HighlightType) { this.viewOptions.highlightType = type; } analyzePlan() { this._planService.analyzePlan(this.plan); } calculateDuration(originalValue: number) { var duration: string = ''; var unit: string = ''; if (originalValue < 1) { duration = "<1"; unit = 'ms'; } else if (originalValue > 1 && originalValue < 1000) { duration = originalValue.toString(); unit = 'ms'; } else { duration = _.round(originalValue / 1000, 2).toString(); unit = 'mins'; } return [duration, unit]; } }