/// export class HelpService { getNodeTypeDescription(nodeType: string) { return NODE_DESCRIPTIONS[nodeType.toUpperCase()]; } } export var NODE_DESCRIPTIONS = { "LIMIT":"returns a specified number of rows from a record set.", "SORT": "sorts a record set based on the specified sort key.", "NESTED LOOP": `merges two record sets by looping through every record in the first set and tries to find a match in the second set. All matching records are returned.`, "MERGE JOIN": `merges two record sets by first sorting them on a join key.`, "AGGREGATE": `groups records together based on a GROUP BY or aggregate function (like sum()).`, "HASHAGGREGATE": `groups records together based on a GROUP BY or aggregate function (like sum()). Hash Aggregate uses a hash to first organize the records by a key.`, "SEQ SCAN": `finds relevant records by sequentially scanning the table. Seq Scans perform a single read operation (only the table is read).`, "INDEX SCAN": `finds relevant records based on an Index. Index Scans perform 2 read operations: one to read the index and another to read the actual value from the table.`, "INDEX ONLY SCAN": `finds relevant records based on an Index. Index Only Scans perform a single read operation from the index and do not read from the corresponding table.`, "BITMAP HEAP SCAN": "scans all pages returned by the Bitmap Index Scan for relevant rows.", "BITMAP INDEX SCAN": `uses a Bitmap Index (index which uses 1 bit per page) to find all relevant pages. Results of this node are fed to the Bitmap Heap Scan.` }