package main import ( // "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" _ "" "" ) var app = tview.NewApplication() func main() { db, err := sqlx.Open("postgres", "postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable") if err != nil { log.Printf("could not connect to db: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } schemata := newSchemaSelector(db) queries := newQuerySelector(db) pv := newPlanView() flex := tview.NewFlex(). AddItem(schemata, 30, 0, true). AddItem(tview.NewFlex(). SetDirection(tview.FlexRow). AddItem(queries, 0, 25, false). AddItem(pv, 0, 75, false), 0, 100, false) schemata.SetSelectedFunc(func(_ int, t, _ string, _ rune) { go func() { app.QueueUpdateDraw(func() { if queries.SelectSchema(t) { app.SetFocus(queries) } }) }() }) app.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { switch event.Key() { case tcell.KeyF1: app.SetFocus(schemata) case tcell.KeyF2: app.SetFocus(queries) case tcell.KeyF3: app.SetFocus(pv) case tcell.KeyEnter: if app.GetFocus() == queries { p, err := queries.Analyze() if err != nil { pv.SetError(err) } else { pv.SetPlan(p) app.SetFocus(pv) } } case tcell.KeyTAB: if app.GetFocus() == pv.tree { app.SetFocus(pv.detail) } else if app.GetFocus() == pv.detail { app.SetFocus(pv.tree) } } return event }) if err := app.SetRoot(flex, true).Run(); err != nil { log.Printf("could not create application: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } } func newSchemaSelector(db *sqlx.DB) *tview.List { v := tview.NewList() v.SetTitle("Schemata") v.SetBorder(true) v.ShowSecondaryText(false) v.SetHighlightFullLine(true) // v.SetMainTextColor(tcell.ColorDefault) // v.SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorDefault) // v.SetSelectedTextColor(tcell.ColorRed) // v.SetSelectedBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorDefault) type schema struct { SchemaName string `db:"schema_name"` } var schemata []*schema if err := db.Select(&schemata, "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata"); err != nil { v.AddItem(fmt.Sprintf("could not find schemata: %v", err), "", 'a', nil) return v } for _, s := range schemata { v.AddItem(s.SchemaName, "", 0, nil) } return v } type pg_stat_statement struct { UserID int `db:"userid"` DBID int `db:"dbid"` QueryID int64 `db:"queryid"` Query string `db:"query"` Calls int `db:"calls"` TotalTime float32 `db:"total_time"` MinTime float32 `db:"min_time"` MaxTime float32 `db:"max_time"` MeanTime float32 `db:"mean_time"` StddevTime float32 `db:"stddev_time"` Rows int64 `db:"rows"` SharedBlksHit int64 `db:"shared_blks_hit"` SharedBlksRead int64 `db:"shared_blks_read"` SharedBlksDirtied int64 `db:"shared_blks_dirtied"` SharedBlksWritten int64 `db:"shared_blks_written"` LocalBlksHit int64 `db:"local_blks_hit"` LocalBlksRead int64 `db:"local_blks_read"` LocalBlksDirtied int64 `db:"local_blks_dirtied"` LocalBlksWritten int64 `db:"local_blks_written"` TempBlksRead int64 `db:"temp_blks_read"` TempBlksWritten int64 `db:"temp_blks_written"` BlkReadTime float32 `db:"blk_read_time"` BlkWriteTime float32 `db:"blk_write_time"` } type querySelector struct { *tview.Table db *sqlx.DB stmts []*pg_stat_statement } func newQuerySelector(db *sqlx.DB) *querySelector { v := tview.NewTable() v.SetTitle("Queries") v.SetBorder(true) v.SetSelectable(true, false) // v.SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorDefault) // v.SetSelectedStyle(tcell.ColorDefault, tcell.ColorDefault, tcell.AttrReverse) // v.SetMainTextColor(tcell.ColorDefault) // v.SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorDefault) // v.SetSelectedTextColor(tcell.ColorRed) // v.SetSelectedBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorDefault) qs := &querySelector{ Table: v, db: db, } return qs } func (q *querySelector) SelectSchema(schema string) bool { q.Clear() q.stmts = make([]*pg_stat_statement, 0) if err := q.db.Select(&q.stmts, fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s.pg_stat_statements ORDER BY total_time DESC", schema)); err != nil { log.Printf("could not select schema: %v", err) cell := tview.NewTableCell(fmt.Sprintf("could not find queries: %v", err)) // cell.SetTextColor(tcell.ColorYellow) cell.SetAlign(tview.AlignCenter) cell.SetSelectable(false) q.SetCell(0, 0, cell) return false } q.SetFixed(1, 0) newHeaderCell := func(t string) *tview.TableCell { cell := tview.NewTableCell(t) cell.SetSelectable(false) // cell.SetTextColor(tcell.ColorGreen) return cell } q.SetCell(0, 0, newHeaderCell("User ID")) q.SetCell(0, 1, newHeaderCell("Query")) q.SetCell(0, 2, newHeaderCell("Calls")) q.SetCell(0, 3, newHeaderCell("Total Time")) newTableCell := func(t string) *tview.TableCell { cell := tview.NewTableCell(t) // cell.SetStyle(tcell.StyleDefault) return cell } for idx, stmt := range q.stmts { q.SetCell(idx+1, 0, newTableCell(strconv.Itoa(stmt.UserID))) q.SetCell(idx+1, 1, newTableCell(stmt.Query)) q.SetCell(idx+1, 2, newTableCell(strconv.Itoa(stmt.Calls))) q.SetCell(idx+1, 3, newTableCell(strconv.Itoa(int(stmt.TotalTime)))) } return true } func (q *querySelector) Analyze() ([]*analysis, error) { row, _ := q.GetSelection() if len(q.stmts) < row { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no queries to analyze") } stmt := q.stmts[row-1] tx, err := q.db.Beginx() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not begin transaction: %v", err) } defer tx.Rollback() type qp struct { Plan string `db:"QUERY PLAN"` } var plan qp if err := tx.Get(&plan, fmt.Sprintf("EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS, BUFFERS, VERBOSE, FORMAT JSON) %s", stmt.Query)); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not analyze query: %v", err) } if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not roll back transaction: %v", err) } a := make([]*analysis, 0) // if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(plan.Plan), &a); err != nil { if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(testPlan), &a); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal plan: %v", err) } return a, nil } type analysis struct { Plan *plan `json:"Plan"` PlanningTime float32 `json:"Planning Time"` // Triggers []string `json:"Triggers"` ExecutionTime float32 `json:"Execution Time"` } type plan struct { NodeType string `json:"Node Type"` StartupCost float32 `json:"Startup Cost"` TotalCost float32 `json:"Total Cost"` PlanRows int `json:"Plan Rows"` PlanWidth int `json:"Plan Width"` ActualStartupTime float32 `json:"Actual Startup Time"` ActualTotalTime float32 `json:"Actual Total Time"` ActualRows int `json:"Actual Rows"` ActualLoops int `json:"Actual Loops"` Output []string `json:"Output"` SharedHitBlocks int `json:"Shared Hit Blocks"` SharedReadBlocks int `json:"Shared Read Blocks"` SharedDirtiedBlocks int `json:"Shared Dirtied Blocks"` SharedWrittenBlocks int `json:"Shared Written Blocks"` LocalHitBlocks int `json:"Local Hit Blocks"` LocalReadBlocks int `json:"Local Read Blocks"` LocalDirtiedBlocks int `json:"Local Dirtied Blocks"` LocalWrittenBlocks int `json:"Local Written Blocks"` TempReadBlocks int `json:"Temp Read Blocks"` TempWrittenBlocks int `json:"Temp Written Blocks"` IOReadTime float32 `json:"I/O Read Time"` IOWriteTime float32 `json:"I/O Write Time"` ParentRelationship *string `json:"Parent Relationship"` SortKey []string `json:"Sort Key"` SortMethod *string `json:"Sort Method"` SortSpaceUsed *int `json:"Sort Space Used"` SortSpaceType *string `json:"Sort Space Type"` JoinType *string `json:"Join Type"` Strategy *string `json:"Strategy"` RelationName *string `json:"Relation Name"` Schema *string `json:"Schema"` Alias *string `json:"Alias"` RecheckCond *string `json:"Recheck Cond"` RowsRemovedByIndexRecheck *int `json:"Rows Removed by Index Recheck"` ExactHeapBlocks *int `json:"Exact Heap Blocks"` LossyHeapBlocks *int `json:"Lossy Heap Blocks"` IndexName *string `json:"Index Name"` IndexCond *string `json:"Index Cond"` ScanDirection *string `json:"Scan Direction"` ParallelAware *bool `json:"Parallel Aware"` FunctionName *string `json:"Function Name"` Plans []*plan `json:"Plans"` } type planView struct { *tview.Flex tree *tview.TreeView detail *tview.Table } func newPlanView() *planView { f := tview.NewFlex() f.SetBorder(true).SetTitle("Plan") f.SetDirection(tview.FlexRow) t := tview.NewTreeView() d := tview.NewTable() f.AddItem(t, 0, 50, true) f.AddItem(d, 0, 50, false) pv := &planView{ Flex: f, tree: t, detail: d, } t.SetSelectedFunc(func(node *tview.TreeNode) { go func() { app.QueueUpdateDraw(func() { ref := node.GetReference() if ref == nil { pv.ShowDetail(nil) return } p, ok := ref.(*plan) if !ok { pv.ShowDetail(nil) return } log.Printf("selected node named %s", p.NodeType) pv.ShowDetail(p) }) }() }) return pv } func (p *planView) SetError(err error) { p.tree.SetRoot(tview.NewTreeNode(err.Error())) } func (p *planView) SetPlan(as []*analysis) { if len(as) == 0 { p.tree.SetRoot(tview.NewTreeNode("No plan results to display")) return } if len(as) > 1 { log.Printf("skipping display of more than one analysis result") } a := as[0] root := tview.NewTreeNode(fmt.Sprintf("Query Plan (planning=%s execution=%s)", f2d(a.PlanningTime), f2d(a.ExecutionTime))) root.AddChild(buildNode(a.Plan)) p.tree.SetRoot(root) p.tree.SetCurrentNode(root) } func buildNode(p *plan) *tview.TreeNode { dur := f2d(p.ActualTotalTime) n := tview.NewTreeNode(fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", p.NodeType, dur.String())) n.SetSelectable(true) n.SetReference(p) for _, subplan := range p.Plans { n.AddChild(buildNode(subplan)) } return n } func (pv *planView) ShowDetail(p *plan) { pv.detail.Clear() if p == nil { return } pv.detail.SetCellSimple(0, 0, "Node Type") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(0, 1, p.NodeType) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(1, 0, "Startup Cost") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(1, 1, f2a(p.StartupCost)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(2, 0, "Total Cost") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(2, 1, f2a(p.TotalCost)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(3, 0, "Plan Rows") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(3, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.PlanRows)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(4, 0, "Actual Rows") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(4, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.ActualRows)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(5, 0, "Plan Width") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(5, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.PlanWidth)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(6, 0, "Actual Startup Time") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(6, 1, f2d(p.ActualStartupTime).String()) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(7, 0, "Actual Total Time") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(7, 1, f2d(p.ActualTotalTime).String()) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(8, 0, "Actual Loops") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(8, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.ActualLoops)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(9, 0, "Shared Hit Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(9, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.SharedHitBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(10, 0, "Shared Read Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(10, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.SharedReadBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(11, 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(11, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.SharedDirtiedBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(12, 0, "Shared Written Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(12, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.SharedWrittenBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(13, 0, "Local Hit Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(13, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.LocalHitBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(14, 0, "Local Read Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(14, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.LocalReadBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(15, 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(15, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.LocalDirtiedBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(16, 0, "Local Written Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(16, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.LocalWrittenBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(17, 0, "Temp Read Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(17, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.TempReadBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(18, 0, "Temp Written Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(18, 1, strconv.Itoa(p.TempWrittenBlocks)) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(19, 0, "I/O Read Time") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(19, 1, f2d(p.IOReadTime).String()) pv.detail.SetCellSimple(20, 0, "I/O Write Time") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(20, 1, f2d(p.IOWriteTime).String()) idx := 21 if p.ParentRelationship != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Parent Relationship") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.ParentRelationship) idx++ } if len(p.Output) > 0 { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Output") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, strings.Join(p.Output, ", ")) idx++ } if len(p.SortKey) > 0 { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Sort Key") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, strings.Join(p.SortKey, ", ")) idx++ } if p.SortMethod != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Sort Method") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.SortMethod) idx++ } if p.SortSpaceUsed != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Sort Space Used") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, strconv.Itoa(*p.SortSpaceUsed)) idx++ } if p.SortSpaceType != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Sort Space Type") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.SortSpaceType) idx++ } if p.JoinType != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Join Type") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.JoinType) idx++ } if p.Strategy != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Strategy") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.Strategy) idx++ } if p.RelationName != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Relation Name") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.RelationName) idx++ } if p.Schema != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Schema") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.Schema) idx++ } if p.Alias != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Alias") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.Alias) idx++ } if p.RecheckCond != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Recheck Cond") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.RecheckCond) idx++ } if p.RowsRemovedByIndexRecheck != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Rows Removed by Index Recheck") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, strconv.Itoa(*p.RowsRemovedByIndexRecheck)) idx++ } if p.ExactHeapBlocks != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Exact Heap Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, strconv.Itoa(*p.ExactHeapBlocks)) idx++ } if p.LossyHeapBlocks != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Lossy Heap Blocks") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, strconv.Itoa(*p.LossyHeapBlocks)) idx++ } if p.IndexName != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Index Name") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.IndexName) idx++ } if p.IndexCond != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Index Cond") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.IndexCond) idx++ } if p.ScanDirection != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Scan Direction") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.ScanDirection) idx++ } if p.ParallelAware != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Parallel Aware") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, fmt.Sprintf("%t", *p.ParallelAware)) idx++ } if p.FunctionName != nil { pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 0, "Function Name") pv.detail.SetCellSimple(idx, 1, *p.FunctionName) idx++ } } func f2a(f float32) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%f", f) } func f2d(f float32) time.Duration { return time.Duration(int(f)) * time.Millisecond // ms := time.Duration(int(f)) * time.Millisecond // ns := time.Duration(int((f-float32(ms))*1000)) * time.Nanosecond // return time.Duration(ms + ns) }